Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v3.0 LOL

Hmm, I can see where you’re coming from now I suppose. Well imagine it this way, isn’t the weird thing about corsair c3 the fact that its c3 skill is not usable without a pistol? If corsair was your first character you’d be using a dagger up until c2 and then you suddenly need a pistol to use its long awaited “final skill” from the third circle. It’s actually rather unusual for there to be two c3 skills, so I imagine they meant for you to pick one or the other that’s why I think there’s nothing wrong with it.


Fencer has lunge for slash skills , and conquille can change alot the damage when dealing with plate mobs and high crit damage. Bypassing part of defence can make diference when using clones too.

Sorry I haven’t ever tried fencer so I thought they had one. I was thinking of lunge but now that I checked it, it says slash? (wtf IMC). Well I guess the only other thing I can say is that the current meta pelt1 hop1 rodelero3 is going to be one of the weaker class combos to clone now given the other options. But from what I’ve learned about fencer now then yea it’s probably still better to go sw3-hl2-dopp3 or hop2-cor3 as far as shinobi clones go. At the same time though, shinobi is not a bad pick for fencer’s r9 circle if you really want to go fencer

yea pretty much what @Val said. it’s just disappointing dev didn’t strengthen the only skill of corsairc3 instead they add something what previous c2 needed and put it to c3 just to add viability.


Shinobi Fencer seems to be fine. Fencer has debuffs increasing Pierce/Slash Damage (Coquille/Lunge) and Flash/Composee/Sept are three strong Skills.

I bet that new dagger skill corsair got is the only skill that works with dagger mastery: sudden attack attribute, which is bugged for single target skills and useless on a corsair. Either way pistols have higher attack than daggers which will help more with the other 2 skills and the masinios pistol gives +1 to pistol shot. I bet devs are adding something to masinios dagger to help with this skill tho.

So debuffs like cleave dont work on clones.
Do they work on the not clone?

Whats with things like the helmet buff from murm?
And Attributes like the multihit on Dragonsoar?

Not even tree of swordman, just tree of shinobis. Even better rename the game like naruto online.

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It has lunge, indeed. A slash debuff in a pierce-based class. Sure, it can be used with highlander skills if you’ve got it, and flanconnade, but that’s it. If anything, it is even detrimental in boss fights, given that you’re mostly buffing your competitors’ damage instead of your fencer skills.
Regarding attaque coquille, well, i can’t even be sure it does something. For all i know, it may even be bugged, But either way, the description is surely wrong (a full defense ignore wouldn’t be unnoticeable, unlike the current effect; and it’s not like i’m being hyperbolic, i tested it even before writing these posts and i can’t see any difference that can’t be explained by some rng in damage; if it does something all, it is some extremely small effect).

i know that its not that noticiable, it used to be more higher, but it got nerfed, in any case that doesn’t mean its not useless since it can help certain skills get better numbers than without it, an example is paso double that normally can achiev 80k to 90k but with conquille it can achiev 120k or more if crit. The new formula that is on that log seens to affect these kind of damages: if you have any kind of damage advantage it will be now more effective.

I’ve never achieved such a difference in damage with attaque coquille. You didn’t try that while using other buffs, right? Cause Epee Garde description is wrong as well (it doesn’t increase crit attack, for starters, but rather the whole crit damage).

Well i have fencer1 on my build, and i aways use conquille before using ANY pierce skill, same as lunge for slash skills (including double slash, moulinet crown combo) and no glassmole since most of the time is on pot cooldown.

the changes are good, but the HIDDEN QUEST MATTER MASTER, BUGGG … IMCeed …

I’m very curious to play with the new Pyro, as well as Kino. From what I’ve read, everything sounds so sweet. Even wiz2 and 3, as I’m curious to how strong Magic Missile 10 will be.

Lmao, holy ■■■■, this is unbelievably stupid. I wait for over a year to get some ■■■■■■■ Corsair changes and the biggest change is… a new C3 dagger skill? Are you kidding me? Nobody is going C3 Corsair to use a dagger. Like there literally isn’t a reason to do that. C3 Corsair doesn’t really scale up the rest of your skills enough to be worth it. You can just stop at C2 if you want a dagger + spear build and then go Dragoon and you’ll still have Hexen Dropper and DWA (if you’d ever want DWA for some reason) + whatever reason you bothered going Corsair, either looting for PVE (Which sucks now because it does nothing to help you farm unidentified items) or Iron Hook for PVP (which also sucks now lmao).

Basically now if I want to play C3 Corsair and get the most out of my class I’m going to need 3 weapons or to completely ditch Pistol Shot and not use a Pistol at all. Awesome. Basically the entire point of Corsair3 is undone now unless you’re a mega whale who can afford a +16 transcended pistol + dagger + main weapon. And of course, nothing is improved about the class’s utility or looting skills, which is the theme of the class that IMC has completely ■■■■ on since the beginning (Jolly Roger, the signature skill of the class, is a 0-point waste of a skill slot unless you’re in a guild of all archers or something).

I really hope they’re going to change Corsair more than this. I don’t mind getting a new Dagger skill, but if that’s really all they’re adding to the class it’s more of a ■■■■■■■ insult than a buff, because I guarantee you nobody playing C3 Corsair is going to appreciate having to swap back to dagger. It almost seems like this is just an excuse to add another ■■■■■■■ Shinobi skill to the game so that yet another Swordsman build has to go Shinobi to maximize DPS so they can sell more class vouchers.

Oh and for some reason they’re changing Cryomancer, a class that from the very beginning has been very well designed, and that I’ve never not appreciated seeing in my party, a support class that manages to stay relevant without being overpowered even though it’s only a rank 2 class, into just another DPS class. Seriously? Wizard needs more DPS classes? I guess since this game is just gradually becoming Tree of Who Has the Highest Enhanced Weapon it makes sense. Since you could be a pure support Wizard and your gear didn’t matter as much. IMC can’t have that – no supports allowed, boys. Everyone has to be full DPS otherwise you won’t be as tempted to spend money on the game to get diamond anvils and other bullshit like that.

Holy ■■■■ I just can’t with these changes. Even if they end up making the game “more balanced” as in making more classes viable, the direction they’re taking the game is just garbage. The interesting class design at the beginning has been thrown away and now everything is a competition for the biggest damage numbers. This might be the patch that finally gets me to give this ■■■■ up tbh just because it’s a clear indicator that they have no interest in making the game any more complex again. ■■■■ interesting classes and unique party compositions, everyone will just be exactly the same. Every Wizard will be DPS, every Swordsman will be a Shinobi, and everyone will be totally reliant on diamond anvils to be useful. Great.


there was nothing broken on frost pillar. why are they fixing which is not broken?

frost pillar crashed players in pvp/gvg easily. It needed to be changed for this to stop for the future gvg content I guess.

Since when has IMC actually cared about GVG? Or about crashes lmao


Calm down man… Corsair changes are probably to stabilize the class till the swordsman patch ships.

Now about Cryomancer, the only nerf is the removal of Frost Pillar magnet component but as you can see from the post it has permafrost within the area. You’ll still have solid freezing skills (unintended pun) and free lighting damage bonus (instead of 1 attribute point), it isn’t the best but it’s welcome (i’d rather have larger cone Ice Pike).