Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v5.0

I would be already satisfied if they just gave Rapier classes to Scout Tree.

I think the Swordsman Tree should be what it is in their gamecode: the Warrior tree. Fencing is not for warring scenarios (as in, long battles against armies), it is made for fast, precise, clean duels and stealthy operations.

The only real use of Rapiers on warring scenarios are as ornament swords in military ceremonial events, which technically would fit if there was a sinergy with Templar, but well, it isn’t the case.

Also another problem is the sword being so useless. There are no useful fixed ichors for it, no skills whatsoever to use with the sword and the only skill i could think of that makes use for it is Double Attack, and even with that the buff is pathetic.
And when you’re a BM, that sword is gonna become even more useless because you can’t slash anymore!
You know what fixed ichor i use for my sword? VVR slash space :sad:

I was talking to a friend about allowing all classes to wield daggers and have something like double attack but in reverse; adding attack to main weapon in proportion to that of your subweapon.

You could limit it to certain classes- Retiarius as an example since it already has some dagger use though… it hasn’t aged well

Even know you could put Fencer in the scout tree and have a lot of synergy Rogue, Outlaw Sherif assasin Corsair even linker.
And Barbarian Fencer feels so wrong…

And they killed other synergys in the scout tree as well like Rogue and Outlaw.

I think Fencers would even be less suited in a scout tree - as if that tree isn’t an hodgepodge enough already.
If anything, the issue is that they kept removing synergies with rapier classes - even to the point of giving different bonuses specifically for spear attacks, despite being pierce weapons as well - while not adding anything that would synergize with them, or even just a third rapier class. And of the two, it’s fencer the one pulling almost all the weight. Matador doesn’t do much beside buffing crit rate.
But even synergies wouldn’t solve much, since the issue lies in the lack of physical attack. They should put a mastery that increases attack based on dagger and eventually rebalance some SFR, otherwise there will always be a large disparity between rapier classes and two-handed weapon wielders, even when both aren’t using shields (and thus should have the same offensive capabilities).
Having actual daggers that synergize with rapier classes would help too…it’s the same issue some scout classes have with their main weapon. Some, like Rangda, still have good choices available (like the vaivora sword for additional damage stats). Others aren’t that lucky.


I think the fix to the 1h problem should really just be something which converts shield defense/magic defense to attack/magic attack outside of PVP, and have the gain be equivalent to 2h/trinket. As long as a shield isn’t giving defense there’s no harm done. Give people options. This game used to be about options… :joy:

edit: Double dagger class would be nice, they still need to fill out scout and archers so maybe they’ll add something that forces everybody who wants to play dagger to pick it up…


This ^

At least they make it useful for sandblast attribute now, we don’t have to lure monsters to use it. :prince:

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Imagine there will be new tree class and it’s fighter class which is the main weapon are Fist,knuckle, or something that fit with their class.

Nak Muay,monk would be nice rather then stuck on Swordman tree and cleric.

Outlaw should be fighter class too i guess.

I just wanna they add Luchador
They already forget about that class one lol


Nak Muay, Taekwondo, Karata, Wresting, Jujutsu, Kung Fu :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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Hi, guys.
Anyone can link me the new red cards (mercenary shop)? NPC that give %DMG.

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And some robot classes would be nice too.

Still waiting for then to fix the Templar Horse, at least the jump animation or making possible use legendary set skill

Or Cyborg. Enhancing armament via plugging stuff on your arm would be cool.

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new ktest patch:


Dangit! Why don’t the Arts have descriptions…

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Ah, so they are there. Thought they didn’t implement the new arts at all with this patch, since i didn’t see them mentioned. Good to know they’re there, then.

Ok, so it seems there is yet another Epee Garde art and a Faena one. Mh, we’ll see. Faena is kinda bad by itself. Maybe with the new crit rate ichors from armors we could shave some points off olè and muleta, if it’s good.
Regarding Epee Garde, gotta see if it works along the old one. Would be rather annoying if it didn’t.
Edit: albeit, i’m not sure about Faena having an art after. I’m using google translate and i saw a Water Wheel: Paena, but usually it’s the skill first in the name, so maybe that’s another thing entirely…
…and indeed, Water Wheel is the google translation of Muleta. So, uh, dunno.

No Arts for Alchemist… there are 16 new Arts for Wizard and there are 17 class.
Also they nerfed Alchemistic Missile, you can’t cast while walking anymore…

So sad :sad: Poor Alchemistake


There are some neat skill factor increases included in this patch for a lot of classes especially Onmyoji and Runecaster.

Though, I can’t shake the feeling that IMC is trying to screw with Templars with a measly ~100% skill factor increase for Mortal Slash and Alchemists getting a nerf even though their attack skills haven’t been updated in a century.

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Talking about beating a dead horse! This is the MOST DISGUSTING, HILARIOUS and UNNECESSARY change i read since the last weak monk buff! :tired: