Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v5.0

kLive Patch Arts Changes 7/23/20

(Translation of changes from post on inven)

Flash art is now Slash damage
Swashbuckling art nerfed (duration 5s -> 3s)
Dragontooth art nerfed (cd +5s)
Blink art no longer applies [Ultimate Dimension: Enlarged Magic Circle] and [Micro Dimension: Duplicate]
Evil Spirit art will no longer apply to spirits that were created while the art was disabled
Cryomancer art also adds +10% damage taken from Ice property on top of the previous effect
Spiral Arrow art buffed, no longer reduces number of hits
Downfall art nerfed (2s channel -> 0.5s+0.1s per skill level)
Bazooka art buffed (speed 25 -> 30, pvp 10 -> 15)
Divine Machine Arrow art buffed (now hits 3 times)
Insurance art buffed (no longer nerfed duration in PVP, 60s in PVE/PVP)
Sniper’s Serenity art buffed (cast time penalty 1.5s -> 1.0s)
Beak Mask art poison lasts 7 seconds
Revenged Sevenfold art buffed (no longer nerfed duration in PVP, 1s per skill level in PVE/PVP)
Lycanthropy art no longer says it makes your eyes glow, same gameplay benefits as before
Palm Strike art changed from doubling AoE Attack Ratio to adding +10

Archstone Drop Changes

They’ve revamped which content drops Archstone Fragments vs the finished Archstone.

The chance of obtaining Archstone fragments from Misrus, Dimensional Collapse Point, Weekly Boss Raid, and Legend Raids has been greatly increased.


Game literally unplayable.


The speed of the revision is the same as the number of games that my friends are not on


@staff please push this change to us as soon as humanly possible thank you we love you :sad:

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why tho? so arch stone will be even more rare?

I know it’s early in the morning but c’mon

so they nerfed sage… lol


They removed 4 chances of fragments/stone from uphill and removed chances for finished stone from misrus and collapse, though. And “greatly increased” really doesn’t mean much unless we know the values…an increase from 0.5% to 1% would be a great increase as well, since it’s double the value. And still terrible considering you need 10 of those and it’s all weekly timegated content. In that regard, removing chances of completed stones in collapse - which could be done a bit more times via vouchers - may even be detrimental.


So are we going to ignore the fact that they remove blessed gem from merc shop despite EVERY SINGLE RECIPE NEEDING 100 of those now?

  • greatly increased its not a number, 0,01->0,02 its greatly increased, for example.
  • they removed the completed one.
  • you need a bit of fragment to make a stone AND you need fragment for other stuffs too.

so yes, even late afternoon, my comment still stand.

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Could somebody explain the point of this one? For me it not just seems mechanicaly useless but way way worse than the original.
I kinda hoped for a change on this one…

But rly if someone explains this art to me and its use I’m curious. X)


The point is to use the art for Glacier Raid and not bring a 2nd Cleric with Exorcist’s Dark Rubric to reduce the Witch’s Attack. Which is what some kTOS party has been doing. Although i still think Exorcist for support might be a better idea due to Rubric’s uptime.

Edit: Dark Rubrick might work different than Foretell’s art but it’s still an option i guess.

Edit2: Damage reductions have diminishing returns, making Magic Shield + Foretell less effective.

Foretell reduces damage by 57%, thats going to be very impactful even if you already have a ton of damage reduction stacked.
The advantage could be seen as not having to sit on top of the foretell circle to gain the advantages of the damage reduction, but the power loss from the arts is simply too severe.

I think that’s what it wants to be too…but… if it is still a magic circle and not a debuff then it means instead of you the enemy should sit on top of it… what I think is worse and more hard than do it urself. I can force myself to stand in the circle but I can’t force the enemy to stand in it. Bosses like to be in one place more but still there are some that moves a lot so…idk…

I think there is something with it that is not mentioned in the description like maybe it is a debuff that stays on the enemy. It still could be a magic circle that provides the debuff.
But in a lot of ways I don’t see how its scaling is justified anyway…
It could have better duration too maybe… idk… but I rly think something is missing here… because I don’t see it useful in any way if it is just what that short description says.

@NotVau like @Fenatte said I think the original is still better. -12% vs -57% is a big difference but I don’t rly know how these are calculated so if it is somehow magically will turn out to be better overally with the combination of magic shield I accept it :smiley:

Wish there would be more videos of new arts but I almost only see Ludotos uploading videos about it on youtube.

Damage reduction on bosses was capped to 15% even before this patch. You don’t get the full effect if you stack it with other damage reduction effects.

It enables you to debuff the boss and have it benefit party members without them having to stand in a circle. I’m not arguing it’s good, but that’s the point.

Finally, damage taken reduction effects have always been multiplicative. There’s no benefit to be gained by reducing the enemy’s damage dealt vs just taking less.

Enemy hits for 1000 damage
Player has -40% damage taken reduction: 600 damage taken
Player also has foretell art for -10% damage dealt from boss: 540 damage taken
Player has a different, -10% damage taken reduction effect: 540 damage taken

1000 * 0.90 * 0.60 = 540

It doesn’t matter what order you calculate it in:

1000, foretell art -10% = 900
Reduce by 40% = Still 540

Compare that to without the art:

1000, foretell -30% = 700
Reduce by 40% = 420 damage taken

This is without enhance attributes. Assuming the Foretell art gets the enhance attribute too, you can’t even get the full benefit from it, since it goes to -16% and then is capped to -15%. This only gets worse when combined with Divine Might or other skill level bonuses, since Foretell’s art continues to be capped while the original keeps getting better.


They increase the chance to get Arch Stone Fragment. ( I bet it still low asf ) AND:
They removed change to get crafted Arch Stone from Uphill, Misrus and DCP. You only can get the crafted Stone from Raid and WBR cube now.
They removed Blessed Gem from Mercenary Badge Shop, but they doesnt decrease the amount required to craft : new unique gears, Art ( level 30 now ), Ark ( level 10 now ), and Transcendence despite need hundreds of BG to craft them.
IMC want to make some items in game become more valuable by being too stingy towards their users.

It is not something that should be done after all that the player has experienced all the time


Do we know when we are getting the Police themed goddess cubes on the NA server yet. Just curious if this upcoming goddess cube arriving after this boruta seal letcias is going to be the one, thanks.

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Yes this Tuesday :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Those are all nice and pretty ya. Sorry to say but sadly, exactly the same reason why we don’t receive necessary game improvements and bug fixes… Because IMC still cashing in on cubes and such… :sweat:


Since CM Hard Mode is removed completely on kLive now, and we are supposed to get patch up to legend glacier next week, do you think there is a chance iTos will have its patch matches kLive for the first time? :hey: