Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

So you find it fun? The current system for Field Bosses is not fun, in fact, it was never fun. Camping 13 Field Bosses every 2 hours, save the timers for yourself or your party/guild and repeat the process was never fun.
And before this system, Field bosses used to spawn randomly between 3-4 maps, EACH of them. Each time i talk about Field bosses gives me flashbacks of those days, no fun.

We don’t even know yet how many Ominous fragments we’re gonna get from the cubes, might be 1,2,5 there’s no information yet. IMC knows there’s a problem, and they want to improve it, not make it worse.

And i can name a couple systems that were changed and/or are going to be changed for the better:

  • Ichor System
  • Blessed Shard System
  • Transcended System
  • Set Effect System
  • Gem Feud
  • Boruta
  • Guild Territory Wars
  • Guild Battle League (Removed)
  • Lower level Field Bosses and High-End Field Bosses Systems( Previously Changed)

All of them were changed to be improved, not to make it worse. Just saying.

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What the hell are you going on about? No one in this thread is doubting that the changes to obtain Ominous Spirit Fragments is for the better. Yet you keep bringing it up even after I agreed with you. You’re literally just screaming into the air about nothing no one is doubting. This is about Field Bosses as in-game content. Not about Field bosses being farmed for their loot. Their drops don’t have to be meaningful. Field bosses could simply exist in the game as what it is, just simple side content that people can enjoy. Remove the Ominous Spirit Fragment from their loot pool and you won’t have parties/guilds tracking them 24/7.

Just because you don’t find something fun doesn’t mean it can’t just exist for people to enjoy. Not everyone plays this game for guild drama or to see high numbers fly across their screen. Field bosses simply existing as side content is harmful to no one, I have no idea why you’re contesting this so badly.


While you do have a point, i agree with porkfu. Instead of removing the field bosses, they could just remove the ominous fragment loot from these field bosses. That way you remove the need for camping but without sacrificing the field bosses.



What’s wrong with simply having field bosses without them dropping ominous fragments.


I’ll change “You” for Lower level Field Bosses and there you go, no point for them to exist.

Nothing from Field Bosses is attractive, you’d say Durandal or Audra, but i’m pretty sure these are gonna be removed eventually.

The only argument you would have to back you up, is what Zeucleio pointed out, which is an oversight from IMC, implying they do nothing about that hidden quest.

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Oh yes, I’d certainly get Smugis instead of Lilith for my summoner build because it’s way better

it about time IMC remove low level field boss it already outdated … bring new bosses so we can have fun time hunting bosses … boss getting rekt in 2-3 sec seem bad in my opinion … Good work IMC keep up the work and keep updating TOS or players will be bored …

really hope that IMC release housing system fast …:sunglasses:

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after all these changes… the enhancement system still sucks and untouched.

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If they reached a point where they think the system isn’t worth they could revamp it to something completely different that removes monopoly and active time tracking. Perhaps something like changing the field boss system to be more in lines with a global event, spawning a portal/sphere for an instance like map that players can only access when announced like a demon lord (in party or not).

It could be fun to have something like a 7~10min blend of tower defense and raid (with the said boss at the end) that focus on player cooperation instead of competing for cubes, in fact every player that joined the event could receive a cube just for participating on it once the instance is clear and additional contribution points for time and beneficial actions within the event. Even better if they made a different item set for individual boss rewards and contribution shop, after all it will be pointless if the shop was as good since the best geared players might try to farm the most points they can for the extra advantage. On the other side, having rotative rewards for clearing instance and shop can also be a way to spice it up and have more players engaging on it.

Still, that might be too much work even try it out.


sound like a global demon lord raid :heart_eyes:

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The best way to solve monopoloy is to make the game instance based, like a diablo like. It would even solve the issues with fps and connections.


I’m curious about these set bonuses.
As far as I see they’re not from Maringponia nor Hunting Ground boss, since their recipes are uniques, and the title say “Legendary Set Bonuses”

So, they’re bonuses for which sets ?

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I think you can put in any Legend Equipment, unlike the ones we have today that are bound to that specific Legend serie.
IDK if Velcoffer is included because they didn’t mention on the dev blog.


Velcoffer isn’t included :wink:

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It wasn’t mentioned, but there’s no proof of this yet. We don’t know if Velcoffer will work or not.

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I see, well it may be assumptions from my own, but in the bord it only names the two 400 legend sets Savinose and Skaclipse.
Also it says “applicable for both equipment”. Both is normally used only for “two things” not more. So all those would proof that, but knowing imc who knows, can be bad translations like always.

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Yeah I’d say won’t do for velco. Beats the purpose why they programmed the game so that players have to always farm for BiS every couple of months

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High end field boss just take maximum 3 min once found.
Now, it will be every 4 hour spawn on one map.

You just transfer the current field boss problem that is inaccessible and dominated by one group, to high end field boss.

Nothing change…
Just get worse.

Even now, high end field boss dominated by same guilds…
and their domination will become stronger with this change.
Not in their guild? Please ignore this content just like you ignore boruta.


better make once a day demon lord party that queue 20 player just like unique raid, so every single player can participate well good, and put raid stone demon lord so player can raid 1 more a day, demon lord now a day not interest me

for example when I do cm or ignas raid demon lord occur or party public full, skip

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To preface this, I rarely do World Bossing now since it’s obnoxious to search 3-5 maps for a boss that dies in 3-4 mins.

Why can’t your 5-man group out-DPS a 5-man group from their guild? All the bosses will be on one map, so finding them will be easier.

It is a competition. If you find the boss first you should be able to rank, and if you cant then you need to look internally for answers. If you are trying to rank with a pick-up-group for DL bosses you shouldn’t expect to rank

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