Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v5.0

Different gear type is bad idea, it’s forces player to focus on one aspect rather than let player to enjoy all contents as usual.

Changing equip everytime we gonna do a content seems a chore and a let down.

It’s like uniform gemstone feud.

I’m not really defending it, I’m just pointing out the absurdity of some complaints. Imagine if everyone came here to complain and say that they are leaving only because it is impossible to play without having a + 40 weapon or that it is impossible to get would seem reasonable to you? Guy of calculations do you know how much nucle cm 10 will give in each game? or if it will drop nucle in some other new content? and it’s not because I don’t follow everyone here on the forum that I agree with everything that IMC does I think that if IMC is so quick to launch new items with such variety it could make them more accessible in relation to new sets.

It shouldn’t be magic critical attack?

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And here I am, thinking they should update Solmiki and Velcoffer to be on par with Varna, giving them different effect/purposes so you can choose a different playstyle and gear of the same tier instead of always going Varna…

Guess is time for Varna to join the trash can :tired:


I double checked. Yes, apparently they all have both. Sorry about that.

And yes, the one set does have 554 while the other two have 544.

They added those in this patch by the way.

3x Dimensional Collapse Point Multiply Token

3x Uphill Defense Multiply Token

3x Challenge Mode [Hard] Multiply Token

All provide rewards equal to 3 runs and consume 3 entries.


Lemme elaborate it further…

Assuming you have a character at maximum level that isn’t fully geared, the natural progression is to make the best equipment set available, which that takes a lot of time and investment. Once the new equipment arrives, your set isn’t that good anymore but you already dumped a lot of time and resources on it. As you’ll likely not have anything else to use your time and resources with, it is just natural to go for the next set and waste all your time and resources on making it as it will eventually be the baseline for the to be released content. Also, you can’t just use the new set once you adquire it as we have all the enhancement layers, instead you have to put it on the corner until you can make it better than the current.

In case you didn’t managed to finish the set before the next release, you may not be able to participate in the new content and still be frustrated by having an incomplete set that may not have any use outside the character it was being built to (and at this point, investing on alts doesn’t seem reasonable).

Then we have to factor the non-recyclable elements of swapping sets, like Pamoka solutions, blessed gems, the obscene silver sink for anvils (and their RNG), gems (which might be the worst offender), enchantment jewels and awakening. To make it worse, you may not have the option to sell it either because it has 0 potential (as golden/ruby anvils exist). At least the ichor can be kept, for some time…

These new won’t be released as an alternative, it is the new ceiling tier that will define the future content “difficulty”. The time, investment and commitment to your current equipment don’t matter anymore.


Any idea how the challenge mode one works? Considering you can only do 1 per day before you use a reset. Say you start a day fresh. Does it consume 2 cm resets along with the multiplier?

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@Crevox yeh true how is the multiply token gonn work for CM?

Unless… Are they… Increasing… CM limits to 3 per toon? :o

The item is flagged as “Temporary” and still says it affects Uphill Defense. Challenge Mode [Hard] is not implemented yet, and that’s what it affects, so it’s probably a work in progress.

They added Challenge Mode stage 6-10 in this patch, which is not the same thing as Challenge Mode [Hard].

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I saw this patch drop and was excited to hear about new legend gear and stuff. Then I saw the chatter about multiple gears for content and was like “Oh yeah, IMC said something about that awhile ago…”. I was a tad excited to see what was coming, but then I saw that it literally was multiple gears for different content…
That’s when it happened…


(Only memes can express what I feel right now about this patch)

Please tell me the KToS forums are saying no to this…


Someone needs to tell IM C, that casual is something we can do on our own.

Not something that needs a big party with the best equipment and extremely boring mechanics. Type Moringponia Legend. There should be some way to make the equipment without needing the best TOP server players.

And make the reward better for the extremely addicted.

I think most people here have other things than the game.

I came back two months ago and even though it’s exciting to have a new set, it’s extremely complicated to know that I won’t be able to do it for as long as the IMC wants me to dedicate to the game. Or do p2win right away so that most people leave the game.

Not to mention that now we will have different sets for each content, which is crazy for IMC, do you want us to do 5 sets? This is insane in most MMO’s it doesn’t

I think Varna (Skia) was on a good track. There was a run that could do solo, reasonably equipped


Nucle? It is more than just arks. The power resets means it is honestly easier to wait until they do their event item/episode-reward catchup gear releases that they continue to do.
Especially if you are someone who is really alt heavy instead of focusing on an individual character.
If this is coming now then we will see it in like 4/5 months. The catchup gear will probably be out in Itos within 8 or so. But year more or less basically waiting a year will be easier than actually playing the game if you aren’t already far enough on the grind on 1 or 2 characters.

If the IMC gave a fedback to the players a lot would not happen, I see that I will have to drop the game again. Sad

I don’t think lag in this game will disappear. The moment a player quits, 2 bots will emerge.

Actually this is true, the moment I went back and play the game all I see is ‘geared dps’ or ‘geared healer’. Like how will you able to enjoy playing when everyone right now is only looking for ‘geared’ ones. Can’t party and only doing everything in solo.


(1 year later)
player: congrats guys! we finally complete all the new 440 legend set! Now we can enjoy this game peacefully

IMC: hey guys and girls! Here is the new lv 480 legend set! We promise this will be the last!

(1 more year later)
old&battered player: congra…
imc: may i introduce you to the new lv 500 legendary legend set?

(1 more more year later)
near-comatose player: el psy congroo


Hail Botdra

20 chara


I thought imc way to make things variable is through ichor which we can see from their class specific vaivora, glacier raid gear and world boss new gear. Turns out it was only the tip of the iceberg… they went batshit on this

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i wonder if there’s a FULL SET +set stats for Moring VH raid… well there’s a Pbeta set for the White witch Raid(future legend raid)…

looks like everytime ur inventory will be 100% weight just by carrying 7 or 8 full sets of armours(after 6 months of farming for it… that is)…lmao

Imagine repairing all equips at once… BOOM 10m gone…

Well, that’s how predictable IMC is, I guess. I knew they were going to come up with something like that with how much items needed to grind.

What I’m feeling from IMC is:

  1. They already had a set number for all the things players have to grind for these items (Nucle, Magic Stones, etc), but the amount is huge enough for players backlash, so they purposely bump up the numbers stupid high on kTest so when they scale the amount back down to what they originally intended (or more), everyone will be happy, like a scammer giving an extremely trash option initially for first impressions so the next trash option seems much better than it actually is.

  2. Make a crazy grind that gives incentives for players to spend TP and buy any future Leticia Cubes containing such items, which they can also sell to market to go make up those losses, thus satisfying the players who spend the most money in the game. Really feeling how IMC is catering to the whales of the game.

IMC be monetizing player depression, when did ToS focus more on depression and grind instead of progress and enjoyme- oh wait.