Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

the class limitations saddens me… since most of my choices are costume based .____.


yes, I have to wonder what will happen to our existing builds :confused:

also, my condolence to all the rainbows and fun builds that will suffer because of Majority
Rule :frowning:


forced to not have fun i guess? but who knows…

but the way i’m seeing it, diluting meta at the cost of forcing meta to already non-meta peeps kinda takes away one of the game’s charm…

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There’s also a very important factor in the middle of those changes that can easily pass under the radar: Empowering skills.

There’s a lot of skills that increase all or the majority of damage dealt by a character like Cleave, Spear Lunge, Finestra, Joint Penalty, Swell skills, Steady Aim, etc. Skills that empower not only its class, but the character itself.

The only drawback that most of those skills have is that they’re located at low ranks, thus making the class where they belong not broken. The moment when all classes get equalized, the ones who have those strong empowering skills will also have strong/decent skill scallings as well. There’ll be no reason to pick other classes instead of those, thus negating the purpose of all those changes.

I really hope they don’t forget about this, and nerf those skills in order to compensate the fact that damage skills within their class kit will get buffed.


Not necessarily, they could remove many of those skills altogether if not simply rebalance them. We just don’t know yet.


non combat classes though… i can see them being dependent on other players… or just have 1 combat class just to progress…

Hope we get to know sooner than later…

waiting kills D:

i just wish it’s as forgotten as how we’re supposed to have master classes on the lower rank classes…

TOS 2.0 seems interesting but I wish they re-think the stat-fixed class.

About the new base class, I always hope we have ‘martial arts’ class independently.

edit: uhh the nexon source is error i wonder what happen

They may not even buff those skills and keep 'em as they are since they already provide raw power.

The funny thing is that I made 1 character to represent each class both male and female = 8 slots + 1 for pet (thanks for this paying for slots bullshit Devs)…

So, a 5th class = 2 more characters to make and no slots meaning I will prob be forced to pay again and that is BS :frowning:

tfw you enter instance dungeon and all of you are non combat classes


I just thought of something :open_mouth:

What will happen to all the hidden classes :thinking:

they have little amount of skills, only 1 circle class lvl 15…

:heeey: what if new class is all hidden classes put together

So many possibilities and most of them scare me :scream:

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All I can take from the upcoming Re:build is … all my builds are gone… no more niche and questionable builds
My Kabba3 Inq1… my Krivis3Sadhu3 Druid1 Inq1… my Kino3 Onmyo1 Sage2



More frightening than that, what will be of the odd ball classes like Sadhu and Linker that barely have enough skills for today’s standards? I mean, it took 'em 2 years to add one skill to Linker and Sadhu still has the base skill set.

Also i just realized how terrible Lifeline can be in a world stats are automated.

i don’t think that will be possible. there’s far too many hidden classes to accommodate 3 circles of mastery

i think they will introduce new skills to these classes, or hopefully everyone can get these classes as bonus that won’t use any class slot

Let me ook something up on paint and see it it works xD

EDIT: OK this might look dumb, it’s maybe too much of a stretch and I hope it never happens…


Click with an open mind

I guess that with the rank system being more “horizontal” now, they can reduce the power creep by introducing more lvl 360-390 content instead of forcing us to go lvl400+ and getting a new tier of gear. In a way this will possibly make current gear more viable for longer times instead of getting outdated every time a new rank is introduced.

i think rank 10 is the final rank, and only the base level gets expanded over time

Edited previous post with my theory crafting and nonsense :smile: