Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

For you

Nekorin (currently off) tested both C3 on stream:
(video starts at correct time)


How exactly is the new Tracer Bullet’s attribute?
And have any test with the Freezing Bullet?

Thank You o/

Tracer atribute

  • The chance of a critical strike of a pistol using skill except basic attack increased by 3% per level
    -Five- levels
  • SP + 30%

freeze bullet

15% chance to freeze per AA for 20s
cd: 40 secs



Maybe I should give up on Taoist.
/y Sell Electra Necklace for bs, PM me with offer


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This new zealot skill reminds me of FF’s enervation.

Lancer gigante marcha should be able to reach 25 hits.
Try 22 hits on unmoving target dummy.

Perhaps good with Falconer3 aiming.

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If someone can find Enchanter new skills and how much status the new enchant rounds give, I would appreciate it

Inquisitor / Zealot (skip to 1:35 to see the scary scissors wheel combo):

Hakka / Mergen (skip to 2:50 to see Mergen’s dadadaDADADADADA):

Some new R10 maps and Exorcist 3 gameplay:

Bong TOS’ party in the new HG370:

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Is Corrida Finale a fake multihit?

The video shows that enemies get hit up to 5 times per bull run, but the skill description only shows the % dmg value without mention of multiple hits or numbers.

That would be the icing on the cake.

I already gave up on Taoist when they introduced rank 9. Never hoped for it to be better, you know IMC. xD

Maybe it’s just me, Zealot C3 skills and attributes aren’t as good, especially compared to Inquisitor and Exorcist.

I expected much more from Zealot C3, given how this is a C3 Rank 10 skill, and how the information from the rank 10 Dev-Blog about Zealot is quite different/wrong from the Zealot C3 skills and descriptions we got in kTest (Emphatic Trust, Fanaticism Martyr description etc). Probably wrongly or misunderstood translated information that was left unchecked to be posted in Dev-Blog.

I expected too much from Rank 10 updates. :neutral_face:

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no news yet about the increase of hit count of breatripper by str? like the dev blog stated.

I would say that its the opposite, Zealot is now the only r8 class that worth to get c3. (I’m talking only about Cleric)
Inquisitor get stronger but not enough.
Exorcist Katadikazo not worth to get the c3, better go to Druid c3 for Lycanthropy and henge Stone.
Taoist… well, doesn’t need to talk about it…

Zealot c3: More power through Fanatism and Emphasy Trust is too much OP.

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Still not really convinced, probably because I assumed and expected something different from the Dev-Blog and a rank 10 C3 skill.

I guess I’ll have to wait for more videos on Zealot C3 (prays for monk zealot videos) to make any conclusive thoughts on the skill and attributes.

EDIT: That Taoist burn though.

Any descriptions about new enchanter skills ?


Yin Yang attribute:

스킬이 끝난 뒤 시전자의 신성 속성 공격과 어둠 속성 공격의 대미지가 20% 증가하는 버프가 특성 게벨당 1초간 걸림.

Max 50 levels = 50 seconds (1 second per attribute level) of +20% dark and +20% holy damage buff, after using the Yin Yang skill.
Cost for 50 levels:
Level 1 cost is 700 points.
For equal cost of 50 levels, can get yin yang enhance attribute to level 89 instead. Would be more useful.

Cooldown of yin yang is 60s, therefore this attribute cannot boost its own damage unless you have diev statue cooldown reduction or chronomancer pass

Toyou attribute

This toyou attribute is 3 levels, with 10% chance per level.


Big fox attribute
Max 50 levels, and 1% chance to get a big fox per attribute level.
Big fox deals 1.5x damage.

@Takoi I’ll check and try it later.


Enchanter 3 please <3

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Those Onmyouji 3 attributes are extremely disappointing, the holy/dark buff especially (there are no holy spells in Wizard tree??? who benefits from this?) I hope they get number balance and another look, otherwise no one is gonna use them.

Just runecaster rune of justice is holy.

Water shikigami level 15 with attribute to get 10 hits, toyou 10 against ground, and tiger 6 or 6+ are the best to use skills. Yin Yang I guess it could be decent on boss with its 40 hits.

Fire fox is for psychokino build.

I didnt log into test today, but it sounds like its the same as
and that only increases the Dark Property Damage you have (from Hats,Awake,Gear,…) but not dark skill damage.

I will check that later.

edit: works for skill damage