Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

The new legend raid hasn’t come out yet. Lv 400 legend equips are not ‘legend raid equipments’.
And yes, the legend raid boss is just a more powerful unique raid boss (and more gimmicks).

Unique raid boss:
Legend raid boss:

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Any news about alchemist homu?

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Any new balance patch? i m curious about what they will change on Highlander

Highlander got changes already on the last balance patch:

They added this patch and the new Unique Raid to the kTOS server yesterday, I think. So I don’t expect having anything new for this week.

Maybe next week we gonna have something.

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You misunderstand what I’m saying. I’m saying due to the game’s lag/hitboxes or whatever, jumping to dodge things doesn’t actually work. I can time a jump perfectly , or three seconds before a hit lands, or three seconds after and it’s entirely up to the game if I take damage or not. It’s just one of those things, much like attack speed builds, that isn’t reliable due to the way the netcode seems to work.

Though attackspeed seems to be a little better these days.


I can’t remember the last time I was hit by velcoffer’s curse or ground upheaval. I guess I am playing a different game than you cause my jump button works just fine

Wait people do mechanics in Velcoffer. Literally a tank and spank fight as long as you don’t have someone run away from Velcoffer in the 3rd phase or someone casts a magic ability during Velcoffers Reversi. Most of the time Velcoffer bugs out in 3rd phase and just spams his magic missile attack and you have an easy phase 3.

You guys are arguing over jump dodging and stopping dps when it would be just better to straight up dps and ignore everything.

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That will work for now, but won’t work soon with the new raid. Better to be aware of how to avoid things instead of brute forcing them.

new mechanics and healers are being spanked really hard.
Our little and over geared dps will probably have to sacrifice your infinity combo and try to walk. that’s just my hypothesis of what will happen. It will be fun.


Guardian saint becoming 30 min dura


So you want harder PVE content or don’t you? I’m getting mixed signals here.

No need to blame lag or hitboxes for you not understanding the timing. Velco has been out for a year now, perhaps it’s time to figure it out or else you’re going to be pretty upset when harder content comes out.

So are they adding more options to zoom further out? Cause snipe hits the very edges of my screen now and I sure am confused at this change.

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i’m not in deep with tos recent updates since i have not been playing but i remember seeing the new muskete class having a stealth like ability!. Maybe this change is so if you are using the stealth and waiting for someone to come close and ambush him, it becomes hard for them simple run away from you since once you lock out the skill even if they run they would still be hit.

maybe it is the skill from Tiger Hunter, they have stealth skill on them

Hi guys!
Some of you might have already seen the video I made for Lv.400 Skiaclipse series weapon options.

As the new Unique Raid was implemented on Korean Live server two days ago, options of certain weapons have been either adjusted or even added. Therefore, I would like to make some corrections here, for fear that misunderstanding would arise.

Skiaclipse Two-handed Sword

Successive Slashes:
Increases [Redel] and [Zucken] hit count by 3. Increases [Redel] and [Zucken] damage by 30%.

Skiaclipse Rapier

Attack Against Leather Armored targets +322 *deleted
N/A Battle Orders, Advanced Orders - Combination:
[Battle Orders] and [Advanced Orders] effects can coexist.

Skiaclipse Rod

INT +74 *deleted
SPR +62 SPR +83
N/A Skilled Summoning:
Increases the maximum number restriction of Skeleton by 1.

Skiaclipse Bow

DEX +130 DEX +111
Physical Critical Attack +740 Physical Critical Attack +582
Critical Rate +58 *deleted
N/A Arrow Sprinkle - Broaden:
Broadens the target area of each falling arrow of [Arrow Sprinkle] by 9.

Skiaclipse Musket

AoE Attack Ratio +2 AoE Attack Ratio +1
Physical Critical Attack +752 Physical Critical Attack +652
N/A Eye of Beast - Concentrate:
Increases the apply count of [Eye of Beast] by 2.

Skiaclipse Pistol

DEX +80 DEX +68
SP Recovery +71 *deleted
N/A Panning - Continuous Shooting:
Increases the duration of [Panning] by 1 second.

Skiaclipse Shield

N/A Guardian - Weight Reduction:
Decreases [Guardian] skill effect of damage reduction by 20%, and increases the buff duration by 100%.

Some of the armour stat distribution make no sense at all or are straight not even considerable upgrades compared to ignas armour. The leather armour makes no sense in how it is currently as its having an identity crises. That being said the cloth armour is perfect for casters besides the boots which you will be ichoring still Ignas boots by the looks of things.

Most of the changes to the weapons were to fix the problems that the new classes will have but a weapon should not be fixing how a class performs.

The X-Bow needs to be seen in action otherwise Masinios X-Bow will still be best in slot for QS builds.

If they added like 1k flat physical dmg to the monk mace then it could be considered for ichoring on Monk builds.

By the looks of things IMC wants people to go from Primus/Sevinos gear to Legendary Gear that you will Ichor stats from one of the Raids available in the game. Sadly most of the player base will not like this direction and are already complaining about why these items have lower potential or why there is no item for their specific build.


still so bad considering this is high level unique raid, with much “tougher” boss mechanic/skill, i cant see this is better than asio/wastrel for most of the weapon

so basically nothing usable for non necro/warlock wizards. they’ll have to opt for the randomized stat ones instead.

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I’m glad they listened to feedback and adjusted the weapon effects, but I’m not sure applying effects that only 1 class per weapon benefits from is the way to go.


tag me when they ever decide to buff outlaw :tired: what’s taking them so long


It’s funny that they did this for the Rapier, as Templar is not a class that requires Rapier at all.

Same for Rod. Now a mage cleric can either go for a summon rod or a monk 1h Mace


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