Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v3.0 LOL

ele2’s new skill storm dust or something gets the pull effect. You can probably do cryo3 ele2 chrono3

EDIT: it doesn’t pull sorry wrong info

It means exactly this, it was the change that was made on kTEST a few weeks ago to thaumaturge but was immediately reverted, but they even mentioned that this change would come back, eventually. :stuck_out_tongue: Stuff is still currently subject to change though.

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I don’t think that’s a pulling effect, I think its just the mob running to the player after being aggro’d

For Thauma, it say added new attribute to buff pets as well.
I’m not sure whether Thaum3Necro3 or Sorc is something now.

The Swell Brain new attribute I also have no idea, but it is related to quickcast.

oh yeah you’re right, for a moment I thought the other mob went backwards. I guess it’s just a frost cloud that hits air enemies

It applies quick-cast to the caster, the level applied depends on the attribute level that has been learned, the caster doesn’t need to have learned quick cast (i.e be wiz c3) to gain the effects of this attribute. In other words, think of it as Swell Brain and Quick Cast being applied simultaneously. Funnily enough, the attribute is called ‘Swell brain: Quick Thinker’

It will apply to summons, as it mentions in the notes, but the effectiveness of the buff is amplified by the attribute level, so as long as it is not too costly it might be good for the jobs.


Why would you keep cryo though? It seems they are adding more damage to cryo and taking away the “support” it is currently used for. People can make an argument for freezing as support, but with froster lord cards being RED (NOT PURPLE), anyone (specially with fast multihits) can freeze. You can even argue that froster lord on a wiz will make wiz2/3 and pyro equivalent in freezing ability.

Seems like the control the build had is now found only in kino and sage.

What does the new cryo ice rod attribute and pyro attribute do exactly?


dimension compression is still kind of terrible at pulling things so I don’t really know anymore. It seems if you want mob pulling it’s better to bring a pelt3 now? But yes in the wiz tree kino3 has the most disables now coming from one tree.

I guess people will just need to get used to not having ice pillar anymore, almost everyone can disable now with froster lord cards so I suppose dedicated ET parties can just have everyone wear that

Staff Mastery: Fire [Pyromancer, Circle 1 Attribute] - The existing effects of this attribute will be changed, the attribute will now increase fire-property magic attack damage by 5% per attribute level when equipped with a [Staff].

The same applies to the Cryo Rod attribute, but they haven’t mentioned numbers with Cryo’s one.

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That’s crazy if they were to release more fire and ice moves in the future

They add Dagger skill on corsairc3 instead of adding pistol skills. Why imc?

Now that fake multi hit skills are now true multi hit skills… that means Mergen’s Triple Arrow actually hits three times. Does that mean the C2 attribute will make it hit 9 times?

you can still use DWA, hexen dropper and dust devil with pistols they just gave corsair c3 a skill that dagger users can learn instead.

iknow that, but the thing is the new dagger skill is Corsair c3 and corsairc3 are pistol users not dagger users why would they expect people use dagger when pistol is better?,

Omg that shinobi change - i love it (main fencer here) Screw you matador… Hllow there shinobi .

just ignore the new skill then, it’s just a choice between pistols or daggers for your c3 skill. Only thing I can think of is that pelt-corsairs can use swashbuckling with a dagger so there might be farmers who would prefer that but I dunno lol.


Its a dream coming true

Who knows maybe [pistol shot] is gonna get a nerf. The pistol C atk got a huge nerf. Then they introduce a dagger only skill. They could want pistols to be an archer thing. I’m just glad I havent identified my primus raffy pistol yet so I can transition back to dagger (since I did find a crit DEX dagger with 2 other non useless stats).

Errr check again they just made an buff on skills that use 2 weapons/weapon and shield, so that the secundary hand gives part of its damage/defence to buff its skill damage. sooooo no nerf to pistols , but an great buff.