Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v5.0




What is the final version of VVR4 on that case? I saw in test server that it +1 hit (potential x2 damage)
If it the case then it’s not bad but if it’s CD reduction then it’s bad.

im not ktos nor ktest player but i wouldnt judge it as bad
all i can see is cd reduct for more spam or +1 hit for more burst
personally i would rather cd reduct
and then finally imc will reintroduce the +1 hit effect for outrage vv lv 8
its ok, you prbably just need 128+ vv outrage… thats fine… we can afford that

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The final version currently on KToS is Ripper cooldown -25s while the one on KTest is +1 hit on Ripper.

For Inquisitor, the -25s cooldown reduction is a very good perk to have, though the skill being 5s channeling, the dependence on Dahlia and the existence of other cooldown reduction skills (including Torture Expert) would ensure that the other 2 classes with Inquisitor becomes more limited by it as opposed to focusing on its burst via +1 hit (fake multihit) to make room for other classes to shine.

Lvl 8 Outrage though … :crazy_face:

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Well, what i mean bad is not the damage output.
It’s the play style. I dont wanna scicors all day long.
It’s effective damagewise but it’s boring. 2 others class would be just damage support filler.
Btw isn’t it true multi-hit, I heard somewhere hitting scarecrow 2 times is true multihit.

5 seconds of Ripper and 15 seconds of downtime without Dievdirbys … heh, sounds fun I guess …? (Guy’s probably just testing builds to go with Inquisitor on his Kabbalist pick)


From what I understand, the cd reduction is way worse than +1 hit. +1 hit essentially double your Ripper’s damage output while still retain the same burst window. With the cd reduction however, since breaking wheel still have 45s cd, you can only combo it with every other Ripper, and the second Ripper without breaking wheel is gonna do significantly less damage than the first.

with the torture attribute ripper has become an excellent cm tool provided you kill enough mobs and a buff with diev or khab can only help with the cd I suppose the argument goes a + 1 hit makes the move more of a burst while the lower cd makes it more spammy so its good either way XD

No changes for sage? :frowning:

-Skill factors of Micro, Ultimate and Compression increased by a lot.
-Skill factor of Hole of Darkness reduced, but now the skill does 6 hits over a period of 3s. (overall large dps increase)
-Hole of Darkness now has 1s cast time, also cooldown 50->40s, Black Hole attribute deleted.
-Dimension compression cooldown 15->25s
-Max cast time on compression is now 1s, and it must be fully casted to work.
-Maestro of Dimension attribute no longer requires targets to be slowed, also max lvl of this attribute increased from 3 to 4.
-Micro Dimension confusion debuff duration nerfed 8->3s

Sage is finally playable again!

That being said, the only build I can see it working with is RC-Onmyo-Sage. RC is mandatory not only because it has decent non-property skills, but also because Rune of Origins is +32% final dmg increase to non-property attacks. Onmyo has a decent amount of non-property skills as well.

Hole of Darkness having a cast time also means it gets +200% dmg from the holy flame goddess set, so that’s nice.


Sage got all of their sfr %s increased by quite a fair margin. It’s a very fun-looking alternative to Terra/Kino’s Myouji-RC that still looks pretty strong.

Sage is saved!


I already play cryo-sage-kino as cc, but more damage wouldn’t be a bad idea lol
and let’s agree that sage has a nice class concept, right?

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Just wish IMC reduces Blink arts’ cooldown from 50s to 40s in order to match Hole of Darkness, right now it is just better to wait 10s in order to always use HoD with blink arts (so effectively HoD “has” a 50s CD due to this), becoz it results in higher DPS


Max cast time on compression is now 1s, and it must be fully casted to work.

That sucks so much in pvp.

Nice! Maybe this will make the class viable now

not really becaues you can cast while running, right?

You can use a rod to reduce the cast time, Sage/Kino/Cryo with cryo vvr Rod+Shield is sooooooo good

klive patch 12/17

  1. reset WBR records for week 48 due to bugs with certain item effects applying too much
  2. give titles to some chars that didn’t get them from the tutorial missions as they should have
  3. remove old orsha areas base camps/tables that were stuck active even though the maps were removed
  4. fix other bugs not mentioned

Are there any confirmation about how to craft lv 4 vaivoras? Will we need 8 vaivoras in order to craft?