Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

It’s a tier list :tired:

Though usually, the Koreans tend to be right.

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The answer is at notes below the tier…

They found Outrage not the best skill, but it is solid to use in a way that you can remove that QS necessity on most BM builds, making it more open for different build compositions. Korean testers also said that Outrage can be considered an “AoE Running Shot”.

It is also stated that they found Katadikazo a great skill, the problem lies on Rubric15 being too strong in a way that it outshines even other Exorcist damage skills, not making enough room for them to shine or add to a damage rotation. Katadikazo - great. Rubric15 - makes everything obsolete with that low cooldown and high damage.


I demand this Witch Hat IMC how much longer will you taunt me with this!

Out of curiosity, does Outrage have a set attack speed, or does it use yours?

We just needed Enchant Ice on Enchanter but they decided to put a skill nobody ever wanted. And why does it cost 2K if Agility and Empowering are free ? I don’t get the logic.

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U wut

/20 characters

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Yikes, this feels really rushed.

Why does IMC hate Taoist :sob:

Still, excited for the new content.

15 storm calling is reason enough to go tao3

Is there anything coming to ktos that explains why poata card isn’t trash anymore?

good, which means another cicle will start at ktest, maybe those rank 10 atrib. curious to see what they will bring for plague doctors.

These attributes are way too good, i think it would be good if they were attributes in the Master Circle… I wonder if IMC forgot about Master Circle, they didn’t mentioned about it anymore :tired:

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I wish Master Circles would come with a new costume, a new frame for the class Icon, and attributes in the way these ones were create. But I do think that these attributes are, at least, remains of a Master Circle system.

Hope they share something about other rank 6/7 classes that are not damage classes.



Yes Over reinforce is really bad, hope IMC gives Enchanter more skills or attributes to make going C3 worthwhile.

More Kabbalist buffs at R10 will be nice :3

E.g Increased affected area of the 3 calculation skills (Gevurah/Double Chance and Merkabah). It will at least make Double chance a lot more usable.

The attributes are maybe something to replace the idea of master circle. They said that they weren’t sure how it would be implemanted. ^^
It could also be that higher tier classes rank6/7 have those attributes, so they don’t need master circles.
So only Rank1/2/3/4/5 would need master circles. But who knows they could only made attributes like this for every class, and thus don’t need to make master circles. ^^

I think one way to go about doing “master circle” is when “R11” comes by, players instead of having an extra circle to choose, they can choose to upgrade one of existing classes in their build into a “master circle”.

Each job level in the “master circle” allows the player to increase a level of their current skill past their limit, with a +5 levels as a max limit. For example, level 10 Spiral Arrow so on and forth.


Hey guys can anyone give me an idea of how much silver you get from soloing challenge mode? i dont need exact numbers, just a general idea

700 000 more or less challenge 5, 850 000 challenge 6 + possible blessed shards

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guys I have a few questions for you all
isnt IMC just the distributor of TOS in the west? I always thought Nexon was the real owner of Tree of Savior and that IMC only bought the rights to distribute it for us, hence the slower updates and more expensive cash shop

IMC is the dev for all versions. Nexon is publisher in Korea (and bought some % of imc or something)

oh, that is interesting, I didn’t know that, it explains the staff’s terrible english though.
But I wonder if the discussions we have here affect their decision making at all like that thread to “make the enhancement system better”, I can’t immagine the staff understanding complete sentences.