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KToS General Thread v3.0 LOL

Thats Templar C3, Mergen 2 attributes are interesting the skills not so much

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inquisitor c2 got the worst new skills though, the extra skill levels from c1 are nice, but the 2 c2 skills have like no use at all, theyre just there. one of them is a short duration single target cc with a high cd (and idek if you can damage them while they are in the cabinet thing) and the other is a hard to aim debuff that does nothing but chnage their property, and it misses like 75% of the time and has a long cooldown as well

The coffin one is very good at TBL

I think that INT scaling for Squireā€™s skills is weird should be SPR instead.

Templar is the worst imo. Mergen2 seems superior compared to templar lol XD But I guess it is simply because Mergen1 is good while Templar1-2 is quite bad tooā€¦

I didnā€™t even chose templar3 at last because my damage was so bad I felt like a channeling defensive skill wonā€™t be too helpful. Although at last I changed my build to a hoplite one so I donā€™t even have mortal slash and just hope the hoplite changes will give me some damage lol. But anyway I was in 300 dungeon yesterday with 2 other templar ā€¦ and they were as awful as me damage wiseā€¦it was a long long dungeon runā€¦so it doesnā€™t even matter how I make my templar buildā€¦

BTW I think if Forge would be much stronger that could easily save the whole classā€¦ Also it shouldnā€™t scale with SPR or it should scale with STR or DEX tooā€¦ You just canā€™t build on ONE spr scaling skillā€¦that has 3m cooldownā€¦

The only rly good skill of templar is the shield charger imoā€¦ but as I saw it only works on guild members so -1 skill in random parties.

Also I think build guild tower could be just an attributeā€¦it is a passive skill anywayā€¦and if I could put +5 point on something elseā€¦that wouldnā€™t save me anywayā€¦ so it rly doesnā€™t make sense to take away that 5 point from usā€¦

Also donā€™t forget about alchemistā€¦ We would only need a stronger homunculus though and the useless crafting skills/potions revised.

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TemplarC2 is great, templar c3 is ā– ā– ā– ā– ~

Templar is a guild character designed class, so is fine to have all skills based on guild players.
As a ā€œsuportiveā€ guild classe Templar is good at C2, but C3 is a total mess.

Templar C2:
Summon guild members: Good at Guild vs Guild Content.
Warp to guild member: Good at Guild vs Guild Content.
Battle Orders: OP buff and OP debuff.
Buff Share: You can share a lot of nice buffs here like Ein Sof and scout hide skill
Forge: Weak, but show and make people in hide get hit (good at Guild vs Guild content)
Shield Charge: Best skill, you can make 8 players immortal for the time of the skill
Build Guild Tower: Meh, i have 2 templars because that, waste points on this skill is ā– ā– ā– ā– .
Reduce Craft Time: Meh, i have 2 templars because that, waste points on this skill is ā– ā– ā– ā– .
Mortal Slash: Meh ā€¦ you are not a DPS class.

Templar C3:
More points on Summon guild members (good) / Battle Orders (good) / Share Buffs (Why? you dont need) / Mortal Slash (Meh) and Non-Invasive Area (shit skill)

Templar C2 is good, Templar C3 is ā– ā– ā– ā– .

Templar is a weird one. I didnā€™t mention it because it isnā€™t really a class you would like to play with or have as a main character. Iā€™m not the leader in my guild, but he has a Squire3Templar2, which is pretty good.

If I was an IMC dev, Iā€™d rework Templar to be an one-circle class and add a new R7 class to replace it. Tower, Craft flag, Shield charge and Forge would be grouped into a single skill: Build Structure. Warp to and Summon Guild Member would remain. Other skills could be based on FlyFF advanced party leader skills. That would make Templar a tactical support for your parties, while allowing you to have a more flexible build.

Alchemist needs some love too, but I didnā€™t mention it because I hope that IMC fixes the many issues with that class in the Wizard tree rework (actually I donā€™t, Iā€™d end disappointed if I really believed in that). Briquetting was good because of the possibility to change your weaponā€™s skin to any other weaponā€™s in the game and they removed that (no oneā€™s going to gamble on losing 15% of their weaponā€™s attack when Transcendence is safer and better). Alchemistic Missile is just pure lazy design. Why not a Throw Potion skill? They could design a pouch where the Alchemist stores different potions to use that skill and to add different effects to it (like Gu Pot). All Alchemists we find in the quests have something to do with weakening or strengthening monsters. They also study them. Why didnā€™t they give the Alchemist class anything like that?

Im a templar main and build 2 templars :blush:

I kinda agree I just donā€™t like that Iā€™m totally useless when I enter in a dungeon with random ppl. I think just a little bit more dps or something to buff other dps classes wouldnā€™t hurt.

Or as Pokart said it could be just a 1 circle classā€¦that would make it much better.

I totally agreeā€¦even how it looks and everything is lame about itā€¦ It also knocks back enemies what is never helpful in partiesā€¦

Also i donā€™t understand why canā€™t ppl directly pay me for my work in the awakening windowā€¦ Or why calcite is not tradable or not avaible to purchase for others or somethingā€¦

GBS is in much better shape now, though it would be nice if you could move like the attribute says you can. 1 inch punch and palm strike are mostly useless in pve. The damage is crap and dot is crap. Palm strike doesnā€™t apply bleeds to demon lords so you canā€™t even use it to get 30% dmg via prison cutter cards. Iron skin does actually nothing.

If there are many complaints about a class on ktos, they will be considered for rework. Some classes are not popular and do not get sufficient & consistent feedback so their rework will be delayed (they do not know about the problems of the class, so they cannot adjust it).

Circling:expand was removed and new attribute was added (circling: AoE buff). Less synergy with broom trap. QS3 is the most popular lower rank archer class due to sustained damage and mobility with 300s running shot buff, and the ability to lure mobs. Pavise taunt is nice at challenge mode.

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I understand now. Do you think they will maybe consider rework other lower rank classes of archer? They all seem kinda underwhelming now and QS3 is reigning over again. Even Wugushi needs some adjustment. Also, itā€™s a shame they only seem to listen to kToS I have some excellent ideas for Hunter now that I tried a Hunter3 but I donā€™t I will ever be heard here on iToS forum lolā€¦ anyway thanks for answering, will think through for my next build.

latest ktos patch notes.

new emotes! Capture


guild changes
new emotes
new bracelets
cm cubes change
some gimmicks
new collections
rubbing rank statue loot buff
summon aggro change
events, bugfixes, shopstuff



[kTOS - 11/01/2018]


Does it mean all multi-hits are buffed to true multi-hits now?

  • Multi-Hit damage display has been changed.
    Old: Damage was varied when attacking with skills that do multiple hits in succession, the variety of range the numbers could have were random. i.e (Up to 777,777 Damage & is divided by the number of hits, each damage stroke was a randomly calculated value.)
    NEW: The multi-hit damage is calculated for each hit.(Dealing up to a maximum of 777,777 per hit.) The total value of an attackā€™s outgoing damage is equally divided by the number of hits it can deal.

I think this part wasnā€™t translated properly and is causing some confusion. The total damage of a fake multihit will never exceed the cap damage (777.777) or am I possibly wrong?

Nope, theyā€™re all true multi-hit now. I think someone posted a vid showing Lancer dealing 2.2m (3 x 777k) dmg with Quintain, probably in the R9 class info big thread.

Doppel players are going to be very happy with this change. Do you think Sw1HL2Barb3Doppel3 is going to be the best way to build Doppel now? Barbarian can extend Crosscut and Zwerchhau debuffs duration and is able to achieve high patk with Frenzy and Warcry. With all fake multi-hits being turned into true multi-hits, Doppels wonā€™t need to worry about being limited by the dmg cap anymore.


Thanks for clarifying

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Holy cow, then Doppel DPS will just skyrocket with this change! Almost to the point there will be no reason to play other SW classes, it will even outDPS MurmNobis

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