Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

Lycanthropy skill factors in Re:Build

Skill 1: 269% (AoE Ratio +50, Cooldown 0)
Skill 2: 146% (AoE Ratio +50, Cooldown 5s)
Skill 3: 86% (AoE Ratio +0, Cooldown 5s)
Skill 4: 359% (AoE Ratio +0, Cooldown 10s)

Skill 1: 216% (AoE Ratio +1, Cooldown 0)
Skill 2: 753% (AoE Ratio +1, Cooldown 5s)
Skill 3: 625% (AoE Ratio +5, Cooldown 5s)
Skill 4: 2129% (AoE Ratio +10, Cooldown 10s)

I’m not sure how you’re getting this impression. Their statement is that they plan to improve event rewards going forward due to the feedback.


Free attribute points are always appreciated last uphill event was 800k silver worth of attribute points per day.

With the upcoming costs of attribute costs they should increase those rewards as they will be so valuable because of the cost increases. New players when they see the costs of attributes will be like wtf and realise it will take them 3+ years and multiple billions of silver just to get 100% attribute enhancement on their class/build.

What I don’t understand is the fact that the attribute point costs for every skill is exactly the same despite some skills being way weaker/more useless than others.

E.g. Aqua Benedicta being about 1/3 the strength of Rubric, having less maximum targets, not affecting flying monsters and having higher CD time but still costing the exact same amount of attribute points to enhance.

Imo it feels like fraud if you feed so many points into weak skills just to reach the same base power that other skills have without any attribute.
Re:build could have addressed this issue, but instead they unified the costs for all attributes, depending on the category, with enhancement attributes being the most expensive.

Some skills are even deliberately bad so you have to invest into the attribute so you have a decent skill effect.

I don’t believe the new attribute system is designed for the casual players, but it rather caters the hardcores and whales while enabling the new players to buy all the essential attributes (e.g. Class attributes & skill modification attributes) for some few points they can collect by doing the Class Master quests.

Sure, it allows more improvement over time via attribute points aside of weapon&equipment, but it feels as if the players were robbed of their investments before Re:build (since you could max way more attributes than now for the same amount of attribute points) and builds up a wall for new players who will be even more weak[aside of equipment,transcendence,enhancement,item awakening,item enchant] in comparison to veterans now(40-60% more damage due to higher skill modifiers via lvl 80- lvl 100 enhancement attributes).

Wait, most events are already crap, how will they make it worse? Is it even possible?

But frankly, if they gave more of those untradable tokens and the famous “event TP” that they had a slot for but never gave us after a time, I would accept.

If we’re gonna be a gacha game, let’s go all the way then pals.

Except what they literally mean is that they stopped giving things like diamond anvils away, because of what it did to the economy.

That does not mean that events are “worse.” It’s that they realized what a mistake it was and stopped doing it so as to make sure that events weren’t absolutely mandatory and not broken as ■■■■. The pokemon event and Halloween events last year were the worst things they’ve ever done, completely exploitable, and I’m very happy that they realize what a mistake it was.

Events can still be good, many current events DO give things like enchant scrolls and headgears, they just aren’t giving things which ruin the game.

They aren’t making them worse, can you not read?


but they can also make a good pokemon or halloween event if they want to, just fix the problems they had earlier.

I don’t wanna AFK fish and talk to npcs to get crap untradable gear or useless itens.

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My only problem is the AMOUNT OF RNG:

  • the end content already has RNG inside your rng to enter you need drop the rng recipe, PLUS you need the RNG Practonium drop from any of its lovely sources, you guess it, RNG.
  • want get a new hat? or season costume? RNG over those low win rate boxes (we really need that loot boxes laws to keep away this horrible thing).
  • Nice! droped some gear, gonna appraise it on that lvl 6 appraiser, i heard from the devs that the higher the level the better the chances: NOPE RNG on that primus (it gonna be even worse when the New Set mastery effects come).
  • new event pops up? RNG the number GUESS from 1 to 100. Its fun guessing random numbers, right?..RIGHT?
  • want do the new event? no control over fishing RNGfest.

I get that rng is good in some instances, to get that, wow random reward feeling…but come on… i was hoping for some DIRECT work/reward events happened more often, and more than not, the rewards are not worth it.
(yeah its a rant but oh well, that’s what the forum is for. TL;DR : imc puts rng inside your rng so you get more rng rewards).


i like a little RNG but the ichor system is ridiculous, how can a person not hate it?
i’ve spent more on not getting ichors than on my +16 weaps…

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totally forgot about ichor…i heard the horror stories…

They’re just saying players were mostly doing events instead of playing the game. I don’t see where they say they are going to make events worse.

More events, more rewards.

They actually say nothing about the quality of incoming events, or I’m totally blind.

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the gear is trade able. Bot farms can abuse this event hard since everyone can fish at any level

I know that you said it more generally, but Exorcist is a contradiction since… Ever.

They could have fixed this “1 skill syndrome” here too whithout nerfing Aqua Benedicta. But oh well…

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omfg so much change

when do u think this will hit us

It was delayed once, so likely some time early next year. Probably in january.

The classic self-buffed inquis chaplain. Still looks viable as ever.

Assasin seems like a very solid finisher to the farming core.


that linker thauma is close to my idea but with enchanter :3

well linker/thauma/enchanter is a farming combo that already exists.

I knew I should have been more specific xD no everyone will remember my old posts :smile:

Enchanter/Assassin/Linker is what I meant :haha:

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Holy macaroni that’s harsh, on top of the super increased SP cost, only lasting 30 seconds now + Cleric having weird ass auto stats, not sure i can make this work anymore …

Actually, no, if we consider the skills maxed, in pre-Re:build Aqua Benedicta, Rubric and Katadikadzo all have similar power levels, with Koinonia not far off of these three skills.
Sure,the CD times and OHs are a little different, but looking at the potential overall damage, they are pretty close.

After Re:build, I’ll make Aqua Benedicta a 1 point skill since the scaling is abysmal and
it doesn’t have any OH,
so with the limitations it’s only good for a quick cast to finish off mobs that didn’t die from Rubric/Katadikazo.
And I’ll never ever max the skills enhancement attribute, I’d rather max Smite:enhance over this because it hits everything and deals overall better damage.

This is how different the skills are after Re:build:
Koinonia[100%] is the strongest skill (longest duration,most hits,harshest conditions)
followed by Rubric[25%] (channeling, acceptable AoE, stationary/disabled)
followed by Aqua Benedicta[12%][ (item use, doesn’t hit flying,small AoE)
followed by Katadikazo[8%] (casting, huge AoE, 2 OH)

with the number in []-brackets showing how much damage the skills deal in proportion to Koinonias damage[OHs included in the calculation].
Only Rubric comes close when considering CD time (since you can cast it roughly 3 times in Koinonias downtime) while all other skills have really bad damage and still cost exactly the same amount of attribute points to boost.

This feels like a rip-off since currently weak skills are generally those coming from lower Ranks,thus having also lower attribute costs, while after Re:build everything will be expensive, even weak skills.

That’s a pretty bad showcase. The person doesn’t even utilize basic combos for Inquisitor gameplay, and Priest is only used for TU and Mass Heal…
Chaplain only for knockdown immunity and synergy for auto-attacks on Breaking Wheel & via flames also doesn’t prove to be very effective when looking at this footage.

Imo it feels more like a wasted character overall than being viable :frowning: