Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v3.0 LOL

Other than that, we also have plans to introduce monster gems that increase the level of Rank 7 and 8 skills[…]

New monster gems will be coming sooner or later, let’s just hope that they don’t pull that Large Panto Spearman Gem- way of getting it onto the skill-gems of Classes that rely on these kind of gems to become strong&useful.

It is implemented, but I have yet to find anyone on kTest with this stat and I don’t play the live server at all so I can’t test it there.

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Any news about ktest Update?

ktest will be down for maintenance
they didn’t state anything about new update/patch

About looting chance
have yet to get one might be “very rare” stats.

some pic from ktos

Not really TBH. How much better is a weapon with, say, +60 in 5 stats compared to +40 in your 3 best stats really? Considering they’ll still be the same in terms of giving level 350 damage, it’s really a small upgrade. Sure you’ll have to pay out the ass or grind a million hours to get a perfect weapon, but compare it to how the system is now; with the new system you can always find an affordable weapon even if you’re a new player and it’ll be good enough to keep up with the high level content, and then you go on to farm progressively better gear. With the current system, meanwhile, you get to max level and then… open a box for three months trying to get practonium and craft a weapon with it, and then you have to somehow acquire 2 practonium and farm a shitload of materials to craft a better weapon, and once you do all that, well, you basically have nothing to do except enhance it and transcend it, maybe farm a whole new one if you get to 0 potential and want to keep enhancing but don’t want to shell out millions for diamond anvils.

TBH I like the new system more.


New patch note

I just can’t believe Zealot has not received any changes. You can go there and test Zealot and clearly see that it’s unfeasible to use it the way it is.

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:frowning: no more pew pew pew sound…



This is why you join a guild and party with people that don’t suck. Need before Greed, etc etc.

o-o movespeed 133?
thats so fast

Great. Beside more rng-crap this is what a MMORPG needs. The Skillpoints for the Base Stats get more and more marginal. Brilliant design decisions by @hkkim

Actually, yeah. This is exactly what an MMORPG needs, a reason to justify all the shitty grinding that are conducive to these types of MMORPGs.

Basically this turns the game into a loot pinata.

How about non-random? Creating a customization system in which you can use loot to craft items and give them addition stats. Everything non-random and with focus specialized weapons. Yeah, it’s hard to do it as a designer.

you would have to make it intentionally weaker than BiS, and at that point, just farm BiS

Well part of this system is giving players the ability to break down equips and change the stats on the equips you want to keep…so they are already doing that in a way.

Yeah I like this new RNG system ;3

Its finaly like having Diablo 2
With more options
And cute graphics ;3
Now hope Challenge dungeons are way they want to head with unlimited instances per day for parties and stuff :slight_smile:

lol I just notice there is status become 0 on ktest unequipped item will make it changed but after changing map all status will become 0 again.

I think it’s a visual error since nothing happened to my damage or anything :’)

Funny as hell though, that’s for sure.

Yep it is a visual error.
