Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

Be careful, I had heard a number of people recieved bans for that

Does anyone have any info about basic stats on the new 430 legendary equipment? I havenā€™t find anything yet.

itā€™s not on ktest nor ktos yet.

Ooh I see. I thought it was already there cause they announced it for Itos with ep 12 but there was no info neither in Tosguru nor Ktosneet.

They did announce it, but the community disliked it. Everyone believed it was too soon to have new legendary equipment, due to the investment and time needed/used on Varna/Savi. So IMC postponed new (lvl 430) legendary equipment.
I hope new legends wont come till way later in all honesty


Itā€™s not acceptable thatā€¦ people who put in the time, effort, and/or silver to get better equipment should have a higher advantage? People who just get free Trans 8 +11 equipment from events deserve to be on par with people that do content?


100% of all players are not banned from pursuing Varna equipment. With decent Savinose equipment, it should be a reasonable goal. Itā€™s also absolutely possible to get a full set of Velcoffer armor and a Velcoffer secondary equip (Shield, Dagger, Trinket, Sword) paired with a Varna main weapon. While the set effects and raw atk/def stats between Velcoffer and Varna equipment differ enough, the bonus stats will be equal.

Crafted or not, Savinose equipment is some of the most accessible Legendary grade equipment yet. Varna equipment is not as easy to get, and Velcoffer equipment simply takes time to get with the current power levels in the game. If players want Legendary equipment, itā€™s there. If players want better Legendary equipment, itā€™s also there.

There is no fix to be made. Get better equipment now and be well geared until the next equivalent to Savinose gear arrives, or simply wait for it to arrive.

The only thing that makes me really annoyed is that making another weapon means going ā€œenhancing hellā€ yet again. I was able to do a savinose +16 rapier - and i did it because there was supposed to be no difference from varna - and now i have to do a varna as well, let alone the trascending costs.
And ironically, i did drop a varna rapier directly before. And sold it because i had no need for it, i already had a +16 savinose after allā€¦go figure.

itā€™s not just the green stats, but the other color stats get an insane boost in 430 primus to like almost 5x the amount

Yep, thatā€™s the issue. Especially given that neither the vaivora rapier or the vaivora dagger give crit rate, so i can get those heightened amounts only via random ichors.

only reason why they would want to delay it is to buy some time to sell their outdated equipment which no one wants
acting like its too soon just to play more with that equipment doesnt make sense
just use it while upgrading your equipmentā€¦ thats how it works

in other words theres no good reason to delay it

You donā€™t always have to update to the most recent gears. Look, as you guys already know, ToS always flips with a new set of gears very often.

So save yourselves some trouble and stress and skip a few of those sets

Otherwise, if you still choose to always have the most recent gears then it will always take up your resources


I believe the reason that they delayed the new Legend Savinose gear was to release them at the same time they release the normal version of Legend Gear (non-random), that will come from Giltine Raid so people wont have to upgrade one set of gear and after the other one arrive theyā€™ll be forced to upgrade another time.

Here is the official post when they decided to delay the new savinose gear material drop that crevox translated a couple months ago.

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For me it means their original idea would have been much betterā€¦ Because Varna will get better with ichors anyway but savinose wonā€™tā€¦ So it would have make sense to release the new ā€œsavinoseā€ before the new ā€œvarnaā€ā€¦
Also replacing Savinose at this point is rly not as a big deal as replacing Varnaā€¦

Now Savinose users will be ā€œforcedā€ to try to get Varna but when they actually finish itā€¦if they finish it at allā€¦ the new legend equips will comeā€¦
Itā€™s much worse than it would have beenā€¦( like savinose users try to get the new savinose and varna users try to get better ichorsā€¦for nowā€¦)

Ppl just donā€™t understand what they are asking for and put pressure on the developers and things just get worse imoā€¦it suxā€¦

( Also ppl have to understand that there will be new stronger legend gears anywayā€¦what i donā€™t like in the first placeā€¦but it is what it isā€¦ I would prefer new legend gears with the same power just different set effects or something but thatā€™s not what they are doing soā€¦ )

The point of releasing both at the same time is: You can choose which one fits your necessities/preferences. Imagine investing on the new Savinose and realising 2 months after that the new set effect for the new legend raid equipment is the best for your build and you lost all the money invested on enhancing, jewel, awakening, sockets, gems and all other systems and need to redo the process.
Having both option at the same time will allow you to make the right choice and spare you from frustration.

edit: I remember some of my friends doing Lv.400 savinose thinking that the set effect from them would be the best choice and after seeing Varnas regreting deeply their choices, but didnā€™t want to invest all that money again, despite being frustated. Some of them eventually did trade the Savinose for the Varnas, but were not happy about it.
They did enjoy having more defense for some months I guess, but I waited patiently with my Velcoffer because I knew the new would be better for me.
I am glad they are changing their system but I can see your point and how it sucks if you are one of the players that is currently using savinose.

Itā€™s true. In the Giltine raid, what actually happens is that the final boss casually walks over to the players and gives them lvl 430 dual Ichor Legend equipment for free. On day 1, even. Thereā€™s no point in investing in good gear now because itā€™s that easy.

In all seriousness, though, the time between IToS updating to Episode 12 and the still-unreleased lvl 450 Legend Raid has to be at least 5 months. If a player canā€™t get at least a Varna weapon in that amount of time, itā€™s not IMCā€™s fault.

Getting a varna weapon is simple.
Getting a varna weapon and enhancing it to +16 is only up to luck.
And if youā€™ve been using a savinose+16, itā€™s not like you have other choices - what use is a better ichor if youā€™re losing dps from the lower attack provided?

That said, iā€™ll have to test with the new crit chance formula to see how much crit rate is necessary. But if push comes to shove, iā€™ll have to change the weapon. As the amount provided by the weapon itself is quite significant, and the vaivora weapons available to fencers provide absolutely no crit rate, you can only rely on the newer random ichors to get it.

Perhaps we should take a step back and consider that no one even knows just how difficult the next major Legend Raid is. If it ends up being beatable within a reasonable amount of time with some particularly good Savinose equipment or above average Varna equipment, then all the worrying will be for nothing. A lot of the better PvE set effects are available on both, anyway.

Itā€™s unlikely that this Raid will be released across all versions of ToS at the same time. Weā€™ll be able to plan ahead for it. If it turns out that a full set using 430 Primus Ichors is absolutely necessary, then that just means that extra hard prep will need to be made.