Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

LH + wastrel is a bug…

wastrel proc via other skills, like the damage chain from linker is not a bug…

So yeah… test it, and come back tomorrow if it works…

When I see this, I think “FOR THE HORDE!!!”


they went with the icons I predicted :smiley:

There aren’t many options so it was an easy guess…

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And the moans from the Pyro/Ele/Taos could be heard throughout the lands.

Good riddance, this is actually a huge buff.

Previously this attribute just made no sense, because you have enough AoE to kill everything in packs at the same time - without the need of a puny chance-based explosion.

Right now two spells need the horse to be used.
But once the templar patch hits, they should normally be usable with any mount.


its still working. kek
honestly, i think wast sword is the most OP sword for scout. easy 2x crit rates. mine jump from 900+ to 2100+.

anyone know if this is temporary or not ?

I want to wait for scout costume, I changed all my characters to scout, but if this is a event I need use the voucher before they expire and sell the costumes =/


For now if any char doesn’t have ticket, that tab won’t show for you.
And also
in Section 8 (Which they put the wrong number in) also don’t have time limit.

i think you can trade as long ass you have those ticket in your char.


Do I understand this right. Pillaging is only gonna drop silver from now on and no other loot anymore?

For how much imc likes to talk about wanting classes to keep their individuality in their various dev blogs, they just stripped corsair off one of their most beloved features, if this is true.


Removing corsair from my farming build.

I don’t know this is what google translate says:

|Corsair||plunder|The attribute effect is changed .

existing Enemy enemies are stolen when enemy attacks
change - When attacking normal monster in normal field, stolen the silver in probability.
  • [ Loot ] no longer applies to monsters that have been activated||

Some time ago you could spam atks without weapons on a monster using corsair. Pillage would soon activate. This is okay, right?

But if you leave your party and create another one you could do it again! Over and over.
I think that’s what IMC meant with " No longer applies to monsters that have been activated ".

1- Or maybe I’m going too faaaaar!

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this looks stupid…

Yeah, they killed Corsair. Unlock Chest was removed because they were too lazy to add more chests to the game, Keel Hauling was ■■■■■■■ gutted and now Pillaging is dead. Now it’s just another DPS class with a different costume.


normal monster in normal maps, completely useless

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Hoping that, if Pillaging will trully work only on regular fields, then that it work on Challenge Modes at least, and the silver drop rate is improved (altough this last one might have been stated if changed)

At least we won’t have to discuss if Pillage is better or not.


RIGHT, be awesome if the ktos thread can be about ktos again.

Could they please be so fair to at least nerf thauma too?