Tree of Savior Forum

[KTOS] Socerer, How much DMG without SPR gears?

Summon damage power is changed to be affected by weapon magic attack and SPR.

When you put some spr equips youll need to re-summon to take efect.

Looks like in korea it’s no longer snapshotting your weapon when you summon; it constantly updates, but for SPR it does take a snapshot.

@Valentine nope it does not … watch his full video

he does around 70k-75k without gear

but with gear he does around 85k-95k :smiley_cat: ( also he needed to re-summon )

Edit: he also switch weapons … and i think his Skull Smasher gives him way lower weapon matk than his Regard Horn Staff

the summon damage based on spr is already implemented in iToS or only in kToS? Sorry I just came back lol

^ same question. If anyone could enlighten us.

Yes, it is.

But damage scale with weapon magic attack is not implement in iTOS yet.

In iToS, summons scale with both SPR and weapon magic attack already.

But the scaling is very low, and will be increased with the patch that kToS got already.

In Itos summons dont scale with weapon magic atack, only spr.

@rafael4lves it scales atm also with weapon matk … Valentine is right

like Valentine said … it scales only very low

Edit: but i think weapon matk scales atm not with ride skills from sorcerer

No bro dont scale, i’ve done many tests, probably the weapon have int or spr (int increase summon damage in grimoire, but very low increase) stats which increase summons dmg but not the weapon itself. Equipe an weapon wich no stats, just pure magic atack, nothing change.

@rafael4lves okay tested it again … and maybe you are right :thinking:

i probably used my Vienarazis Staff with my other Sorcerer at the moment i tested it

Your tests are probably very sloppy. I equipped a Migantis Rod (just 1053 m.atk and 77 m.amp, no change in SPR), and tested on Hanamings. My temple shooter consistently hit 5k-6k per hit. After killing hanamings for 3 minutes, I swapped to one of the trash weapons you can buy at item shop (20 m.atk), and my TS was hitting 4k-5k (mostly 4k’s) for 3 minutes.

You want to test for a prolonged period of time because summons have huge attack ranges, and hanamings are ideal subjects because their defense is close to 0.

Never in the 3 minutes of testing did my TS hit 6k damage when I had the trash weapon equipped, whereas when I had the migantis rod equipped it clearly hit 6k many times. Both weapons only give magic damage and nothing else.

Additionally, I’ve witnessed firsthand how transcending my Regard Horn Staff from 0 to stage 4 has increased my summon damage.

Test Weapons:


My migantis rod is +7 enhanced.

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@Valentine same was for me when i tested it 1 month ago … but i tested it again for 3 min to see if rafael4lves is right and my damage didn’t changed at all

i used an Pevordimas Rod +9 and to test it i was equip it off and on ( with re-summon )

but i don’t know… it is really strange :thinking:

Did you see what the maximum damage was both times, or just the ranges?

@Valentine i was hitting 5k-6,5k with and without weapon

Hmmm…Here’s another way to test that tries to account for the huge damage range summons have:

Equip your pevordimas rod and ride, kill a decent number of hanamings and keep track of only the highest number you see (without crits). (Also unequip all other gear except weapon).

Unequip and resummon and repeat.

Doing this, my highest number with Migantis rod was 7.4k dmg after 3 mins, and no weapon was 6.9k after 3minutes.


@Valentine i will definitely try that tomorrow … and share my results

@Valentine Okay i can also confirm that weapon matk scaling is in the game atm with summon ( pets )

6900 max hit 5-7 min testing with weapon

5900 max hit 10 min testing without weapon

at Hanamings

If you ride, you share a little of your status with the summon (is in skill description), but if you don’t ride nothing change, i’ve transcend my skull smasher to the stage 5 (100% more matack) and nothing change if i dont ride, my main character is a sorcerer 3, i’ve test so many times and i can state without fear that it does not change at all.