Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v3.0 LOL

I rather hope they will pack together new 360 level extension + new rank/class extension together on iToS in end of November. It is pointless to play new level without new rank, but just farm for equipment.

For today, I just hope they have dev blog to put more details on the new rank skill/attribute detail

Together with continuing existing class balances


Probably yes, in the closed event that happened in the jtos, it was said that this content already arrives for it in November, so I believe that it arrives in the itos at the same time

Believing in IMC is a grave mistake my friend


They already explained they won’t release things like that anymore. Content Patch with Base level release at some points. New Classes released at other points. For more “interesting updates” to take place in the year technically.

I understand the what mentioned in previous dev blog, i mean at this instant, ktos already have lv360, next week they will get new rank9, both update just in 1 month of gap.

For iToS, we have none now, but as they promised it will still within this year for Rank9. So, it is either we get lv360 at mid November and Rank9 at mid December (christmas holiday), or we get both together at end of November / end December?

Why they keep extended ktest maintenance…

it seem there is some problem that need to be fixed…

Zealot stream Live now:
Edit: Rangee is also testing several other rank 8


yes ktest getting the new class! hype!

how long till tosgbase get the changes?

i’m dying to know the new daino scalling, so i can build mu chaplaim acordingly

patch on test

new classes

challenge mode
each character once per day. Lv200+
kill monster and purple monster can spawn. kill it to open portal. 5 stages inside each 10min. boss at end.
cant open in HGs(?)

new 330 raid
no exp or silver but 350 recipes and materials (?)

old dungeon level change
50 unchanged
80 changed to 120
110 changed to 180
140 changed to 230
170 and 200 removed
230 changed to 270
260 removed
290 changed to 300
maybe can enter all from a Klaipeda NPC?
only ‘entry’ used when killed final boss? (like saalus)
items, silver, exp only when killing final boss?
no cube reopen?

party exp changes

350 crafting recipes and materials

"gold anvil, instance clear 1star, card albums is no longer drop in the general field and dungeon instances"
but in HuntingGrounds (?) ‘blessed pieces’ also drop in HGs

armor safe enchant changed from +3 to +5

item stat rerolling added

maps star and drops on dead changed

Token +1 buff removed
Buff limit removed

Companion name change. 9TP like char name

KR events

Damage cap changed to 777.777

some class changes and bug fixes

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I need data on Shadomancer and Bullet maker :satisfaction:

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holly ■■■■, so zealot DO get a gap closer… DAIUM

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WOW holyshit that class costume.

the stuffs on boss kill seem…counter productive? unless somehow they can code it so the amount you get is based on how much of the dungeon you did clear this gives you 0 reason not to just rush the boss.

I like the BGM at Klaipeda it reminds of Ragnarok’s Peaceful Forest BGM

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maybe they will change the way dungeons work, adding iron doors and bushes to prevent rushing


4 versions of class costumes