Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v5.0

This is good to know. If they rebalance “unavoidable” damage, then the change is fine, even more if the buff is not removed if you die. That’s neat.

Problem is that food buffs are percentile based, so you make your overpowered swordsman even more overpowered. How can you do compete vs a swordie that has 500k hps when you’re a wizard with 150k hps…

We need rewards for every people participating in any kind of PvE content since the launch of this game, they changed the way it’s working but it’s clearly not enough. The game litterally tells you that the most important thing is not participating but being in the top DPS parties to receive rewards on Field Bosses. That kind of outdated system in a PvE content shouldn’t exist. Any DPS build is already trying to reach the best DPS to optimize time, and most of “hardest” content cannot be done without enough DPS, so why would you punish players for not having enough survavibility/DPS for a content giving the said survavibility/DPS ?

End game progression is devoided of logic in ToS.


survivability more like hp,def, healing, dodging, blocking and dps like attack,aspd,crit chance,crit dmg,block pen.just to make it clear that survivability><dps

its like common nature of mmos where only DPS can shine in ranked stuff and get rewards
at the end of day the game is about killing monster or other player
kinda make it feels like no room for survivability or support focus to shine
only in party stuffs like raid or tbl alike but then the trophy will still goes to the dps instead

its also rather hard to create content to test out survivability or supportability, make them compete against another
like what? a test to how much hoard of mobs we can deal till we die,how long we can protect and heal an npc, how much hit we dodge, etc and all of that stuffs without the need to kill mobs otherwise its gonna be another DPS stuff all over again and we should know that by focusing on survivability or support the drawback is lower dps so its another room for DPS to strive again cause they can kill fast or hit hard

even our uphill defense in the end is all about how fast you can kill mobs and the hidden boss in VH rather than a place for blue classes like paladin with barriers, qs with pavise, cryo with ice wall to shine, will end up collecting fire crystal and enhancing attack as priority in mid hahaha

thats why for most content they give RNG as reward through cubes,randomized amount of loot, randomized loot not based on dps to make support/tank/cc or any other non-dps not envy of dps cause he got all the goodies. we all together face the RNGesus.


I think they are already partly aware of this since in this year’s roadmap they intend to diversify activities not related to grind or killing bosses.

it’s funny everyone comes here to talk about how the IMC does everything wrong, but not give examples of how to improve is like Teok said what in a game “like the vast majority of mmorpgs” of “killing monsters” can a healer or tanker shine, what activity would be ideal? and would that be fun?


I don’t know why everyone insults IMC, I’m new and I’m having fun.
The only things annoying me are some bugs, like Chaplain being completely useless
But it’s a good game to chill, I know it has a pretty intense endgame but going around killing enemies and throwing skills here and there, it’s nice for relaxing after a day of work.
And cute costumes are ruining my economy but eh.


We can’t know for sure if it is some sort of community issue or even if IMC is censoring things on their own (which i don’t want to believe as the case), but there were several attempts to give proper critique, feedback and suggestions on how to improve the game, fewer the cases related to improving combat as a whole. I’ll leave this old event suggestion of mine as an example (beware, it’s long), unfortunately the linked thread that gave it context was deleted…

There’s a difference between insults, complaints and critiques. Insults are passional and don’t contribute to anything. Complaints are statements that show your disapproval, expecting it to be addressed (as stating an issue). Critique is an evaluation of elements using an informed criteria, something similar to a complaint but focused more on finding out why it works or doesn’t so it can propose alternatives.

Most of the players that complain about the game are veterans or niche type of players, they had more than enough time to play and “replay” the game, and then form opinions on it. The perspective is different for new players as the amount of content available is huge when compared to the content experienced, and if the overall experience is pleasant, it will be (likely) perceived as positive just for being a new thing.

It’s just a matter of perspective, time and experience. I’m always happy to hear someone is having fun playing the game and i hope that last long, it’s just that many of us can’t have that anymore and want it to be better and fun again.


I don’t think a lot of people “insult” IMC, there are just issues with the game that need to be addressed: bugs to fix, pve/pvp to rebalance, … Simple UI bugs like name not being displayed properly under the character which should be EVIDENT to anyone developing the game and spending at least a few seconds playtesting are not immediately fixed and you need to send multiple tickets with videos describing the problem and wait multiple months to get a fix (or not).

For new players, apart from the aforementioned “visible” bugs, you won’t see the problems until you reach the endgame. I’m currently leveling up a healer because I don’t have one, I’m through half the main questline and without any DPS skill I’m still storming through the content killing mobs, bosses and demon lords alike with basic attacks using the Kedorian free stuff. So yeah you can have fun with anything early on. But reach episode 12, get your free episode 11 equipment, and if you didn’t make a specific build or start spending all your playtime grinding for “best of the best” equipment, you will go nowhere. And the worse part is that episode 12 is not the last, so you will probably have to do all this again in the near future.

cuz they mostly care about overpricing gatchas, adn eu are far behind ktos… ktos have update every 2-3 weeks we every 2-3 months??

A lot of the reason insults are thrown around is because people have been here awhile and passed the threshold for how much they’re willing to tolerate.

There’s just really strange counter-intuitive ideas and so many other things in between. There’s been many critiques and requests, and they aren’t all great ideas, but it isn’t like there aren’t any.

The only answer to creating tanks and buffing defensive support options is an answer no one wants, which is nerfing dps and defense to the point that fights become less of a race and more like an attrition war, because people value the time and energy that went into their dps and gears.
And there’s nothing wrong with feeling that at all (especially with the rng required), but it’ll have to change for them to be made significant ideas again.

And imo, the DPS of Savior alternative is turning the tanks and def. support into dps buffers, like how they did with Paladin.
…Only better designed, I hope.


are bosses demons? I was in doubt…

new ktest patch notes:


New Unique Raid Weapons

Pbeta Bow

STR ▲140
DEX ▲160
Critical Attack ▲1330

Gain 5 stacks of a buff when using Leap (lasts 10 seconds).
When you use an attack skill, consume 1 stack of the buff and gain +60% damage for 1 second.

Pbeta Musket

STR ▲145
Critical Rate ▲480
Critical Attack ▲1180

Gain 1 stack of a buff every time you use a Musketeer or Tiger Hunter skill (buff lasts 5 seconds).
When the buff has 3 stacks, your damage increases by 50%.

Pbeta Pistol

DEX ▲92
Critical Rate ▲313
Critical Attack ▲995

Inflict a debuff on a random enemy within 200 range every 20 seconds (will not activate while cloaked). Debuff lasts 10 seconds.
Damage dealt to debuffed targets increases by 60%.

Pbeta Staff

INT ▲145
SPR ▲145
Critical Rate ▲478

Inflicts a debuff on 20 nearby targets when using a magic circle skill (20 second cooldown).
Debuff lasts 10 seconds.
Damage dealt to debuffed targets increases by 70%.

Pbeta Two-Handed Sword

STR ▲157
Critical Rate ▲511
AoE Attack Ratio ▲3

The damage of any skill that has a 20 second or higher base cooldown is increased by 40%.

Pbeta Sword

STR ▲105
Critical Rate ▲305
AoE Attack Ratio ▲2
Critical Damage ▲20%

Pbeta Shield

STR ▲105
CON ▲85
AoE Attack Ratio ▲2
Final Block Rate ▲2%

When using a skill with a shield attack attribute, cast [Frozen Beat].

[Frozen Beat]
Deal damage to enemies nearby 3 times over 3 seconds.
Skill Factor: 1100%
Strike Property
20% chance to freeze enemies for 3 seconds.
Total targets hit is based on your AoE Attack Ratio.

Pbeta Cannon

STR ▲160
Critical Rate ▲490
AoE Attack Ratio ▲4

Gain 1 stack of a buff every 0.5 seconds during combat (up to 10 stacks). All stacks are removed if you move or end combat.

Cannon damage is increased by 5% per stack.

Pbeta Dagger

STR ▲90
DEX ▲112
Critical Attack ▲970

The damage of any skill that has a base cooldown of 15 seconds or lower is increased by 30%.

Pbeta Two-Handed Mace

STR ▲162
INT ▲162
Critical Rate ▲466
AoE Attack Ratio ▲3

Gain a buff for 20 seconds after using [Heal]. Increases damage dealt by 35%.

Pbeta Rod

SPR ▲99
Critical Rate ▲310

Upon dealing magic damage with a skill, fire a [Magic Bullet].

[Magic Bullet]
Skill Factor: 2000%
Cooldown: 5 seconds
While your remaining SP is under 60%: fire 2 Magic Bullets.
While your remaining SP is under 30%: fire 3 Magic Bullets.

Pbeta Rapier

STR ▲95
Critical Rate ▲320
Critical Attack ▲965

Upon using a Fencer or Matador skill, cast [Icicle Burst], dealing Pierce damage to 10 enemies around you.

[Icicle Burst]
Skill Factor: 1500%
Cooldown: 3 seconds
Inflicts 1 stack of a debuff on hit for 8 seconds (max 5 stacks).
Reduces Critical Resistance by 5% per stack.

Pbeta Mace

SPR ▲120
Physical Defense ▲795
Magic Defense ▲795

Using [Heal] on an ally gives them a buff that reduces damage taken from Boss monsters by 12%.
When your [Heal: Overload] stacks are at 4 or higher, the damage reduction effect is doubled.

Pbeta Spear

STR ▲108
DEX ▲101
Critical Rate ▲290

Increases Pierce skill damage by 60% for 1 second when you deal a critical hit. 2 second cooldown.

Pbeta Two-Handed Spear

STR ▲160
DEX ▲155
Critical Attack ▲1260

Debuffs all enemies within a range of 60 around you every 5 seconds. Debuff duration is 5 seconds.
Damage dealt to debuffed targets is increased by 40%.

Pbeta Crossbow

STR ▲102
DEX ▲110
Evasion ▲312

Every 4th attack, your damage dealt is increased by 100%. The damage dealt by Legend set bonuses is not included in the total number of attacks.

Pbeta Trinket

STR ▲62
INT ▲62

Applies 12% more Critical Rate when attacking.
Damage dealt inside White Witch’s Forest is increased by 15%.

New Unique Raid Armor

Glacier Cloth

CON ▲50
SPR ▲75
SP ▲525
SP Recovery ▲78

When 4 pieces are equipped, a set bonus is activated.
-Receive 10% less damage while inside the White Witch’s Forest.
-Healing +20% while inside White Witch’s Forest
-If the target you heal has [Witch’s Chill] debuff at 2 stacks or higher, remove 1 stack
-When you enter the White Witch’s Forest, receive the [Heat] debuff, which reduces damage taken from [Cold Blast] and prevents the debuff once (Heat is removed after this is triggered)

Glacier Leather

STR ▲75
CON ▲50
INT ▲75
Critical Rate ▲238

When 4 pieces are equipped, a set bonus is activated.
-Damage dealt +15% while inside the White Witch’s Forest
-Decreases the duration of [Witch’s Freeze] by half
-For 3 seconds after [Witch’s Freeze] fades, gain +5 Movement Speed and +15% damage

Glacier Plate

CON ▲70
HP ▲1620
HP Recovery ▲265
Block ▲238

When 4 pieces are equipped, a set bonus is activated.
-Damage taken -10% while inside the White Witch’s Forest
-Damage taken from Magic Circles decreased by 25%(?)
-Applies the [Retaliation] buff to other party members than yourself within 150 range when you block inside the White Witch’s Forest, which provides +15% damage dealt for 3 seconds

White Witch Card

[Mutant, cannot be summoned]
CON/SPR +[★]

Swordsman Master Card

STR +[★*4]

Wizard Master Card

INT +[★*4]


I was honestly expecting a bit more from a balance standpoint for a ktest patch we waited almost a month for.

The class that gets the biggest buff is Nak Muay. Seriously? I thought it would be one of the classes that would be completely reworked. Meanwhile, Matador is still playing around with their 300% attack skills from the beginning of Rebuild without any changes whatsoever.

The little Rogue buffs are nice, but they lost one of their attack skills and now only have 2 attack skills and they’re still considered a red DPS class, while you have Blossom Blader running around with 10k%+ skills factors for everything. I’m still waiting for the day when Sneak Hit gets an attribute that greatly increases your critical attack during it’s usage. cough Start Up cough

thank god i havent buy tantalizer card yet!

Lore time!

the design of pbeta equips is satisfying

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Uh, that Pbeta Dagger could be quite interesting for fencers/matadors. Most of the skills have a cooldown low enough to make use of it.

Two-Handed Sword

The damage of any skill that has a 20 second or higher base cooldown is increased by 40%.

laughs in Blossom Blader

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When looking all the weapons, a good part of them have the same idea: “Keep yourself in combat and deal damage”. Interesting, but not inspiring.
But few have something interesting to add to the table. They are strong, but not for everyone.
And there is the 1h-sword. Oh well…
BTW, their stats are lower then the Vaivora’s. Is this on purpose?
For the sets, they are as generic as you could imagine. And they are effective only inside the Raid. I guess “Witch’s Forest” Unique and Legendary both counts (if there will be a legendary version).

ignoring the set effect, pbeta leathers stats are very good, now i can prepare STR CON DEX eva random ichor

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what happen to this armor set? cancelled?

That armor set is the Wanderer set, which is obtained from the field bosses Moringponia and Skiaclipse.