Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

Star Tower Event

Enter a Event Map, Protect NPC, get rewards after x days
The Star Tower Hero Costume above is a reward.

some more events and old events end

some small bug fixed

Nooo not all weapons get marine costume?! IMC, give me my marine bow NOW ;__;

When the male costumes show more boobs than female costumes :satisfaction:.

IMC (iTos) has found a new way to fill the “gasha” and further decrease the percentage to get items of rank A

Weapons Sins

edit: These “gasha” skins will only need one, or 5? To use one will you have to buy the other TP item?


Players were the ones who suggested the “for skin only” weapons in the tp shop and IMC twisted it by putting them in gacha. :tired:

They are also in the ktos gacha. see
You only need one, see the item description posted by Mikumo above.

dat abs tho!


The Rank 8 C3 class skills should be revealed tomorrow.

In the mean time, there wasn’t too much learned from this new patch, but I was able to confirm two things:

-Mergen’s skill is Zenith.
-Enchanter’s skill is Overreinforce.

We’ll know everything soon.


I was 90% sure about that :smiley: reading about it on the wiki it seemed like it fits Mergen the most…but I’m curious what it will be ingame. Also the Enchanter one seemed quite obvious too.
I hope all the skills will be revealed tomorrow and not just the half of it XD…


I’m so curious about this one. Is it going to be a super self-buff or an active skill involving calling an attack that comes from above?

I bet it’s Appraiser’s Overestimate counterpart. While the Appraiser’s skill affects only subweapons/shields, Overreinforce probably increases the enhancement level of the allies’ main weapon.

Mergen - Zenith
BM - Outrage
Hak - Infinite Assault
Pip - Auditory(Vuvuzela) Blitz


Today is already tomorrow yet still nothing.

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It’ll be coming today, like within 12± hours.


My heart can’t take it anymore.

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._. I want to know if rank 10 will save matador’s as a whole…

i want to know if will exists a godly class that uses a 2h sword
doppel c3 stinks -.-

get out of here!
/20 popos :tired:

i want to know if r10 will be able to save hackapelle. Oh wait archer class doesnt exist.

rank 10 part 2
