Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v5.0

Oh so the damage buff is only for 10 seconds

This translation patch was post#134

mine is post#180
so there is 46 post in between

statistically speaking:
2 post commenting marnox
3 post about new card
6 post swordman
5 post pokemon
2 post scout
1 post wizard
2 post archer
22 post cleric

everytime IMC nudge all 5 tree SFR, cleric-mains seems to be the most ambitious out of 5 class tree to discussed it meticulously, hehe


yours is 186
20 charrrrrrr

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The baffling thing to me is that Melstis still has that completely unnecessary RNG skill activation (75% on basic attacks and 25% on skill attacks) and 5 Holy Powder requirement in order to gain stacks while pretty much all others classes simply have to press 1 button to activate their + 100% dmg buffs.

Turn Melstis into a simple buff that increases Krivis skill damage by 100% and all other skills by 50% to make up for the loss of the Divine Stigma damage buff. No RNG activation, no nonsensical stack mechanic and they can keep the item requirement for all I care.

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just here though, which doesnt really matter actually
sadly, to really reach out dev, krtos community that does matter and look, the latest patch to inquisitor post together with muskek.theres only one comment about inquisitor while the rest are muskek.nobody even comment about zealot. great.more fire arts incoming.

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I started to play last Nov 2019, Im totally new that time(zero knownledge). As far as I remember, the meta is mergen.


I have a question.
In 4 years of service, meta changes in a short period of time?

To be fair, Cleric changes make up for about half the class changes in that patch, and to be honest IMO the Magic Cleric buffs make no sense at all especially given how Magic Clerics were still ahead of the DPS game in the Cleric tree as compared to Physical Clerics, along with the advantages of going Magic instead of Physical.

IMC be giving Physical Clerics some damage buffs with annoying conditions (20 Monk hits followed by using a 60s cooldown skill in a 5s buff time window or redo the 20 stacks, hitting 50 Inquisitor hits to get the full damage buff, a damage buff that comes with reduced healing) along with some noteworthy nerfs. Meanwhile, IMC be dropping better damage buffs onto Magic Clerics, be it by the amount of damage boosted or additional critical buffs, with no annoying conditions on them nor much nerfs if any at all. Its very obvious how much IMC loves their Magic Clerics and how much they hate Physical Clerics.

Other Cleric classes were also in need of buffs, such as Miko, Krivis, Kabbalist and more, so its an especially huge patch for Clerics.


This. We really don’t need more “big AoE heal” classes in the Tree. Give more classes that do more interesting/active things. Kabba can still excel at healing, it just needs something new and unique.

Mergens started strong but late 2017-2018 was mostly DPS wizard meta. Mergen came back strong after Rebuild and the SFR changes, but I would argue now that there is very strong competition between many other DPS classes. There are 2-3 extremely strong builds per base class, and a lot more flexibility in the archer tree itself.


Long forgotten are the days of 0 CD Skyliner, Krivis / Sadhu and Scout / Split Arrow Lvl 170 dungeon farming meta!

the thing is people or most likely cleric hater hate the idea of unique skill for cleric

safety zone? nerfed
ausrine old effect?nerfed
melstis extra duration?nerfed
stera trofh old?nerfed
merkabah comfort? probably
revive? probably

while its seems like a lot of peeps talk about cleric here, krtos community who main cleric magic dps are just some minority, and dont even ask about physical dps cleric cause they seem really dont care.nor imc.and during age of tree of clerics, clerics been suffer through high level of nerfs, when imc didnt really separate nerf between pvp/pve.following up with some wizards during the age of tree of wizards. those nerf targets were most likely those who excels in pvp and receive tremendous amount of hate by majority especially big-o-whale.
lets see what will happen during this age of tree of swordman.


well clerics are lacking a summon focus class with bokor gone, diev sorta counts but statues are so stationary, if only khabalist got a golem keter malkuth from khabalism :v maybe they can also have an aoe heal over time around the golems as a full support clerics I want to do episodes without changing classes for dps, spirit means you are a healer or summoner but never at the same time,bringing a diev miko to a skia and calling yourself a healer is just begging to be kicked


YESSSS make it real u.u although i think it is easier for them to create another class focused on summon than to change the kabbalist


Hope to dev team: march edition


Translation of one of the suggestions here:

Player suggestion: Please improve Team Battle League.

Players are reluctant to participate in PVP in MMORPGs because of a consistent problem where large equipment gaps result in fights becoming one-sided. When we look at the statistics for the number of people that participate in the first vs second rounds of Gemstone Feud, this becomes clear. The development team has identified two important areas that need to be improved before we can continue to focus on PVP. The first is the further development of game rules which tighten the equipment gap between players, and the second is resolving class balance problems. In particular, gear differences in small PVP content such as Team Battle League have a much larger influence, and fixing this would greatly improve many of the problems in this content.

Currently, the resources of the development team are focused on improving the PVE, social, and community aspects of the game, with priority going toward content we explained in the road map, while development on PVP content has been indefinitely postponed. It will be difficult to provide an update of when we will make further development on PVP content, but we will provide information as soon as possible when there is any.


btw is there any info about the legend raid that we get upgrade form of drakonas and moring stuff? Like new mechanic in raid and thing like that?

At least they know the problems with PvP. Not big into it. But id like to try hoping in one day knowing I won’t die in a milli second

or simply do it in tbl and other pvp modes like in gemstone create a category with your own equipment and a category with equipment chosen at the same time for both sides u.u

Statistics about Gem Feud mean nothing, as people will join the first session solely for the exp cards. Remove those and the stats will be identical, as the PVE people who participate more to the first session will be counterbalanced by the PVP people who participate more to the second session.


exp cards? you mean the ones that the mob drops?,
i didn’t know that there is that kind reason why players join 1st session.

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it’s not like top 3 TBL won’t kill you in instant in any ‘balance gear pvp’. The strongest people in normal feud also dominate uniform feud thanks to AP, art, card and just experience in general. And addition to that you will also get killed by every single walking through Blossom Blader, Crusader and Rangda because it’s 40k SFR vs your 0 CON body.

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