Tree of Savior Forum

Lags, freeze, disconnect issues on silute server

With this server state we can barely do game content, we can’t do CM stage 6-7 because of the freeze that stop everything less the times (buffs, coldowns, CM timer), we can’t do Rainbow Trek because of the high ping, not even trying WB, and this weekend we couldn’t use the 1k looting chance on HG340 because of the lag. So, the only things we can do is log-in and chat??? Please improve the host, we really need it, you ask us for “patience and understanding” but this issue has gone for too long.

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i started to play today and i was playing with a lot of lag-fighting. I think i’ll quit already.

We have posted an official announcement regarding the issues reported in Silute.

As noted, we have been taking steps in improve the situation and will continue to do so. As we monitor the server, please continue to provide us with as much information as you can via Support Ticket (such as your location, PC details, internet connection, etc) especially if you notice any changes after this week’s maintenance.

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All nice…
But the main problem is server side with the Freezes…
And the freeze is server side, not depending on the actual lag from the ISP or location… Due to it affecting the WHOLE server, NOT just some ppl from a specific country with an specific ISP…

I really do hope that with the supposed optimization at the very least the freeze is gone…

South América, not Africa

Server is as bad as before after the update, freezes will get fixed only with a good server and i don’t think IMC is willing to pay for that.

Weew. SA

Your server…

Isn’t it server sided , or you guys are really crowded. Like 100 up to klai 6.

Client side even SEA had notable lags but nowhere as bad as what you guys are experiencing. Hope imc do something about it

Client seems okay but idk about your servers/host. Seems like an infrastructure issue that is unable to host so many concurrent players. Cmon imc to go stingy on Silute , get them better bandwidth

Silute is worst than ever now.

i noticed all servers have noticable lag (silute is definitely the worst but the other servers come quite close) but klaipedia players don’t seem to complain much and just quit the game when they are fed up with it (they usually just cry on shout and expect gms to be on 24/7 to read them) :tired:

I’ve though about some of the reasons to why these freezes are happening and this could potentialy be a packet loss problem from the server side (The one i do most believe), an update that has generated a bug that sends a loop of information to the server and then flood the connection causing the freezes (Players had reported the same problem in other servers so it could be a possibility too) or some sort of connection route problem but this one i’m in doubt because all these problems had started a few months ago.

I think the best solution is to find another host in Brazil, is there really just ONE damn company to host a game with less than 5k players? Really?

Why do not take part of all the cash that we invest every month in this game because you guys prefer to launch new costumes, lootboxes and so on while the whole game keeps breathing with a lot of effort?

I even though about prefer it as a b2p game or p2p just to have a better gaming experience but the whole game is planned to be f2p and i’m not egoist at that point so, just give us proof that the investigation is real and do not try to make empty statements.

This is the 2nd chance i’m giving to this game because like a lot of players and friends here, i have fun playing it, but like this it will be really hard. And i hope that this isn’t the 2nd and last.

If there is any kind of package loss, then those ping tests we are doing should show it, no?

It is interesting, cause your ping (if you ping at the address they provided) doesn’t time out or increase the response time when a freeze occurs.

Now, I don’t have a full technical knowledge of how networks and these connections work, but I guess if you ping and you receive a response, then it means a basic connection with the server is established, no? Specially if you ping constantly and responses are always the same.

If that is correct, then these freezes should not be related to the internet connection itself (the receive-respond aspect of it), what I guess is what causes lags. Maybe it is something internal with the server program, where it might be getting overwhelmed with process and actions, then it stuck and, when these requests time-out, it return the normal activity.

As I said, I don’t have technical knowledge of it, nor known the correct words to describe properly, but this is all that I’ve noticed so far:

  1. The connection with the server is not affected during a freeze, and the ping can prove it cause it still receive responses while the game is frozen. This alone should be enough to separate lag and freeze into different anomalies, once lag (as far as I know) should be visible with ping response variations and/or timeouts

  2. We could say client (our PCs) stops, but technically we can do actions, they are not received/handled by the server. You can perform an action (ex.: using a skill) but the server seems to not receive it, or it does but doesn’t handle it. I came to this thought because, when freeze ends, there is no accumulated actions being processed all at once. Also, Market and Quests NPCs doesn’t receive your requests too, if you do them while under the freeze

  3. Server stop responding/processing. NPCs (ex.: monsters) don’t act while frozen, judging that there is no sudden movement or accumulated damage dealt by them, that should be processed when freeze ends if we assume that the freeze is a client problem (then the server would be working and monsters dealing damage on characters). They just return to their script/routine after freeze duration.

  4. Freezes have a set duration. At least for me, is always 23 seconds

  5. Population in the map does not influence, myself got freezes even questing almost alone in maps. Although it might influence the frequency they happen (judging by Sausys Room 9 channel 1 and assuming that Challenge Modes are handle in the same channel as the regular map, like a Boss fight from a quest)

  6. It doesn’t happen on instances. Nobody ever showed any proof of a freeze happening inside instances. I’ve been trying to record one, but never got a single freeze inside Raid, Instanced Dungeons, Saalus and ET.

  7. Timers still count (buffs, CM timer), but I guess this is something handled by the client

  8. Regular chat doesn’t work. Party, Shout and World chats works fine

  9. Started with the Wizard Rework Patch and are going on since that day

This is all the information that I got by observing the freezes more closely. If someone with proper knowledge can read and find anything that I might be missing, please help us solving this mystery.

EDIT: sorry for the wall text… I always loose control and dive into thoughts while typing :tired:

EDIT2: @STAFF_Letitia , cause you know I’m not gonna do a wall text without tagging you here haha

Your thoughts aren’t wrong, we aren’t experts but we are customers so we can just think about what it could be and wait for a statement, but i think that when a problem like this keeps going through a bunch of weeks we at least need some updates about their investigations, telling us that they’re just investigating and people keeps getting more upset each day and start to quit again just affect the game overall.

I do not know if the game runs through an emulator, some sort of sql and this peek and poke things that send request, receive answer from client/server side is the threat here because as you said people had made a lot of ping tests and it do not spikes and the actions do not accumulate, they’re skipped/ignored like frames.

For sure we will need compensations, people are loosing CM entries, i’ve lost a lot of minutes of my 8x exp tomes and so on.

That’s why i fear games with engines that aren’t popular like this path engine, when they need to find problems like these they cut the solving response time a lot because they aren’t a big company with a lot of devs to solve the problem faster and because the engine has been made just for this game only them have the knowledge. If the game was in UE3, UE4 or some sort of popular engine i think our problems could be solved in a few days.

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guys give up, this game is dead, gm does not care about us.

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I didn’t mind the periodically freezes for months but right now is impossible to play, its like a freeze or lag every 5 seconds.