Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v3.0 LOL

So many !!
I wonder if those blocked-out ones count too. (lol)
Unless, somebody writing the notes is randomly hitting numbers again, i’m not too sure. :thinking:

Very sorry again, It’s written very wrongly from a different document.
But i’ll re-write it properly below and update the pastebin.

’ The following buffs now calculate and apply their effects based upon the character’s real stats. ’

so, things listed in the lower-section of the character info window like Max. SP/SP Recovery/Evasion/Critical stuff ATK DEF etc. This is likely to affect the amount of additional SP and other things players can get from the skills mentioned. I hope this is a little more clearer and sorry for the confusion. :slight_smile:

Ahh thanks, that makes more sense.

Does anyone know if we can get 50 TeamStorage slots now? and How?
35 is not bad, but something more would be nice.

Enchant Lightning adding extra line of damage equal Enchant Fire?

As the way it is written, it is only a tooltip change.

Actually… after seeing the ET video from timestamp 3:03:

Condensed Earth Tower 5F Cube:
    - 1 Re-opening = 1,400,000 Silver
    - 2 Re-openings (Token) = 560,000 Silver

It’s not 560k on each reroll (1m120k total).
It’s 1m400k (1st reroll) + 560k (2nd reroll), 1m960k per cube.

So… recalculating everything for solmiki… (2 essences avg. per reroll)

Old investment: 95 days + 232m.
New investment: 18 weeks (35 days [*2=70 runs]) + 411m.

I’m not sure if I’m doing math correctly but for example:

Case A:
1 - Each 25F cube: 3.5m+1.4m=4.9m (2 rerolls)
2 - Essences needed for 25F: 60 essences * 2 = 120 essences
3 - Average essences per reroll: 2 (from video) -> 6 per cube
4 - Cubes needed: 120/6=20 cubes.
5 - 20 cubes*4.9m = 98m

Case B:
3 - Average essences per reroll: 3 -> 9 per cube
4 - Cubes needed: 120/9=14 cubes.
5 - 14 cubes*4.9m = 68m600k

Case C:
3 - Average essences per reroll: 4 -> 12 per cube
4 - Cubes needed: 120/12=10 cubes.
5 - 10 cubes*4.9m = 49m

Case D:
3 - Average essences per reroll: 5 -> 15 per cube
4 - Cubes needed: 120/15=8 cubes.
5 - 8 cubes*4.9m = 39m200k

25F: Solmiki Gloves + Solmiki Boots:
Old investment: 20 days / ~3 weeks + 40m

New investment - Case A: 10 days / ~5 weeks + 98m
New investment - Case B: 7 days / ~4 weeks + 68m600k
New investment - Case C: 5 days / ~3 weeks + 49m
New investment - Case D: 4 days / ~2 weeks + 39m200k

I feel that either we’re supposed to get higher number of essence drops somehow (at least to 4-5 per reroll), maybe at higher floors or something.

Or IMC is somewhat preparing for hard mode.

Or I suck at math and excel D: lol

But something feels really off >_< (even worse for non-token users, need almost 4 times the number of weeks needed)

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This is what it looks like. Each boss gives a different cube:응축된+대지의+탑
So you’ll probably get more essences if you manage to kill bosses from upper floors. This is something that should’ve been in the item tooltip (e.g. “Open this cube to receive 1-3 essences”), but IMC loves to hide information from players.


On that video:

5F Lolopanther area

  • 1 run = 1 box
  • Got 3 -2 - 2 essence on its rerolls. Lets say you always get these rolls. 7 essence per run.
  • Costs for a full reroll was: 1.4m + 560k = 1.96m
  • You can do up to 2 runs per week.
  • 14 Essences per week with a cost of 3.92m

  • No change on the recipe materials required.
  • Lolopanther Gloves need 40 essences.

(1) Lolopanther Gloves cost:

  • Time: 3 weeks - 6 runs (42/40 essences)
  • Silver: 11.76m

(1) Current Lolopanther Gloves cost:

  • Time: 1 week - 14 runs (42/40 essences)
  • Silver: 5.6m

5F lolopanther is weird, because its our only current floor with a 100% chance to give essence out of the cube.

Even if higher floors have a higher essence drop, this is actually the opposite of what we desire, the cost on time and silver has been increased. If people could take the time to run on other characters thanks to the limit per week allowing this, the increase on silver cost is way too much.


Stop doing 3x dg300 instances and play the game.


Out of curiosity… How has the Korean community reacted to this… Needed silver sink, welcome reduction in ET runs, or whale milking?

This patch was announced to be implemented on thursday this week. We are commenting from the information on ktest changelog and video posted up there.

So, we still need to see if its gonna arrive to live servers with those values.

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I bet that the prices will be nerfed :slight_smile:

This is ridiculous. I thought their plan was to make lolopanther set the go-to set for the casual player? lmao it’s worse than unidentified gears at similar levels yet it costs too much.

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yes maybe, but it’s only 2 times on week so there is no point in go solo xD

tbh, my ideal rework for the ET would be something like:

  • 2 entries per week consumed after a successful run
  • No more checkpoints, you need to climb all 20 floors on Lolopanther area or Solmiki area
  • Bosses from the floors 5F, 10F and 15F give one cube that rewards the player with valuable stuff (enchant scrolls, blessed gems, awakening stones, multiply tokens, instance reset vouchers, silver anvil, talts, etc.)
  • The boss from the 20F rewards the party with a cube and one Earth Tower artifact (only 1 artifact per week per team for non-Token users and 2 per week for Token users, after that you’ll only receive the cube)
  • Earth Tower artifacts can be exchanged for Earth Tower equipment (2 for gloves/boots, 3 for top/bottom armor, 4 for accessories and 5 for weapons).

Would it be too much? 27 weeks for non-Token users and 14 weeks for Token users to get all pieces and the weapon (by yourself).


With multiple accounts and reset voucher exist.
Solmiki will be very easy to get.

Solmiki price was high due to it was long time consuming
it is not a hard content anymore.

You suggestion pretty much reduce time from 50+ hrs to 5 hrs to get a weapon
consider that will heavy affect balance of the game.


If you consider current known values (2 avg. per reroll) cost price for enitre Solmiki set is increased from 232m to 411m while also requiring 35 weeks/35 days (8 months-ish + 3 weeks? / 70 runs) to complete, compared to 95 days (3 months + 5 days / 190 runs) before.

It will be far harder to get, even with reset vouchers. You’ll probably going to reach 500m cost price if you use too many vouchers.

Also, about every 4th floors… they were great for taking a break with Taoists. You could get a snack or water or etc on long runs like 35-40F that takes up almost an entire hour due to no floor checkpoints/skip.

Removing the breaks to put more boring-dps floor actually just makes it even more tiring than before :\

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sorry my English is bad and was not clear but i was reply to Pokart.


Oh, ok! My english is bad as well, I thought it was about the changes and then later about suggestion.

Anyway, both are good additions to the topic \o

Sorry again >_< I’ve been thinking too much in the new changes lol

The timers continuing when you clear a floor is the dumbest thing ever. It’s also why when people get d/c it’s such an issue. They shouldn’t rush people to go to the next floor, the next floor should start when everybody enters it. It doesn’t change the fact you still have to do the floor X minutes, it won’t take the challenge anyway. All it changes is that people can go to the bathroom, plan a bit and such.


…so what about “more character slots”? mistranslation or what D:

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