Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

@Zefiris Just a reminder that your unlocked Miko will become an unlock voucher so it’s actually totally fine to just use the voucher for a different hidden class (although yes, Miko is cute and that’s enough reason to use the class).

If I were to make a Miko build for fun though it will probably be Kagura based, since if I’m going for looks then that skill just adds to the elegance factor even more. That being said it will probably be a druid-miko-kabba or druid-miko diev if Kagura works for owl statues, aiming for a build based on lasting multi hit aoe.

EDIT: fixed naming mistakes



Good reminder (and thanks for making it!), but, I would like to keep it for that class, due to cuteness reasons. Just trying to figure out what would work in the rebuild, haha. After doing THAT unlock quest, it’d be quite sad to drop the class - and the other unlocks don’t interest me much.

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This is the stuff I was talking about. Though this may have been prior to their first nerf.

Also keep in mind that owls did hit 4 x 46% per owl which also benefited quite from blessing and the current lower mob health.
And Spr now also scales magic crit atk, so owls benefit from two stat increases. (Minion dmg and crit matk.)

That may not be the case dmg wise anymore, and it was to OP for sure.
But you can still cast owls every 15s without having to worry if that’s where you want to stack them.
And it would just take 45s to get to max dps of diev, or 1m 15s for diev/miko.

Which is quite an improvement IMO.

I’ve already seen that video and I still stand by what I said. Don’t let the diev running around fool you into thinking that is mobility…the owls are still planted in the ground.

I agree with that more than saying that it’s equivalent to mobility.

At least it won’t be anymore since 15 hp lol

Isn’t it still deiv-miko though? With kagura dance supporting magic instead of physical/melee you can somewhat of additional owl support. My last slot seems to be paladin for barrier + smite to keep statues alive.

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about this mean all [Recipe - Raid Portal Stone] before this pacth will also change Ingredient
or only new [Recipe - Raid Portal Stone] get after this pacth change Ingredient ?

hmm, yeah you could probably extend the duration of Chaplain’s capella with Clap. that’s certainly an interesting option for int chaplains.

Otherwise, diev/chap/miko perhaps? Have your owls and buff them with capella.


WTF, why would they reduce the duration by over 50%.

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Owls don’t do holy damage, but you can buff the blessing dmg by capella that your owls will do.

oh I thought capella added holy damage to magic attacks, kind of like aukuras. Guess that’s not really all that good for the owls.

What about Krivis/diev then? Aukuras boosted owls with Kagura?

Just stick druid into any caster cleric build and your going to do fine. Perma form with out any mana cost as long as you sit on one spot and a lot of healing and dmg. Sadly your going to turn everything to plant so GL with doing crit damage since plants now get double crit defence but at least your going to get 36% more magic damage.

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I wonder if IMC is taking suggestions on this. Squires are in desperate need of field use. Pardoners, appraisers, and enchanters are all combat capable. Deadly combo and arrest just does not do it for squire.

The vendor skill (which provides the actual on-site maintenance) can’t be used in combat. I tried this before. I used repair during the “in between phase” of cm to repair some gear. Someone started the next stage before I could close shop. I could no longer close shop because I was put in combat.

Another elephant in the room is base camp AND food table. Why are these still 2 separate skills?


The showcases just show the developers being unable to have a decent balance in their game.

How can the bosses be so weak now that you don’t even need alchemist potions to solo the boss who is supposedly a 5 man party lvl 330 boss?

Imo it is ok if a level 390 savior can kill the boss,
but it sucks if he doesn’t put up enough of a fight that you need the lvl 15 Alchemist potions [which got buffed twice in a row with halved CD time and doubled recovery] to survive.

IMC still can’t seem to balance damage and HP pool well enough (i.e. you give high atk and low HP or high HP and low attack or medium HP and medium attack so you get a decent fighting experience)
to make a decent gaming experience, or they just want to cater the casual Koreans who can’t clear harder content with evading damage and use better potions.

I guess no one is going to tell me now that you need pure healers anymore, right?

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Yeah it’s a bit distressing to see them pedal back so hard on the more difficult content they were playing around with on the first pass.

Its cause most of the player base was crying about not being able to solo cm4 anymore and now we get solo cm6 videos everywhere. Instead of allowing for stats to scale as you accumulate them and create a symbiotic relationship between gear and stats they left them in the dust making every stat useless besides Weapon Damage, SPR and CON(percent scaling). Every patch had a 10-20% nerf to monster HP/DMG and while doing all of that they also killed pure support builds that buffed group dmg making their buffs literally useless. Thaumaturge/Enchanter are a joke right now totally useless, unless used for specific niche builds that are used outside of group play like thaumaturge/linker for farming in HG.

Thay cant please everyone and they chose the casual

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Blaming nebulous casuals for everything wrong is popular, but is this even true? Can “casuals” solo CMs? When I played them, I had a pretty good weapon with some shards in it, and despite having a then-OP build, I just didn’t have anywhere near as much damage, even when mimicing the videos.

Are you basing the “easy CM solo” on really high-end gear with high upgrades and transcendence levels? Because that’s what I am seeing in the videos - and I don’t think most people are even close to that level.

The diev video above for example seems to have a +11/+10 weapon. Isn’t EVERYTHING ultradamage at that point?

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I seriously hate the over-nerf to the difficulty. With this new difficulty there’s not much purpose to spec into full support healer, nor any purpose to focus on getting good and upgraded gears as such gears aren’t needed for most of the content.

Do hope they find a middle ground where they can divide the maps down to 1* to 4* with 1 being easy without much damage and 4* being hard till the player needs a party to even survive.


380 gear is about ~80% as powerful as velcoffer gear on ktest, plus the new raid gear. Your looking at any meta build (that comes out of this patch) doing solo cm7 easy mode if the patch goes live with this dificulty.

+11 enhance does not matter much as transcendence will provide your character with most your damage.
A +24/10 380 ilvl Mace is as strong as a +11/10 Velcoffer Mace.

Instead of focusing on class balance and on the points i mentioned they took the easy route and nerfed everything till everyone can do everything.

Their is a video showcasing Velcoffer Raid and they just turned it into a longer tank/spank fight because dps is so low and damage taken is kind of none existent with a group of players that kind of have no idea what they are doing.

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on a side note to the balnces of classes itself:

it states on the devblog that the current class-locked costumes will be turned into special vouchers, to be traded into new costumes should we change classes, is this system already in place on ktest? i want to know how will scouts do on the costumes department, since they always released costumes in packs, one for each class… will scouts get 0 costumes? will them be able to use any? will this class restrictions be lifted from majority of costumes? anyone with acces to ktest could try to check this for me?

i have a paladin master costume, and i’m wondering what will happen when i turn this cleric into scout :thinking: