Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

bout goddamn time :satisfaction:


musket… still nothing FeelsBadMan

It is really interesting that offensive rapide returned. Epee Garde duration increase will make, assumind the CD is unchanged, to be fulltime.

It was not something needed, but it is more convenient anyway.

And Matador bleed seems OP.

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Looks like they’re trying to reduce weapon investment so that each class would only have to scale off either the main hand or the sub.

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@Pokart @WhiteDwarf

I get that, but it just feel off now that the dagger itself won’t matter. Could be better to have it scaling with both weapons in 100% since is Dagger Finish.

It’s just me or Highlander is waaaay stronger than Doppel now?

How does Hackapell works kn the Swordsman branch?You still need a bow and handed sword to perform the skills or just the 1 handed sword is enough?

Since it move to the Swordsman branch and nit the Scout branch,I don’t see why it needs a bow anymore.If it does indeed still needs a bow then why not transfer the class where it’s suited and make sense which in the Scout branch where they use daggers,guns and range attacks?

Tried new patch for an hr or so…

  • Seems like freeze doesn’t change monster type to ice anymore. No more lightning +50% damage. (Not sure if is intended or bug)

  • Instant dungeons and CM monsters are over nerfed. Give me back at least half of the previous difficulty ><


1h sword in the main hand. No xbows.

It says even on the devblog post, where they explain all the changes

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Thank you because I wanted to make a Templar/Hackapell/???

Edit:They need to change the class logo since it doesn’t use a Xbow anymore.

omg, look at that hyper nerf on Diev. That’s just sad.


regarding fencer and petlasta on this new patch… pelta’s buff that increase def by 3x times shield values maintain its effects if the shield is removed? could it be that epee garde shield def removal can be “bypassed” by this mechanic?

Where is?
Carnivory has been re-added to the game
Transform duration increase 60 > 120
Transform attribute now increase hp and defense
Necromancer max Skeletons increase 5 > 10
Langhort, Butterfly and Umbo Thrust re-added to the game
Barbarian Heal re-added to the game
Embowel Stun re-added to the game
Hold re-added to the game now given for free :slight_smile:
Capture re-added to the game
Change re-added to the game with attribute (Without it there is no Sequioa transform or Cemetary Golem :frowning: )
Squire Camp effects added back in the game, Squire camps will now actually do something again… This was a huge mistake and we’re sorry for removing it.

Such a long list of exciting changes but listing out what is left (or at least that I know of/remember) shows how much we actually still need :frowning:

(Also in case it wasn’t clear to readers that list of changes I just posted are not actual changes that have been made, just changes we should be encouraging them to make before it goes live)

Edited to delete Zaibas and Beak Mask points, I was unaware you could hide Beak Mask already (somehow) and misinformed about Zaibas, apparently.



Seems that it was integrated with skill. Ask @Nekorin

bot control.

use a DPS class to DPS

wat? actual one is badass, and covering only top of the face is totally unprecise of what a beak mask was supposed to do. Give it an actual gas mask then


Let’s see we have a lot of classes here.

What am i going to do?



Let’s nerf diev and dragoon ok


@thepurpleknightmare you know that you can hide dragoon helm / murmillo helm / beak mask, right? there’s no need for an attribute to change how beak mask looks.

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did they remove casting time from murmillo’s sprint? looking at it seems so (0:30)

I hear that Zaibas attribute that allowed it to be a decent AoE skill is gone, that isn’t on the skill as far as I know.

Bots are not a thing, Albums have been over 500k forever, I understand that there is bots still but they do nothing. It is not a reason to kill the fun of a class when it’s barely benefiting them. The game is so dead that it’s not even worth botting in. Even so it doesn’t stop bots because PvE is easy, it might slow them a bit but not by a significant amount.

As for Pelt skills they don’t have to go back on Pelt (Although Langhort should) it just sucks that those skills which were so good were removed. Ignore the points I was planning to do something a little different but it got too hard to do but like

There is other classes those skills could go to if they don’t want Pelt to do good DPS but the fact is Umbo Thrust > Shield Bash, if one was to get removed it’s better to get rid of Shield Bash. Not that they should.

Nobody is gonna be taking Thrust, why have it? It’s a bad skill, we could get a better one there though. I’m sure the Nak Muai players would appreciate it far more. Murm 3 skill is not even really playing the game, it’s kind of overpowered but it also just kills fun, it gives a false sense of accomplishment to the user but doesn’t really require their engagement. It could be replaced with 1 or 2 fun skills that actually do things. There is no reason to have a video as a skill.

I also put a few question marks on skills although nice to have Idt are nicer to have than the removed skills, with some changes to charges/additional attributes the removed skills could take their place if absolutely necessary.

Like yea Scutem hit or whatever has AoE and a stun attribute and 3 overheats sure, but give Butterfly 3 overheats and move the stun attribute there and it could take it’s place, it’s a faster, more logical skill that would increase the fun of the class. Or Targe Smash, yea okay it does damage to Frozen Enemies and has 5 overheats but like why not Butterfly instead? It looks better, has a better name, more worth holding onto.

As for PD, it’s just not my thing, TBH I think we should just be allowed to hide them, it’s ridiculous that we’re forced to show skill hats in the first place, especially with how much we pay for aesthetics on the hair. You want us to pay 198 TP for a Hairstyle + pay 3000ish TP for Goddess Blessed Cubes in order to get a SMALL Red Hair Bow, and then maybe like another 3000 for White Cat Ears and (Idk what my favorite Slot 3 is but we’ll assume it’s red heart and obtained while going for the other 2) on top of you know 50ish TP for a dye, and another 59(?) for some nice eyes. Adds up to like 6300 TP let’s see that’s holy ■■■■ nuggets, that is $700 IMC expects you to pay for items that you can’t even show off in combat.

TBH I should be complaining about the rates for Red Hair Bows and White Cat Ears, or even the costs of the guaranteed ■■■■, but come on, if you’re going to have to pay that much for these items and they are not even the rarest ones you should at least be able to see them all the time. Instead not only do you not get to see the stuff you spent sooooooo much money on, you’re forced to see this ugly mask.

I get that it’s purpose is to prevent breathing in the poisons and a half mask would not at all do that, but you can attack a player with a cat, as a bullet marker you can pull out two cats that meow your target to death. We don’t give a ■■■■ about realism and neither does IMC. It is not unreasonable to expect a mask disable feature. Especially since they just removed bloodletting.


Post must be at least 20 character.

*Waiting for Monk’s DP to revert back to normal *