“Casting of Ice Bolt is removed.” Good one.
The cat tax is listed as 200, which must be a typo.
This confirms chronos can’t make quicken and haste more powerful than they are now by stacking lots of spirit. That’s disappointing to chronos hoping for a reason to gear up (and I’ve heard people say being forced into SPR will discourage them from transcending weapons to do damage with rank 8-9 classes like enchanter, too). No choices allowed. The extreme weight requirement needed to spam short duration skills means you can expect ET runs to be ruined when someone runs out of materials halfway through.
Is that an intentional aspect of the casting material system? Screwing parties and runs over when someone runs out of mats?
The haste description says “If you and your party members can maintain a decent amount of SPR” and “high STR PvP-oriented builds” doesn’t apply to wizards, but the quicken math doesn’t include the recipient’s SPR and haste says “Similarly to Quicken.” So does it require the party to have SPR or not?
Also, I’ll just park my corsair in Saalus and give up on it thanks to this trend of nerfing utility and giving out bad damage skills.