Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

See ktest discord for correct italian terms sweats profusely trying to wrap her head around “ritira larissi” and making sense of it

Thanks for the work as usual~


What is the problem with the lore of the game? Besides Thauma, Linker and Enchanter?


characters are more important than lore,

for example: fighting games, they insist on eliminating characters in the next game because he died in the lore, this is terrible, f**k the lore, give me my character


Well… You can always have a generic shooter unit written on a different language, from a different country, slap a specific characteristic for it (dealing with a specific Element, race, single target, area, melee, short range, wide range, etc) and there you have it


Edit: it is not a complaint, I like what they do with the majority of the classes, only a small number of them disappoint me

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I liked peacemaker better when it was called attack au fer.



Yes, I agree that Enchanter (specially), Thauma and Linker should find a better way of introducing a “person who can’t use magic that found a workaround” type of character.

But Bullet Marker is kind of a mix of magic too, cause Flint made magic bullets through alchemy. But, for me, it is a nice way of introducing it, cause it doesn’t feel magical-ish visually. The problem with those 3 classes is that they changed branch midway.

when the new classes arrive in kTest ?

If this remove cryo shield Sheriff gonna be my favorite class in PvP =O
(And the other skills look really good too)

I’m definitely hyped with the 2 new scout classes.

I like how the female sheriff costume has pants. This game needs more pants for females lol


Haha I remembered the explanation they gave us when they removed the skill
I still don’t know what they meant


Noone cares about lore. We want good gameplay, mechanics, synergies and stuff.

Imo, they all look good. Lets wait to see % scales.


when the lore is told in an immersive and cinematic way, where it looks like the story of a console game, not an MMO, I appreciate and like it
ex: wow, diablo 3, wakfu

but in the tree of savior (and 90% of MMO) lazy format, I ignore completely

and in the end, lore has to be good because the story is good, and not for historical fidelity that only serves to prevent the existence of certain classes and limit the thematic ones, if the lore is bad it is bad because of itself, does not put the fault in the existence of classes of varied themes within the universe


The reagent of pyromancer for example is rod or staffs. That is not different from paper like taoist or Onmyoji. The magic do not come from the paper, it comes from the caster, the paper/staff/rod are a channel for their magic.
Guns are not known for doing that (except Iron Fist in Season 2 finale).

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-My only gripe is the new Cloaking, if it only works outside of combat…it goes against the core class idea,being both a offensive and retreat skill, how you gonna use in maps with auto-aggro or escape while in low health that the class has by defaut?

-How you gonna take advantage of the “damage on stealth” from both the skill(if it keeps that on the skill description) and Asio dagger buff/Scout boruta Seal?

-They expect us to use Ignas legendary Card or use assassin (annihilation) to be the only sources of cloaking useable in combat?

They say : “These changes aim to make alterations to the basic ability of classes to evade and defend themselves.” But the scout class already did that in the beginning without need to change.


the assassin stealth do not buff damage, and does not work for the assassin Behead synergy, Behead works only with Cloaking specifically, scout needs cloaking works in combat, mainly Assassin(Behead synergy for damage in boss) and users of Ignas leather ichor


Scouts cant use cloack inside of battle and wiz gets teleport…
That sounds so Balanced…


I hope they do a balance patch for archer. Wugushi still can’t crit and this is much needed. Also pied piper le de welsburm or whatever doesn’t stack with crescendo bane. Wugushi needs a little love. The new matross class is nice though. Can’t wait to see the new unique or legendary weapon effects.

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I hope they implement more skills to psychokino, no reason to take this classe when the main pvp skill is removed.

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