How are those nerfs lol
If the cooldowns go down you can use it more often, thus they have to adjust the damage
But in most of them cooldown went down by 30-50% but damage went down by only 10-25%
Take Demon Scratch for example: They halved the cooldown, but only reduced like 30% of the damage.
Let’s clarify even more:
Demon Scratch before
40s CD 315% base damage (without lvl modifier)
2 Uses: 630% damage in 1m 20 seconds
Demon Scratch after:
20s CD 255% base damage (without lvl modifier)
1m 20 seconds = 4 uses = 1020% damage
They almost doubled the damage you can deal in the same time
Just because you see numbers going doing doesn’t mean it’s a nerf
By the way, having 15sec cd micro-dimension is amazing THANKS IMC