Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

How are those nerfs lol

If the cooldowns go down you can use it more often, thus they have to adjust the damage
But in most of them cooldown went down by 30-50% but damage went down by only 10-25%

Take Demon Scratch for example: They halved the cooldown, but only reduced like 30% of the damage.

Let’s clarify even more:
Demon Scratch before
40s CD 315% base damage (without lvl modifier)
2 Uses: 630% damage in 1m 20 seconds

Demon Scratch after:
20s CD 255% base damage (without lvl modifier)
1m 20 seconds = 4 uses = 1020% damage

They almost doubled the damage you can deal in the same time
Just because you see numbers going doing doesn’t mean it’s a nerf

By the way, having 15sec cd micro-dimension is amazing THANKS IMC


They really want people to use Micro Dimension and possibly copy stuff with it. Not that it doesn’t already do decent damage as well.

I am sure that would be fairly easy, doubt that is the problem. I think they simply don’t see it, don’t care or whatever else.

Wish they would make more attributes that cancel each other out and have to choose. You skill the base skill and then the attributes modify the skill and give you different ways to play the class.
Like, Pyro has direct damage and a way to play focused on burn debuff. There are so many things you could do.

I think some older cards may become more popular and expensive now with the change to stats and things like the Elementalist Self-Buff. You can’t freely pick your stats anymore thus stats from other sources should rise in importance to get what you want.

Kinda have to laugh at them buffing mostly the skills of higher ranked classes, just look at the list which skills they buff. Meanwhile Prominence 1 min CD and no overheat. XD
Well, some of the skills still needed it. Warlock already got gutted quite a bit. Still would like to see increases in the lower classes.

It is worthless if stuff can’t be copied. Can’t copy Frost Pillar anymore. Can’t copy sorc’s bats. Can copy ice wall, but for what?
The only useful things you may copy are that owl statue and Fireball. I will try a pyro-sage to see if is viable or not, but my hopes aren’t that high.

We will have to see. I would love if you could copy Fire Walls just so you can spam them into a room. Though they may have to change them for this to actually work like I want too (use the same mechanic like for Fireball, they don’t vanish anymore but each enemy can only take the 5 hits and then gets not affected anymore).
I will try as well, even if I can only use the magic circle increase then as Fireballs have a too small duration.

Chrono+Pyro+Ele will be nothing but crazy nukes.
the multiplier on meteor will be crazy with flame ground, now that pyro got buffed, elemental buff from elementalist. synergy between Pyro+Ele class attribute, add with chrono to speed up and cd skills faster.
i can see the potential of Konosuba EXPLOSIONNNN~~~

Attack speed is still influenced by ping?

Generally is the Elementalist Buff amazing for multiple classes that use Elements. After all, if you attack a Weakness you get 100% more damage.

Cryo should be great for PvP, it has a mastery that increases the defense of a shield by 25%.

Did cannoneer lost bazooka steady fire attribute and the 50% skill damage bonus? Time to go back to kneeling shot?

This says Google Translate about the skill (all attributes seem to be gone or have been absorbed):
Sit down for a stable blow and take a shooting posture. In the bazooka state, cannon base attack damage, speed, attack range increases, Cannon attack range and wide area attack rate increases. ★ If you have your own or friend’s nearby, you will receive knockback, knockdown immunity effects.

Cannon Basic Attack Speed Increase Cannon Basic Attack Added Damage 50% Canon Basic Attack Range 50% Canon Attack Range 80 Increased Cannon Attack Wide Attack Rate 2x

I believe the “your own or friend nearby” counts the QS Pavise as well, so you can get this solo as well I believe.

I wonder if block and shoot will trigger off pavise blocks.

Oh God! Wouldn’t that be OP as heck? xD


  • Basic attack speed +x% (pre-rebuild was about 25% with veteran mercenary attribute)
  • Basic attack damage + 50%
  • Basic attack range +50%
  • Attack range +80
  • AoE ratio x2

Kneeling shot:

  • Physical attack +15% x 1,5 = 22,5% (with enhancement attribute)
  • Attack range +34
  • Basic attack speed +250%
  • Cannon skill critical rate +10%

Wasn’t it Kneeling Shot = Single Target and Bazooka = Multi Target in the past? With QS getting Kneeling Shot, having the Pavise it seems like a good fit.
Probably depends on how much you need the Attack Speed and the Critical Rate.

100% damage bonus of bazooka used to outperform kneeling shot in the past. Now that cannon is a 2-handed weapon, does it deal AoE damage with normal basic attacks, even while in kneeling shot?

Honestly I have no clue if it does AoE damage with normal Attacks (Sorry =x ). I would imagine that at least Bazooka enables that maybe, depending on if it is a basic function of the new 2-handed cannon.

If they can balance Kneeling Shot and Bazooka to be Single- and Multi-Target each then that would be nice.

From what I could gather , Its only talking about AoE skills and whose the first target of that AoE skill will be.

As we know whos gonna get hit by the AoE depends on the first target , basically if the AoE Attack Attack ratio from the caster is > then the AoE defense ratio from target then the AoE skill goes to another target and It’s tested again (with a smaller number that was decreased from the first test). Meaning a tank now will be able to reduce the number of targets a AoE from a boss or player will hit since now the first target will be chosen by the target(within the AoE) with the highest defense ratio.

My guess is that before it was either chosen at random or the one with the lowest defense ratio. Either way this is a nerf to AoE in general but a huge buff to tanking.

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That’s where sprinkle potion skill could come into play…

Energy Bolt 5 does more dmg within 15 seconds than alchemistic missile with 3 OH does until it goes on a 15 second cooldown. Both skills still function pretty much the same from the videos I saw.


Ok since we now know of the classes skills isnt it time that they change auto stats on Kabbalist, Priest, Dievdirby, Oracle, Plague Doctor, Miko and Pardoner.

Getting strength and dexterity on healing classes isn’t something that anyone really wants.

Someone pointed out to me when I talk about aoe defense ratio is that most mobs have 50 aoe attack ratio. I hope they scale it down a bit.