Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v5.0


Come to think of it it’s quite amazing tos survived for 6th years. That must be lots lots of cubes drawn.


December update notice part 2

New legend raid for upgrading legend tier acc to goddess tier.
new systems to craft special elixirs that can buff you + get mats to enter special content for new ear-ring accessory(new slot)

Changes to wbr rewards, deletion of uphill and DCP.

Scout class remake schedule is pushed to end of jan to accomodate for this update.


STR + 162
CON + 64
Crit rate + 396
Physical Crit Attack + 2244
Attack against medium types + 1800

When physical attack skills hit, activate [Soul Slash] around the target.

[Soul Slash]
Deal 1000% SFR in 100 range (Max 5 targets Non PvP or Max 3 in PvP) with a CD of 1 Sec.
Attack type of [Soul Slash] is the same as the previous physical attack skill that activated it.

[Dragon Strength: 2]
[Soul Slash] SFR increases to 1300% when wearing full set.

STR + 150
DEX + 150
CON + 150

Ranger [Tier 2] skill lv. +3
Hwarang [Tier 1] skill lv. +4
App [Tier 2 ]skill lv. +3


so the goddess accessory will follow goddess gear philosophy of inheriting then use a bunch of material to enhance. This is a good thing since everyone and their mother have luciferi t10 with those freebie they gave us and in the end you only lose attack number and not some game changing special effect if you can’t clear the raid. On the other hand it seem like everyone is alchemist now lol. I’m on edge with the earing since it looks like some overpowered item that really grindy and you need a well made party to do it.

Someone please explain to me what in Marnox’s arse is that elixir thing that looks like a huge pain in the behind and should’ve probably been exclusive to Alchemist or something.

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A way to make people spend time by doing archeology event redux to get ingredients, and then use them in this grid-based minigame where you use the ingredients mentioned above to move the potion toward the ? spots, by avoiding the X spots, with movements that vary by the ingredient used (but always in an L/horse-type movement, it would appear). And then you use those elixirs to do that bernice-like dungeon (that can be done in solo or party modes). It wouldn’t make sense to make it an alchemist-only stuff, given it’s more of a minigame rather than the alchemist skills, and it seems like something for self-use (dunno if they can even be sold).

New Raid after Medusa…looks interesting.

An upgrade from the Lucifer’s trinkets into a full Goddess tier Accessory. I legit hope there will be an update to make crafting Lucifer (or this new “Ishadabi”) a bit faster than 3-4 months and luck.

Archeology System. Ok, they are actually using the map they already have as a content. I like it.

Elixir Making. So we will be able to craft elixirs. Looks interesting, as a lover of crafting myself.

(Notice how they are making Alchemist less and less useful. Dig skill replaced with this Archaeology mechanic. Magnum Opus having enough size to make Homunculi? Nah, smash that mechanic into a new Elixir tinkering)

A new mechanic to add new skills to harder content. Ok, enhancing party content, I like it, I like it. And interference from Gabija on harder battles? Dope.

New stuff to smash into our earrings. Good Goddess, they really couldn’t hold themselves back for too long, huh?

Uphill and Dimensional Collapse are going to be removed. And their rewards are going to be “distributed” within the reward table of the Weekly Boss. Sadge, I liked Uphill. Dimensional is gone, and I won’t particularly miss its stupidity, but it was fun to see healers carry our sorry ass on them.

And Scout update was postponed to January. I’m not surprised. Not saying a single thing on the previous post (aside from “we are planning it”) already pointed to that decision.
grabs the popcorn before heading to the Scout’s den and watch the rage

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Is this + to all skills on that class?

rework alchemy??? pleaaaase

Nooooooooooooooooooo :sob:

Just my speculation but it’s like tier 1 for skill with 15 levels max and tier 2 for 10lv skills etc

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Interesting… you could be on to something. It’s either soemthing like that or tiers just determine how many skill points you get…and then I guess tier 1 is the best…

On the other hand I think skills that are in the same row in the skill window are the ones in the same tier maybe. A max lvl 5 skill can be in the first row too I mean.

Also either way it will be an awesome new rng we can cry about :sob:

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I’m so happy they’re getting rid of Uphill and DCP. I find both so tedious that I never do them even though I want the rewards. Looks like the rewards will most likely be moved to some other activity.

If I have to mindlessly grind something then I’d at least prefer it to be quick and painless…

That skill lv increase gonna make them rebalance skill again, mark my word, I guess they just love to doing it, fooling around with skill number probably a specialty they could add to their cv

this. I could already see a future of people calling a swordman build with earing that give blossom blader skill (especially start up) busted or wizard with +4 on taoist skill meta and melt boss in seconds.

Ah yes, exactly what we needed - a new item slot which at first glance, seems op :tired:
It’s not like we have 2 or 3 such slots already :tired:

I can already imagine the rng hell it might take to get good earrings.

Removal of uphill and DCP is really nice though, good riddance.

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Wow. Can we get 10 slots of ring for 2023?
I believe there’s still enough space, even for more


Always Farming to new equipments. TOS Develop team seems no more new ideas. Very ridiculous.

i love they finally making move on reviving magnum opus and that metal detector thing
thats awesome, appreciate that
but why the purpose of those feature end up in another “seeking power” quest??
to craft elixir to be stronger in contents?? dont tell me there is all to that.
i meant why cant those two contents are just for fun like it used to be for example creating hair costumes, high grade materials, and finding treasures
this planned updates should have add more raw mats can be found in field, more high grade mats/hair costume can be crafted, more treasures can be dig, more fun!!
even when they add stuffs to this feature incrementally i personally think its more interesting rather than shaping it as another content to powering up character all over again when we had quite plenty
why everything has come down to power-up goal again??
why are the devs look like some maniac to damage numbers??
obviously getting stronger is one aspect of game, but theres more to that
this is lab stuffs so its highly subject of change and i hope they somewhat realize it
unless this is what kr actually wants, well, this isnt my cup of tea


I hope that what seems to be an evolution of the magnum opus is. If it isn’t, honestly, why don’t you delete the Alchemist class? They are killing her more and more.