Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v3.0 LOL

The doppel buffs + cloneable doppel skills… :slight_smile:

Cool, Doppelnobi will probably ■■■■ on Murmnobi after this change.

@Kihseki maybe wiz2>link3>thaum2>sage2 will be an better option, new skill from link seems to be good for single target and scales with SPR witch is also good, more count limit and duration from link/hangman, i will totaly neglet all the buffs from thauma and focus on shrink, swell and transpose skills, sage got a little buff but pretty much stays the same

My CC Cryo Chorno Sage :disappointed_relieved:

Time to look more options for CC…

Also, where came that stuff about change into Shinobi clones?

Where did you read about this new link mechanic? Now any skill with multi-hits will count as 1? This would be amazing and fix any problems of early unbind that linker has, linker3 will be a nice support build path then.

gotta wait and see for the finer details, it’s entirely possible that link3-thaum3 can farm on its own completely (if the linker damage skill has very low cd and you can switch to a different target before the number of hits run out. Afaik as long as the hit count for one target doesn’t run out the link will not break). Also (as mentioned already) it’s also possible that magic missile and earthquake can clear out linked mobs.

On another note my main is sorc2 sage2 already that’s why I don’t really wanna use sage for farming lol, but I agree that sage2 is a great farmer.

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Uh, we’ve had this for a long time already. This happened when they reduced link hits from 10 link hits per lv to what we have now. A lv5 link would last 50 hits before (can anyone who still remembers confirm), now it’s just 9. Jus try it with MM now against 3 linked targets. Links should break on the 1st cast but it doesn’t.

You can’t ignore something that isn’t right. The new skill should be in c2/c1 not c3.

I Don’t think you play corsair man, every corsair knows DWA is Crap atm, and check this forum to know how inferior dagger corsairs are to Pistol corsair.

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Rip every none shinobi swordy cls…

If build is not OP so noone is playing it? Retarded logic, i will not gonna discuss something with people like u.

they are adding a skill factor to DWA and making it 5 min duration. DWA is already plenty usable with removed blessing count, it just doesn’t scale well with weapons but the new scaling will fix that. And why can’t you just ignore the new skill? It’s literally just an attack skill that you can take instead of pistol shot if you want to stick to daggers.

People are complaining that there are no uses for daggers and there you have a choice now. You can still stick to your pistols and take pistol shot instead of the new dagger skill, is that such a big deal?

Maybe thats why they added the new dagger skill and other QoL changes so dagger build is a viable path for those not interested in taking a pistol path? :o

Nothing for fencers aside from a couple clonable skills (but even then, other classes are far better with shinobis to start with). Quite disappointing.

Shinobi changes are stupid. Now every non-mounted Swordie build will have to pick Shinobi in order to be considered DPS, otherwise you’re just gimping your character. My Doppelnobi is very happy with that though…

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we don’t know for sure yet what kind of things clones will benefit from after the patch. For one thing Fencer has debuffs that increase pierce damage right? Kunai will get 4 OH and also double crit rate (or crit attack? not sure) from what I could get from the google translated patch notes so fencer might be one of the better choices.

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I think that double crit chance only applies if you have squire c3’s Deadly combo. Pretty weird to see IMC do something like that with a dead class.

Edit: Nervermind Bing translator says it’s a new attribute.

I think it applies double crit chance if you’re in stealth. Probably some inner synergy with Katon/Mijin no Jutsu stealth effect.

In that case they need to make it so stealth doesn’t wipe out your damage record lol. Heck even fade kills your damage record.

Na your not getting the point, also your not backing out anymore why dagger are superior and now you calling me r. come on!, maybe you are the Retard. be @Kihseki is presenting and explaining in a detail that’s how you strengthen your words boy.

yea that’s the 1st thought that comes out in my mind when i saw the new skill knowing its a c3 and not adding pistol skill pretty much its saying that its for viable path. it’s just disappointing not adding pistol skill for c3.

yea pretty much. You gonna wait for those changes to come but right now dwa is a crap and i do agree the new changes will help dwa. Like i said its doesn’t feel right for c3 and that’s only for me.
I’m pretty much one of those who complain about it but knowing its a c3 skill just again doesnt feel right. maybe not big deal for you but big deal for others.


Hm from what i understood, kunai will get an atribute to rise crit rate, like Double Slash and moulinet that make the skill auto-crit.

Fencer has no such debuffs. Attaque coquille used to make pierce-type attacks ignore defense, but now…well, it seems to do nothing at all, despite the description (that hasn’t even changed at all).

(just to be accurate, it still gives that debuff; but either it doesn’t work or it removes, like, 10% def at most, given i can’t see a noticeable increase with that on)