Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

Did you check Divine Stigma debuff?

According to the translation it increases damage dealt against stigmatized enemies by 5% per skill level (for a max of 50% at level 10). If that’s really true I don’t see any reason not to take Krivis unless your build doesn’t have any AoE damage capabilities.

Isn’t suppose that assassin skills use a dagger? He’s using a sword+shield

New Korean dev blog post from today talking about the isssues with rebuild.

Topics cover for example:

  • Is homonculus forgotten?
  • Why is hackapell in the swordsman tree?
  • (The absolute) State of Squire
  • Why do only few classes have real synergy?

Even with Google Translate it’s somewhat understandable, so have fun reading!


he meant alive… Flurry sadly died long ago :frowning: unless you count us using time travel or dimensional hopping once to meet her…

@Nekorin * Look at Magnum Opus images *

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Cataphracts Trot was translated with trout(the fish) xD

trout is a part of the identity of Cataphract :smiley:

So Impaler is in reality a skill for harpooning fish…

No longer infinite trouts :frowning: Cataphract will go hungry

Google translation still best for a good laugh


Well, the fact that they messed magnum opus on ktest shows it was. :stuck_out_tongue:
Hopefully someday they make homu useful…

if I got anything from translation it seems like they are planing to remove the homu stone making from magnum opus :frowning: but good thing is they also are thinking of removing the 9D expiration YAY!

Worst case scenario is them making it TP shop item and taking away my stones or making it a pet and making it impossible to use cause I got no money for more pets…

Best case, they keep it as it is on Magnum Opus but make it easier aka less ingredients, add more skills and with no expiration…



Finally… Swordsman will actually be Swordsman!

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edit: webm should work now



Meteor Storm !! :satisfaction:

Let’s see what they will present to the people on Sunday (25.11.2018).

I guess we’ll see some skill transformation attributes and more balancing.

No idea what to think of Master Circles now, it could improve or destroy the balance even more considering how unbalanced it is again after Re:build…

More like meteor droppings…

This is Meteor Storm :smiley:

A skill that just like in Diablo 2 had a better name than use :expressionless:

omg wtf IMC ‘-’


Oh okay
#10. [ 호문쿨루스]는 잊혀졌나요?

현재 개선 중에 있으며, [Re:Build] 적용 시점까지 1차 개선 버전을 제공하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 다만, 호문쿨루스의 구성 자체가 매우 복잡하고,현재 트리 오브 세이비어의 구조나 방향성과 맞지 않는 부분이 있어 근본적인 부분부터 수정해야할지도 모르기 때문에 장담을 드리기는 어렵습니다.저희는 [호문쿨루스]를 절대 잊지 않았습니다. 이에 대해, 내년 초까지는 스킬이나 관리 등을 변경한 버전을 제공할 계획입니다. (Ex : 호문쿨루스의1주일 수명 제거 등)

  • 마그눔오푸스로 현자의 돌을 만들지 못하는 부분은 현재 수정 중이며, 빠르게 적용될 예정입니다.

I think they will do the same to RO and create Homunculus versions that have their own abilities and a better AI

One can only dream…

Hope it goes beyond Accurate Incompetence, that’s what pass for Homunculus AI right now…

Homunculus versions that have their own abilities and a better AI

In TOS 4.0

omg, classic Ragnarok Meteor Storm?? What’s next, Lord of Vermillion?

Also, I do hope this murmuring of alchemist homunculi being overhauled goes through. It would make the class much more interesting…but I Still want to see Alchemistic Missile be completely changed and combustion buffed a little further.


Tried out Krivis’ Divine Stigma, gives Kabbalist’s Gevurah a run for its money. This is what Gevurah should be like


Divine Stigma lv5

  • Increases damage by 50% from all sources of damage, both physical, magic, minions/pets (owls) excluding bonus damages.

  • Is an additive damage buff when use alongside Gevurah and Fanaticism (the 3 together adds a total of +230% damage). They add together not multiply off each other.

  • 30 seconds cooldown with a 15 secs debuff time. Adds +10% INT/STR when monster is killed while being debuffed.

  • Similar to iToS, it doesn’t spread via Pandemic, but Discerning Evil does increase its duration.

Kabbalist’s damage multiplication role is getting smaller and smaller…


So, isn’t Death Sentence just a way worse version of this that doesn’t work on bosses?
Hopefully IMC takes another look at Oracle.