Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v5.0

public and local ip address are different.
each machine that connects to a network is given a unique local ip address. this is why when you type ifconfig on your machine you’ll see something like then your room mate will have something like on his machine . But when you ask google, what is my ip address? Both you and your room mate will get the same answer (assuming you are on the same network), a public facing ip address and i believe this is what imc sees.

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image this is 4hr ago

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If they want people to quit the game, that’s a good patch to do so.
It was terrible in the first pitch and they were even able to worsen it…


“In short, yes, most libraries/Internet cafes have a shared public IP address. … The computers do have seperate INTERNAL network IP addresses, but they share the same IP address that goes out to the internet”

literally a google search.

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Very happy with these changes though some seem needlessly complicated.

Not too keen on the forced dailies but as long as everybody’s doing them the groups will be fast. Glad they’re finally dealing with funneling, guess it took KR to complain before they did anything about it.

Quick summary of changes in the new kLive (PREVIEW) maintenance notes. Still subject to change when the actual maintenance happens.

My translation of the initial kTest changes:

Automatic Matching for Legend Raids

-Legend auto matching no longer lets you pick a difficulty; you will always enter Easy mode
-They have deleted White Witch’s Forest (Easy) and Lepidoptera Junction (Easy), you can only enter these through auto matching
-You cannot auto match unless you have full level 400+ legend gear with fixed ichor on all slots (excludes accessories, seals, and ark)
-Only 2 entries allowed per week, cannot use Legend Raid Portal Stones for additional entries, is a separate entry count from the normal raids (can do both auto match and normal+ versions of the raid)
-Cannot match 2 to 4, cannot match with party
-Lepidoptera Junction raid rewards Moth Powder, very low chance of Moth Talc Powder
-White Witch’s Forest rewards Glacier Heart
-Very low chance of Arch Stone and Arch Stone Fragment from either raid only if you have a premium Token active

Lepidoptera Junction Changes
-HP condition for bosses using their skills changed from 90% to 90%~87%. Seems to match how Glacia uses her skills?
-Swap damage reduced.
-Failing Mutate will no longer faction change, will instead reduce poison resistance stacks.
-Reduced damage and poison resistance loss of curse.
-Tantalizer skill attack power reduced.

Challenge Mode Changes

If 3 or more party members are connected from the same IP address, the item drop rate and silver drop rate is reduced, divided amongst the total of additional members from the same IP there are, and Vaivora equipment cannot drop. The reward penalty only applies to those accounts that are on the same IP address.

3 players from same IP = 33% item drop, 33% silver drop
4 players from same IP = 25% item drop, 25% silver drop
5 players from same IP = 20% item drop, 20% silver drop

Mercenary Badge Shop Changes

The new version of the Mercenary Badge Shop they are going with:

Challenge Mode One Entry Voucher (1 Day)
30 exchanges per week (Teamwide)
2 exchanges per day (Teamwide)

Division Singularity One Entry Voucher (1 Day)
7 exchanges per week (Teamwide)
1 exchange per day (Teamwide)
Cannot use the voucher unless you are at 0 current entries in your F10 content menu

-Cannot purchase the weekly vouchers until you purchase the daily vouchers.
-Can now use Mercenary Badge shop from all areas except auto matching areas.


Dayum, thats one way to ask people “pls do my raid, and buy muh tokens”

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So if you use Fastweb or similar providers, you’re now forced to require a unique public IP address just to play this game.
Sure, let’s keep making some more hassles for normal players.

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Well, only if you use those providers at the same time as 2 other people in your CM party with the same IP address.

Should i ask everyone in my party what internet provider they’re using beforehand?
And well, there was the “2 players from the same IP” line up there before, and that would have been even worse - couldn’t even play along my brother in that case. I’m glad it was just a refuse, but i wouldn’t have been surprised if it was true either, seeing all the idiotical changes they’re doing these days (see: mercenary badge shop).


the same ISP is fine, its the end point router at each of your house that matters.

Not with Fastweb or similar providers. Unless you explicitely request an unique public address, in normal circumstances you’re sharing your public IP address with several (hundreds, last i’ve read about it) other people.
Thus from the outside they would appear as the same IP address.

While the probablility of issues arising is very low if it triggers only when 3 or more people are sharing the same IP…it’s still yet another hassle.


RIP to the brothers.

Regardless the impact of IP penalty on silver is stupid. A lot of people in different situations.

There are ways around this but probably not encouraged to discuss here.

The question I have is why they would even bother to design a change like this, when there’s ways around it.
It seems like a waste of time, this as well as the daily resets. They don’t and won’t solve either problem they’re designed to fix.

IMC doing their best to fix “known” issues but at this point it’s honestly a bit too late for it. People who have multiple accounts have already geared their mains to the teeth. At this point they must all be just waiting for luciferin accessories, and the cycle repeats…

I think all these is going to do is affect unintended honest players, directly or indirectly.

3 players from same IP = 33% item drop, 33% silver drop
4 players from same IP = 25% item drop, 25% silver drop
5 players from same IP = 20% item drop, 20% silver drop

Not like this will affect anything from CM botters, they can already run the CM by themselves. IMC is gonna keep punishing new/return players to the game.


the same IP should be 0 items 0 silver

Gotta be honest tho, IMC really subvert my expectations every time, just when you think they cant ■■■■ up any further, here comes this IP bullshit lol they truly take the american aproach every time, you can be sure they’ll do the right thing, after they’ve tried everything else lol

Rip anyone who played with their siblings/significant other/roomate I guess, lets just hope this idiotic change doesnt make it to iTOS :tired:


I highly doubt that this will stop silver farmers, they will proly use similar tools that bitcoin farmers use

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