Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

This aggro looks weird for me too. If the intention was to make the Swordsmen the ones to get aggro more easily, then they should also make threat skills affect Raid bosses - or at least Peltasta being able to bypass this restriction. This way we could have tanker builds with threat management.

Personally, I don’t think the new skill will fulfill the role they apparently expect (either being with or without one of the attributes), specially with the attributes making it 6s duration only, with 60s cooldown.


Does anyone already has swd’s new time animation skills? I need to see goon =p

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Hahaha my hackapelle was Hacka barb cata.
Merci beaucoup IMC.
Wouldve liked rush available with 1h sword or weapon swap but this is fine :P.

That aoe ratio pet is gonna be high demand.

at what point are they gonna realize a huge portion of Scout builds now have Assassin just for Hasis and its polarizing because there aren’t options that are as good.

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i’m just gonna wait for it to come to the medal shop… or maybe find someone who will be willing to trade it for silver.

Bang Bang, I shot you down. Bang Bang, you hit the ground. Bang Bang. That awesome sound. Bang Bang. IMC shot Boruta down!


Something I genuinely like about IMC is their willingness to completely rework – or remove, content and underlying systems to make them better. Boruta never should have been implemented like it was, we could have avoided the whole situation in the first place, but the fact IMC is willing to outright remove part of the content is reassuring.

I’d still like to see a reward structure change to make it more progression based, and I do think the RVR Boruta could be saved, but still, I’m happy to see this.


R.I.P. Boruto

You were too pure for this world.

They don’t deserve much credit for willingness to remove content that has been awful from day 1 and has been around for 8 months in kToS. The updates came out a snails pace and didn’t make the meaningful impact any of them intended to.

Thank you for removing it but again I ask why was it was ever added?

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Boruta Seals are a huge boost with all the new set effects that we currently have and will have in the future, It just rewarded the top guild monopolizing the content and therefore making other guilds quit the game seeing the abusive system that was implemented.
People who like to kill servers surely liked the current Boruta system. We, on the other hand, strive for a more healthier content where everyone can get their stuff and GvG/PvP as balanced as possible.

At least it still will be a Guild content, hopefully with better rewards and making it 100% success rate, cause it’s way too expensive to go past lvl 3.

Good riddance Boruta.


Good riddance


Because players wanted open world pvp in player feedback :laughing:

Boruta gvg might be gone for good or reworked in to guild content , but all I can say is players consistently seek salt and this culture never fails to prevail in Tree of Savior.

It’s time to say hello to other new forms of Salt

Yes I have to agree with you there . The IMC now seems to retain pretty much if the meme culture it created ( like being IMCed etc) , but they do listen to the playerbase a lot more .

It is a good progress , but this dev - player platform is still very much limited to the Korean playerbase. Changes are faster paced than before ( 2016 -2017 era) .

They have definitely improved a lot for ktos at least, but the gap still exist in itos :sad:


tears of joy, sasuga imc

Welp people simply bought boruta seals and recipes, competitive game play has to, of course, reward the winners. Market monopoly sure is a thing, but equipment wasn’t completely restricted exclusively to be crafted and equipped by the winners.

Ragnarok had castle territories which were stupidly useful to farm ocas or even rare materials, and to craft top legend gear you needed to have conquered each castle at least once for guild materials, like the woman’s mustache.

I don’t believe a content directed similarly like boruta needs to be harmful, as long as it’s properly implemented.

One thing I hate about boruta is how it’s a gvg pve content which only gives contribution for dealing damage to the boss, people should also be able to rank via pvp kills or pvp damage done, or healing done…

If they truly want to make gvg pve content, make it so that all sort of interactions evaluate you as both a player and a guild.

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O-kaaaay. On a serious note, can everyone please explain to me this minimum critical chance changes? Not sure if I am missing out on something, but they sound like the one we already currently have don’t we?

I mean yeah, 1st check is crit rate, if fail another check with minimum crit chance, if fail another check with say DL marnox, another with Appraiser Blindside etc. Am zi missing something?

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From what is on the notes, now all of them stacks. Lets say full on Demon Lord Marnox with 20%, Blindside with assumed 25% and Daino with 15%, instead of each having their own rolls its now a separate roll of 60% accumulating all the minimum critical chances.

Probably a fun thing to have on bosses with high critical resistance.

So they stack and just do 1 check after changes?

Wonder if we will simply see more or less crits thereafter

can anyone explain the patch note of ktos that was just posted? my google translation was confusing -_-

To briefly summarise:

  • RVR Boruta is being removed (this is the GVG Boruta similar to the mode on ITOS currently)

  • The new Guild Raid Boruta will be further adjusted to emphasise in Guild cooperation

  • There will now be a special version of the Guild Raid available to Guilds who hold a Spot, where they are ranked by the fastest clear time for better rewards (this is like the new Boruta Guild Raid, there is no PVP in it)

Rewarding the winners doesn’t mean that you have to exclude 70% of the server’s community because of game weaknesses. And it’s not just Boruta, but also GTW, hence we’re seing more maps being implemented soon.

Also, comparing ToS’s Boruta with RO’s WoE doesn’t help you at all on the argument, it just further confirms how some broken gear can kill the server or even the game.

The strongest survives mentality that kills MMOs just for the seek of power or server control.