Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v5.0

rather than obssesion to informed others i would prefer call it endless disappointment and expectations that not achieved unsurprisingly from many of us. if you read what you actually know what its about than its you to blame, its open forum, tldr

and dont worry many who still complain like me included actually already leave, hiatus, and spawning here sheldomly, expecting something good, but then again turn down each time

also everyone experienced enough with the game, knowing the “tricks” and what to do first, how to play optimally (more like play like a robot), having tons of free time to grinds, being in a group of carrier and being a shameless leechs or simply being a p2w, can speak so lightly about those walls

meanwhile those who are new or old enough but clueless, got limited playtime,f2p,play like a good kid they are with single account and not “abusing” any possible ways to boost their progressing pace, will take some time just to achieve one of those wall just to be greet by another set of wall. and when they havent even passed all the walls in this era, imc already prepared another set of walls.

the current situation only fit for those veteran who already set for next content meanwhile the rest majority limping.

worse is imc answer to this is by spoonfeed, providing freebies each season and degrade the hardwork of those who actually achieve it legitimately

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A lot of this is true but when people say ‘you gonna white knight hur dur game was better in 2016’

I don’t know if you all remember 2016- this game was hot garbage. People have these rose colored glasses on talking about exploration and gimmicks. Gimmicks were generally a 30 second piece of content once a day where you had to hike 8 maps to get to. I’m not sure what part of this they really want back. The exploration of searching a map (or more likely tosbase or forums) for a collection box location just so they could get screwed by DPK and not get the items the needed for it. Server stability was hell and you couldn’t avoid spam bots advertising RMT.

The game had many serious problems back then and it does now. The developers replace old raids with the new shiny raid which makes all old content irrelevant (basically dead development time). We keep complaining about class balancing to be somehow perfect and yet wanting more build freedom. They’ve been class balancing every 3 months for the last 5 years. I wish they’d just leave it broken at this point and make more content to enjoy.

I think the veterans are giving more than the newbies in the conversation though. Generally the folks who have completed their gear would agree, yes, the system for gearing is hellish torture and should be made easier. We’d all probably love the circle system back. That being said, I’m curious to see how this seasonal content plays out. They’re giving us back incentive to play multiple characters and promising easier gearing which is more than halfway to old Tree and people are still upset.

Side tangent going back to 2016/circles- you can’t talk about how the class system is now talk about meta builds like 2016 was viable for mish mash random no synergy builds. The difference is we weren’t all measuring our e-penis against one another on a big bulletin board in f10 for all to see so we had to loosely go by the ranks in field bosses.


I’m having a hard time trying to connect some of the things here, and your position…

@ 2016 → R:B

Low gear requirement, flexible class system and lack of a “solid goal” were three things that pre R:B did great for exploration. Making a new character used to be a fun thing to go through without any need of new content, now it’s either a waste of time (if it can’t use the equipment you have) or an investment.

Now that it think about it… was Lolopanther or Solmiki equipment ever needed to do any content…? I don’t remember.

Absolutely. The only thing i would ever say it was better back in the days was the fact it felt like the game wasn’t going in circles.

They weren’t really enjoyable. I remember back in the days that one had a really rare accessory combo but was too low of a drop rate for something as repetitive and time consuming, don’t think anyone would want these to be a thing again unless they had a significant improvement.

What i always repeat is that the game needs something accessible and fun, doesn’t has to be new but it has to be dissociated from the gear grind cycle. I came to the conclusion that improving the combat across the board is the most effective way to address it on a large scale, but if they add a new content/dungeon can do the job, that’s good enough (at least for the next year or so).

The most interesting element was reworked for the sake of achieving class balance stability, yet we got none.

There’s a game design concept known as ‘perfect imbalance’ which focus on making things really good on their own segments and dismiss their general features, making them balanced for being imbalanced. We used to have a few classes designed around particular game elements (Krivis being the most exotic) but they never worked out as there weren’t aligned with the game content, had too narrow of an action range, were irrelevant despite their specialization or could be replaced by a more generic class.

The current class roster is way simpler and more homogeneous than pre Re:Build yet they are still stuck in the same endless balance cycle. There’s not enough cake for that many classes to take an even bite and not starve, they need more cake.

You’re right to say that they should just leave it broken, it’s a waste of time unless they change direction.


Free to play SR main here with the rest of the team that doesnt have a single archstone clearing wwh in 29minute anyway :distinguished: You probably just need to know what you are doing.

Also, boruta card is mostly irrelevant. That card wont be the major factor that will make or break if you can do content or not though. Even your Glacia Legenda passive bonus gives more damage than a 10* card.

If you take too much time in glacia phase, just do pbeta then. It helps sooo god damn much in relieving the hands of your healers. PLUS, there is another pbeta nerf upcoming right soon… Although personally i feel its totally unnecessary, the current state is totally fine.

Pretty much this.

On a side-note it doesn’t help that it takes you a couple of days or a week to reach that point from fresh. So you’re cruising along pretty quickly, then you’re met with this wall - which I can see as extremely disorienting and a bizarre change of pace. You experience a lot of different things and stuff to do, then you’re lvl 400+ and you have to now rinse and repeat the same content over and over.

They really need to slow down the pacing to make it feel like progression and not just a dumb wall.

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To be fair, if you’re consistent in just saving silvers, getting raids done slowly, until you are strong enough to enter Hard, you will progress. Doesn’t matter if you have shitty RNG.

My experience, money management is everything. Not spending on sht that is not necessary, and having 1 aim at a time. I’ve got my full gears just by doing that. I spent very little, ofc if you want to go full F2P you can, but takes a little longer to get there.

6 months was the time it took and i’ve surpassed mplenty, i don’t complain much about this game. Only the ever-shifting changes they try to make to try to satisfy the ever-complaining playerbase.


Refrain from posting comments not related to Ktos and Ktest updates.

Personal thoughts about the state of the game can go elsewhere.

Th is message got flagged? Are u all fkin. Retarded?


They have more time doing costumes and skins.

i can answer why are this game is so pathetically wrong in every IMC decisions :

bad SFR adjustment in every class & absurd RNG used for end-game content

Just rename this thread to Itos philosophers the gathering please, so i dont need to misclick thread hoping for news from ktos but getting philosophy war instead.


It impossible to get. Not even 6 months…

If u ask imc, they will say you can clear with +11 T10 varna weapon…

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I’m using that standard, because that is the gear standard for the first clear during telsai ww. They want to go for title too so heighten up the competition.

Tbh, whole pt can clear with +11 t10 varna weapon too… just add more 10 more min…

Of course, having a good members with the correct class is way more important than gear.

A better gear, reduce your time in the raid. A better member reduce chances for failure.

The heck, why should i do raid for 20min? Why should ppl bring random dude with savi when he just drag the raid 5 more min? I rather clear the raid in 7-8 min with a geared player than 15 min. As long player is not my friend or guildie i try to help, i’m doing it just out of pity.

KTest Patch incoming. Was expecting more especially after coming out of Common Class cancellation, to be honest. Guess they needed more time to plan the game after the cancellation’s fallout …?


Lol, they speedrunning this patch to kToS so quick.


So thats the reason they remove the +2 and full lvl up, you get All the items and money back with the dismantle option.

No Hearts n brik refund?

They refund the Condensed Vaivora Transmutators instead. You can sells these on the market instead of Brikynite/Moth powders (There’s no way to sell them since most people convert them to non-tradeable version “Heart” and “Powder”).

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still no info how many vaivora need to upgrade lv1-lv4?

are there any new info for the arcstone make cost?

No changes made to the crafting other than the limit of +1 only. So as it stands you still need 8.

The shared cabinet/storage that is used to craft arks,luciferi accessories and to register & upgrade vaivoras is not introduced yet.

They just adjusted the NPC to refund everything on dismantling so that you will be able to dismantle and upgrade personally in the cabinet once it is introduced.
The same will probably happen with the ark and luciferi dismantle option of the same NPC via the next updates, and once that is completed, they will be set to introduce the cabinet to craft these items with the discount mentioned in the presentation.

I don’t think the cabinet will be introduced before June since there is still the ark refund and luciferi refund via NPC missing(+ they need to configure the Alchemist assistant NPC in Klaipeda so none can dismantle his arks there anymore) and the big Cleric support/defense class rebalance is also scheduled to happen this month(May).

I want to question one thing,though: Did they adjust the modes/field to not drop any lv 3 vaivora /lv 2 goddess/demon pieces? If not, I can already see people who drop these go over to the NPC, dismantle them for silver and materials, and then sell the vaivoras and materials to gain extra money.
This would be another source of how silver is introduced into the system.