Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

Well, keep in mind they may be referencing player expectations (not developer), as the suggestion they’re answering is asking for many chaplain changes.


Tigr Hanter

“lol // 2 0 c h a r”
-GM Boobb

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Cooking: HP/SP/ST mods like +max hp or regeneration (single buff only unless there’s a squire)

Equipment maintenance: Again, if there’s a squire, they can fix the group’s armor (max dura) or if there’s none, only +10 to durability per ‘consumable’

Exp: Seeds are already present, they just have to make it work with a special bonfire item and with a shorter duration (like golden fish)

These activities are worth people sitting over as evidenced by people sitting around seeds and bonfire is an attractive activity between CM stages. If in town, there should be a hub (inn/pub) for people to get these buffs without a bonfire (like tables, limited capacity) since lighting them in town just doesn’t make sense. A regular party can get buffs but a party with a specialized like squire have better versions (more cooking diversity and number of buffs, better equipment maintenance, etc)

This might all just be nonsense since Im not a game developer but Im trying to show that bonfire activities can be attractive enough without everything having to be always in combat.

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Funny thing is there’s already food items in game (not the squire table ones) that you can keep in your inventory and consume, you’d think they’d just implement “cooking” as a new Crafting or even Support/Vendor/Shop Class.

So much meat that we apparently eat raw… dempopolions


Precisely, there’s still so much potential to tap into to make the game more fun…as long as they dont make cooking a bundle of frustration (imagine hunting boruta for the meat only for your cooking to fail due to rng).

For now, scrambled hamster eggs will remain a dream within a dream

new dev blog:
Episode 11



Back in my days, I have to use RHS to clear Solmiki. What is your “regular player” meaning?

I wonder what the set effect on that is

looks similar to holy blade

maybe we will get a Ira Blade version too…

I’m honestly amazed IMC never skips to sell updated Goddess’ Cubes but from the patch notes I can’t see the things that actually need to be fixed.

The priorities of those who manage this game are utterly wrong, yet after tomorrow they will still be celebrating because players still will buy/support the cubes IMC sells nonetheless.

Oh. Well.


I can’t find a bigger photo so, there might be inaccuracies, also the text below states that it might be changed in the future release.

3 Set
STR: 35
INT: 35

4 set
Movement Speed 1

5 set
Keisty(Looks like a borrowed word like Gyvenimas etc.)
For 60 seconds, all attacks will be registered as Holy Property damage. (It does make sense because it’s a Holy Sword)

Dragon Strength Level 2
Increases effectiveness by 10% or something. (Need someone to proofread because the texts are too small)

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looks like a pve>>>>> oriented item lol
finally, i guess (?)

Making all dmg holy is gonna break PvE.

Well, it is subjected to change, and the tiny characters make it real hard to be readable.

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Kinda dissapointed but not surprised with that powercreep (new level cap and more overpower gears that people will need to become p2w to get or tryhard for so many hours in a day inside a game).

So be it!

I just hope Nematomas doesn’t become useless if the level cap goes above 400

I hope so, but sounds like it will. IMC’s way to destroy certain builds and gears.

5% each try with 13 tries. That is 65%? Well just laying out my math not saying it is right way to do it. Ihave failed ichor 30 timescale in a row.

Large Scale Update: Episode 11

The Beginning of the Journey to the Ruined Capital: Episode 11

Because the rank system was abolished in the [Re:Build] update, the development team will be updating the level cap and world through episodes.

The development team is currently committed and putting all efforts toward the development of Episode 11. Here, we will introduce some of the content under development to you, the saviors.

Episode 11 Introduces New Quests in 11 New Areas
The story for Episode 11 is currently under development and will feature 11 new areas, new NPCs, new monsters, and new demon lords. The current maximum level of 390 will be increased to 420.

The Unfinished Story of Astral Tower
Savior, you have accomplished the task of recapturing the Astral Tower from Ignas. However, the story of Astral Tower is not over yet. The supporters of Lydia Schaffen and those that support the restoration of the Astral Tower are waiting for you. The remaining story of Astral Tower will be found at Barynwell 27 Waters.

The final gateway to the capital that fell to disaster…
It’s ironic, but the huge wall that protected the capital of the kingdom from outside invaders before Medzio Diena also served in preventing the disaster inside the capital from spreading to the outside world. On the day of catastrophe, the brave generals and soldiers who guarded these righteous walls against the demons were nowhere to be found, and the survivors who are desperate to escape the demon’s eyes yearn for the salvation of the Goddess. Episode 11’s story begins in the eleventh section of Outer Wall.

The whereabouts of the final relevation and Goddess Medeina

Goddess of trees and forests, Medeina hides in Farias Forest to prevent the demon’s plans from coming to fruition and to provide the savior with a clue to the location of the final revelation. With the help of the kupoles, the savior will work to escape from Demon King Kartas and meet with the goddess. The hidden story of Giltine, and information on how to save Goddess Laima, awaits you in northern Farias Forest.

Support for growing your character through quests continues
The development team believes that saviors that enjoy the world of Tree of Savior through fields, NPCs, and quests are at a disadvantage in leveling their characters than those who level through hunting monsters and going through leveling dungeons. The development team wants to be sure that enjoying quests remains a meaningful experience and is not a disadvantage to growing your character. As a result, various quests now have equipment items to help you get stronger, and Silver rewards have been added to help you participate in the economy during the process of reaching max level.

[Re:Build] has already significantly increased the rewards of some quests, and this trend will continue in Episode 11.

Episode 11’s Hero Pajauta

A new NPC, Pajauta, is one of the hidden heroes who rescued citizens of the capital who had been screaming in despair and fear during Medzio Diena.

As a descendant of a historic family, she intervened in many great events recorded through history, even before the events of Medzio Diena. Some survivors call her the incarnation of Lydia Schaffen, and she has a great role to play in the history of the kingdom.

The development team will be able to support you through strong equipment and leveling support items through the quests preceding this story, so that all saviors can be ready before episode 11 arrives.

When episode 11 arrives, Pajauta will guide saviors to the area where the new story begins. You will adventure with her around the northern reaches of the kingdom, in the ruined capital. She will serve as a guide to direct saviors where to go and will be a trustworthy companion to seek the whereabouts of the last revelation.

Meet the boss of the new raid through the main story quests
In the new main story quest, new demon lords are waiting to stop saviors. You will be able to get a glimpse and prepare for the patterns of how these bosses fight as you deal with them in the story, in preparation for fighting them in the actual content.


Demon Lord Moringponia

Episode 11 Item Changes

Diversify how legend items are obtained
Legend grade equipment will now be available through many types of content.

We want to reduce the amount of time and the amount of mental fortitude required for users with different amounts of playtime to reach the most interesting parts of the game, and join the mainstream user group. Legend grade equipment will be provided through a variety of content, and as shown in the previous roadmap, it will have multiple variations to provide more meaning to these items.

March Update: Field Monsters Drop Legends
(Under development, subject to change.)

Now, you can obtain legend grade equipment just by hunting field monsters.

Materials will drop from monsters in the field, and these materials are tradeable. Equipment that is made by gathering materials in this way will have the option of obtaining random stats. Set bonuses will be applied immediately as well, based on the material used when crafting the equipment. These weapons will each follow a specific property theme (for example, this sword is Holy themed).

April Update: Unique Raid, Field Boss, Hunting Ground Boss
Unique raids, field bosses, and hunting ground bosses will provide legend materials, and recipes to craft special Unique items. Hunting ground bosses will also provide seals and magic stones. All of these will have stats applied through ichors and have their set bonuses applied randomly, similar to Velcoffer.

Unique Raids
In the current raids, you obtain the recipe from the raid, but he materials to craft the recipe are obtained in the field. Through use of challenge mode and other forms of hunting, you were able to easily obtain large quantities of materials, but the recipe was obtained via a low drop rate. It’s possible to immediately get finished crafted items in Velcoffer cubes, but these were untradeable, which resulted in the majority of them being dismantled into materials, making no significant difference.

In the new unique raid, you will be able to obtain legend materials, unique recipes, and tradeable crafted legend items. In addition, the process of obtaining the materials to craft these recipes is shorter than before.

Field Bosses

Field bosses are a form of PvE competition. However, due to the system in which rewards are provided and low core rewards, there are really no significant items to obtain other than legend cards. Now, they will provide recipes for legend items that you can obtain materials for by hunting monsters in the field, and these recipes will be have a different set of stats than those obtained in Unique Raids.

These will also come with set stats.

Hunting Ground Bosses
This content featuring 1 on 1 battles against bosses will provide unique and legendary crafted items that can be traded, along with Magic Stones and Seals. Unlike the current hunting ground Irredian Shelter, that provides only unique accessories, this one will be much higher difficulty, and will only be able to be cleared through your own strength.

The unique equipment you obtain from each content can be made into ichors, which can then be placed into any content’s legend equipment. The legend equipment that comes from each specific content will each have their own set bonuses.

Reorganizing Content: Transcend, Raids, Random Stats, and Awakening

Transcending Unique grade items
We will lower the requirements to transcend equipment that is Unique grade. Players have concern investing (transcend, enhancement) into Unique items because they will simply be replaced and abandoned once they obtain Legend grade equipment. Now, a number of unique items will come transcended automatically upon being obtained, with a chance of more based on the item and how it was obtained (crafted, etc). Of course, it is still possible to transcend the equipment further.

We will be increasing the reward you obtain from the raids after the update, but the entry conditions will also be changed. For example, instead of running Velcoffer’s Nest two times per character, after the update, you will only have two runs per team, but the rewards will increase n times. In addition to increasing the amount of rewards, new rewards will appear, such as materials and tradeable finished items.

The way rewards are provided has also been changed. Instead of obtaining a cube, killing the boss will cause a treasure chest to appear, which will provide the reward immediately.

Random Stats
The chance of stats appearing that show up very rarely, such as Critical Rate, will be increased alongside their maximum value they can provide.

Awakening Revamp
Through use of additional materials, alchemists will be able to apply higher numerical awakening stats than before.

(The rod has +47 Critical Rate, while the sword has +572 Physical Attack)

The information on the [Episode 11] update is here. The development team will do their best to deliver a complete update so that various saviors can enjoy Tree of Savior happily. Last but not least, thank you to all saviors who continue to love Tree of Savior this year.