Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0


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-> Oh yes, Zealot is very gimmicky indeed :upside_down_face:

-> Implying all mobs are demons
-> “Kyaaaaaaaaa Judgement-sama”

-> OMG PRANA IS NOT 100% UPTIME EVEN WITH MELSTIS :put_litter_in_its_place:
-> Have you even tried playing it in ktest? :thinking: assuming you have a nexon account

-> Are we playing the same game? Oh wait :upside_down_face:

:upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:

-> Exorcist begs to differ
-> #TotallyASupportMain


I’m curious since you singled out Monk and Sadhu as two who especially need work as they have no viable build
 but can you think of any build that Oracle really belongs in after rebuild?

“general thread” it’s more for “cleric thread” 80% of the posts here are talking about cleric, all big patch of tree of savior the conversation, posts and interest is 80% about cleric (this is a complaint, I do not like cleric)


This is the second time I’ve had to do this in this thread but; instead of whining how about you talk about something that you’re interested in? No one’s stopping you.
If others are interested in discussing Cleric things, they’ll do that. If you want to see something else
 BRING IT UP! Again, no one’s stopping you.

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yeah sadly 90% of people only play cleric because they’re OP af.
I was asking about swordsman doppel twice, no one actually know what happened to them anymore, because people only play cleric.


the game FINALY ! have the “thief”(my class in all games) base class, and people just want to know about cleric, it’s a bit revolting

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Hackapell: : :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

In a nutshell, its because its Tree Of S̶a̶v̶i̶o̶r̶ Cleric :tired:


It just because many of the active forum authors and testers are cleric mains, w/c isn’t surprising because the Cleric branch of this game is one of the most creative, versatile and interesting in comparison to other MMOs.

Another thing is because the scout tree right now (I believe) is in a pretty good shape (except squire i guess). You can see it around the youtubes. Theres a lot of videos about the new branch.

And not everyone are that excited with the thief class as well. I myself am happy with the addition but not really excited about it.


@victor_afffff @Naght A majority of the classes are doing fine. Swordsman branch and Scout branch are all pretty much in good shape. Other than a select few such as Templar, Hacka, and random scout interactions. If you check the ToS Reddit Discord you will find a lot of past/current discussions on every class.

Cleric and Wizard are the most discussed classes in this game because of the many combinations and synergies you can build. It makes sense that classes with such diverse interactions would be talked about more. Also Clerics and a few other class branches are the ones that are mostly being buffed/nerfed in patch notes, thus the topic pops up more.

If you have a question or want to know new info about any class, just ask, use the search function, or check the ToS Reddit Discord. If you would like a link to the discord just ask and I can provide one.

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yeah, clerics are kind of the god class, besides supporting, healing and being nearly inmortal they can do a ■■■■ load of dmg and do almost all the concent alone, super creative.

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From what I’ve seen so far from the Barbarian, Stomping Kick and Embowel are still the same useless clunky skills that no one should dare to spend points into.
Frenzy’s sinergy with Doppel’s Cyclone is so weird to me, because Cyclone is meant to be used against multiple targets at once, but without the Maintain Stacks atributte you will probably reset the stacks so what’s the point? I think they should re add the atributte or put it in some way (like if you’re under Warcry effect you can now maintain the stacks) even at the cost of maximum number of stacks being halved so the sinergy can make more sense.

I’m really hyped for the Re:build to come. With the new system, swordsman builds seems much more diverse and interesting, although I still think the tree is lacking of two handed sword locked classes. Besides that, there’s a “new” world with the scout tree, really excited to test them as well.

Frenzy has 1 second cd and seems to last 10 seconds. Each stack gives 2% more damage, but the stacks get reduced by 1 point every 3 seconds. It’s more powerful than DOV.

But do you get stacks by using skills now? or only by AA?

Seems like it just from seeing a few vids which I can’t find. Seems like a recent change that might’ve given the class the reason for getting 10 stars in that class review video. Hopefully it’s not a glitch.

Edit: actually nevermind what I said about it being better than DOV, Frenzy is just has the advantage of giving attack speed and not increasing damage recieved, but both are pretty good atleast.

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PD doesn’t need to stay close to an enemy while its debuff ticks though. You can always spray and run.

I really want to see news about Wizards and Summoners to be specific, nobody is talking about sorcerer There are no changes to this class (apart from some control skills being removed) and they became forgotten in the Re:Build or people just dont care?

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There’s this by Nekorin, sorc summons still look like they need their stats adjusted.

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Frenzy now have stack max 20, only 1 target if u change the target lose the buff

hackapell barbarian here poucing is op but frenzy

-> Matador/Fencer CM9 Stage 5

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