Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v3.0 LOL

my friend says that this image is not official xD


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Hi guys, we dunno have lv 360 one hand spear weapon? I missed it



It is a event reward (in KR) and everyone should be able to get it.

(no RNG but “give event drop items to NPC, reward each day for doing so, day 10 is costume”)

@Hmmmm btw do you know where ktos get the tbl costume?

Is there any picture or video of players using them?
(except my ofc)

I didnt saw anyone with them in ktos. Maybe they are not available yet.

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We get this box by participating on TBL daily.

The rankings were set yesterday at midnight. Matches ongoing and finishing after midnight would end up counting towards the next week score.

We got the old ranking numbers beside our names, but havent confirmed if the top has got a title as expected.

(I got this from the last TBL week before closing, i ranked 3rd, and the update allowed me to pick up this title that expired after 7 days. This time i got 11th so cant confirm by myself)

There are also the following boxes that i guess shud be delivered after rankings are set, but i think they are not implemented here or ktos yet.

Edit: thanks to Fugi.

Title is in game.

I have a few questions: I got another title (Thrifty Savior) for ending up 1st in the Adventure Journal for item consumption (it sucks to be a Fletcher/Mergen…) and I received a similar buff, it lasts seven days (4 days left now) but I don’t understand why honestly, isn’t the AJ Ranking once per month…? Also, what’s the meaning of the buffs? just to let you know how long the “title will last”?

On a completely different topic instead: anyone here is still playing on kTOS or kTEST?
With the latest patch on iTOS, we received the change to Swift Step and Swift Step Attribute, but what the patch note omitted it’s that now you can share the Crit Rate buff to every party member, with the infamous Swift Step Party ON (and before anyone says “it always did” no… just no, please go away).
So, I wanted to know if it’s a bug or it’s intended (does it work like this on kTOS/kTEST?)… this is a welcome change that will help Archers find groups even with non-meta builds, 150 or 175 crit rate to every party member is a huge buff for physical DPSers!


pala3 inq


Any ETA on the krivis changes? Really anxious about daino scalling and if it will remain a scrollable.

Also, for the archers swift step sharing, even if they share like 150 crit rate it is not huge.

I’d assume next week for ktest update if the leaked date release for ktos new update is to be believed.

the baby pig companion still has no food on ktos? and its really 60 stamina?

Taking a C3 from an earlier rank you’ve already got 2 circles in is very different from taking a first circle of a low rank class TBH. C3 classes are generally getting access to strong skills. C1 Doppel is essentially just Cyclone since Deeds of Valor got nerfed, and it’s still the best choice available. Obviously if I could take, like, C3 Fencer I would. Or even C3 Barbarian.

Actually now that all classes are just R8 from now on I might even reroll into Fencer when the next rank is unlocked so I can be a badass with a pistol and a rapier.

Edit: In fact, maybe I’ll just go Matador? They should probably use rapiers, right? Should make Fencers happy.

if you have low crit to begin with it’d add a nice amount. that first 30% is quite easy to get.

In fact I’ll take Bokor C1 on my Kabbalist as Rank 6 Class after restting him at Rank 9 to C2>Krivis3>Bokor>Kabbalist3.
Even if its just C1, Bokor can deal tons of damage, 1 CD of Effigy level 5 is up to 3040% of damage average (with full attribute). It works well against all kinds of monsters, is a low CD skill and a great filler if autoattacking with Daino isn’t possible or bad.

Well, it’s up to 2 more weeks to see the Krivis changes and/or Rank 9 Classes on Ktest, so we’ll have to wait for better information how these skills&attributes interact with each other.



Zealot —> Monk? Paladin? Krivis?
I think its physical dmg class hes wearing 2 handed blunt

Wow Zealot is red class thought it would be green

exactly what did they show about PD C3…?

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