Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v5.0

Much, much better.

Wow, more heal power, so amazing.
I already have way overkill heal power for PvE, so i donā€™t get what more heal power will help me. Its not even that much stronger than skiaclipse compassion set.

I guess you can say this set is more PvP oriented, since heals are much lower efficiency there, but for PvE healer, we really dont need more healing.

Agreed, but I do appreciate the change. Healers donā€™t need Critical Rate nor the other stats. Since I do heal at PVP, Iā€™ll definitly try to get that set though. Upgrade my healing to 30% will help.

Wait a secondā€¦ Does the Common Seal increases healing too now?

Infinity Blessing: hello sheriffā€™s fanning.

These details make me less interested in wasting my time online.
New gears, new equipments, new dungeons and from one week to another everything we had turns out to be obsolete or less potent/strong.
I love the game. Really, I thinks everybody here does! But at some extent IMC makes me question myself about continue playing.

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I donā€™t rly. i was rly considering it for my chaplainā€¦now I have no set. I think I canā€™t even activate oasisā€¦ XD ( I donā€™t remember much what were the earlier sets thoā€¦but because as i remember nothing rly impressed meā€¦ )

You mean full support healersā€¦ what about hybrids? SPR+crit is not the worst thing ever. I almost felt like for a minute imc cares about different kind of buildsā€¦ Now itā€™s just your average healer set that keeps repeating itself.
Wellā€¦sad day for meā€¦
I think at least they could have make a new setā€¦because those stats rly seemed like chaplain statsā€¦


people are used to Healer=Priest and its sooooooooo boring, i was hyped for those crit too, but who needs crit? here, take some SP :zzz: :zzz: :zzz:


Iā€™m sorry to hear. I main healers and full supports and I was quite sad with the old set. Maybe a STR/INT Fixed ichor might help your case? Maybe the overlord set?

To be fair, Krivis, for one, could use those critical rate for Aukuras heals and be more useful. But really at that point, itā€™s actual and meaningful class changes that it needs, not buffs via new armor.


Hybrid builds are not generally supported because you sacrifice way too much from a hybrid cleric. Losing out on important buffs like dievdirby or oracle. I think supporting is cemented as a full time job in this regard, especially after this armor change. Personally i wouldnt bring a hybrid healer either way, at least after ein sof nerf.

I usually wait to see. Who knows how things will be when they get here?

And how much someone needs to buy per month to be a whale? Buying a 900TP pack every month or so is enough? If so, Iā€™m a whale, I supposeā€¦ if not, youā€™re make assumptions. And for sure I donā€™t rmt. Itā€™s illegal, itā€™s dumb, and itā€™s cheap. So no.

I do play. I just donā€™t make it a chore. I take my time. I have to ichor/enhance/trans/whatever? Okay, but not all in the same day, not all as soon as it is out. Itā€™s not my day job. Itā€™s not an obligation. I have no quotas, no daily goals. I play leisurely (after all, I want to relax after a day working and having to meet quotas and daily goals that I canā€™t fail), so my hobby canā€™t be as demanding as my job. If a game (no only this one, ANY game) starts demanding too much of me, just too things can happen: I quit (and I suppose thatā€™s the argument you all are putting here) or Iā€™m putting to many importance on something that should be fun for me, not stressful.

Iā€™m just asking why all of you takes this so seriousy. Itā€™s bad for your health (not being condescending here, I swear) and makes the game lose any fun it could have for you.

Iā€™m planning on getting only the PVE set, as I only play PVE, but then, donā€™t even have Vaivora weapons yet, and Iā€™m not in any rush to get some. I suppose my point of view is more the one of a more or less casual player, so itā€™s quite different from the hardcore ones.

(and sorry for the crazy rambling. English is not my first language. If I sounded rude or if you misendertood me, please, tell me. Thanks!)


can u call druid healing grass is a hybrid build for any cleric dps build , some cleric with that grass can DPS weekly boss without dodge boss mechanic just stand and hit

The problem is that a new piece of equipment requires a lot of work before you can take it into use, which makes aquireing those gears feel less meaningful, because theres a lot of hoops you have to go through to actually use this new piece of equipment.
New equipment cycles are natural in any MMO, but in ToS there are so many different ways of enhancing your equipment, that you dont just need to get the new gear, but then have to deal with all manners of RNG methods of upgrading that piece of gear, which can even permanently break your equipment, nullifying all your progress in the last couple of weeks of playing.
The ichor system despite having the annoying extraction, at least persists through tier upgrades, so youā€™re never losing that strength when upping a tier, but stuff like enchant jewels, awakenings, enhancement, socketing and transcending are all very impactful and can be neccesary before your new shiny equipment is even an upgrade from your old equipment. With enhancing being the worst offender, because your gear can be be weaker or a smaller upgrade than you expected due to pure chance.
Though it should be said, that glacier is quite strong, even at low enhancement levels due to the much higher base stats of the item, so even when screwing up your enhance on these pieces, they can still be respectable upgrades.


I seeā€¦ you think it would be less stressful if, like ichor, all of those could be (respecting some boundaries, maybe) be transfered unto new equipment?

If I was taking gearing seriously, i would have every Ichor for specific things, WBR, Moring H, etc, etc.

Iā€™m not even there yet, as mentioned Iā€™m a returning player (playing for 1+ month so far) The experience was much horrible than how gearing was back then. They simply added more random to something thatā€™s already tiring.

I only have one set of random+fixed ichors and one of them actually ate 40+ golden ichor kit. I only have one set (ataka) of Varna Leather gear (yes, I pvp yet I donā€™t have smugis-- Ataka seems to be the choice because this allows me to WBR efficiently too), I donā€™t even have plate for pvp or cloth for healer, itā€™s already this tiring. Iā€™m not even close to min-maxing.

Every other game Iā€™m excited af to run something because Iā€™ll get a new gear and be stronger with it + some optional upgrades, here, I just say ā€œā– ā– ā– ā– , I have to go through all these things againā€. That is the problem. Donā€™t worry, Iā€™m not mad at you directly or anything, more like annoyed since this update cut off several players from playing, my irl friends and guild included.


People are just starting to vomit the amount of RNG this game involve when itā€™s about gearing your character, and thatā€™s for one character only. IMC is just milking the game right now, and the next big patch is clearly screaming it.


When the entire gaming world is reeling from Gacha scandal, IMC seems to be doubling down with their obsession with Gacha. More Gacha seems to be their solution for every problem. To list just few example.

  1. Boruta Seal upgrade fail chance is painful.

Solution: Instead of fixing or introducing a way to get the upgrade chance to 100% with a tangible grind, they add more Gacha to get seals.

  1. Need more sure way of getting Archstone

Solution: Goddess Gacha

  1. Need way for people to get demon fragments and the cards out of rotation from merc shop

Solution: Gacha

  1. There are a lot of Trash VV and people are finding it hard to get a specific VV since some of it are basically required to make a class playable, like SM.

Solution: 3 for one random VV. They could have make it a fragment system. They could have make it 3 for a choice of vv or even, they could take steps to fix the trash VV and their associated class but no. They choose the gacha route.

  1. Lack of supply on market for certain items and need people to be able to get limited but powerful item such as Boruta card

Solution: Leticia Cube

At a point, we have to wonder what is wrong with the mind of the developer. Are their Koreanā€™s player really that gambling addicted that they clamor for more gacha? Are the developers just out of idea for content?

The funny thing is, in the past they already knew that player hate over RNG in their gearing system. The accessible of event Golden and Ruby anvil compared to a few year ago is a clear indication of them trying to fix enchantment. The change from random mystic tome art gacha. The increased chance of ichoring from 5% to 10% and the addition (as well as always accessible event version) Golden Extraction kit. So they know over RNG gearing system frustrate player and yet they keep on repeating the same mistake over and over again.

Each successive update feel like one step forward, ten step back for this game.


Itā€™s not just koreans. Japanese and other non-english gaming community are addicted to gacha. Just look at the trend on mobile games now.

If you are familiar with the mobile game Mobile Legends, a single Legendary Skin can cost you up to $200 (guaranteed at 200 spins).

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