Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v3.0 LOL

As @migliole mentioned…

Not long after they released the AOE ratio changes (containing Linker). I would’nt be surprised if that’s what they meant by ‘wizard class tree’ intense balance plans.

Nope, Aoe ration changes was before this.

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Oh…derp me, you are absolutely right.

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iTOS GM team is completely clueless. You’d probably get the same answer if you asked basic stuff about the game.

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At least they thought of my idea of making Squire 3’s Deadly Combo useable by all weapons a good one :’(


Totally agree, i think we that read ktos patch notes, knows more…

And Templar’s Mortal Slash…

This “rebalances”, are so wierd…i mean, the have done in swords, archer and cleric tree, but some class has been forgotten, like, wtf they think scout cand do in game? also, hunter? Squire? Corsair? Monk? Diev? …i trully do not understand their thoughts, and also, they don’t want to talk about it…this make me very sad about it.

Saying this, lets talk about ktest update, they have put cubes drops from black boss album? wow, this is pretty nice

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They will rebalance each class periodically before release class Rank 10

From all the balances that were implemented (excluding the combat revamp, as it was a complete overhaul) the changes normally affect classes that are most used among the community, or classes that were affected indirectly by mechanic changes and caused the community to make too much noise.

There’s been some small changes here and there on classes that are not as popular but that’s how I think towards the intense balances.

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Think of it this way… Every single class balance needs planning. I think they will balance many more classes from other class trees but I think they don’t want to focus on one tree only before balancing other trees.
I think the chosen classes are based on things they were able to complete and it fits well with their plans.
Classes like hunter for example needs a lot of work and they might not know what direction they want to take for it yet. Or simply the bugs are difficult fix etc.

I think with some of the unique classes are not given proper attention/balancing cause it’s not necessarily easy to do or they don’t have a proper idea or they’re not certain what measures are needed to fulfill the concept for the class.

Simply some classes are easier to balance or they had a good direction they wanted to follow and were able to do it.
If they simply just balance a class cause it needs balance, the update may end up similar to oracle balance update which didn’t satisfy players at all.

Druid rework was mentioned like 2 reworks ago (ktos) and people who have messaged IMC from korea seen to have gotten nothing from the staff (as in it was pushed out because of reasons)

Druid players be like

Eventually … it will come.


well i do not agree that it will be better, i do not know if i’m having a placebo effect or something like that but at least when i use turn undead i’m having far higher killing % than 50%, now str pala will have more or less 50% all the time, since we do not have spr :(.
for me to make it better, they should have decrease the CD, i know that is OP killing with one hit, but if i’m not mistaken in previous fix, they already removed the use with it on tbl, now they have removed with ET , the minimum they could have do is to decrease the cd for at least 30 sec, since is a devil mutant exclusive skill .
the only plus side of it all, is that now it work’s with AOE ratio atk as well, so you can increase the number of enemies with aoe set and not by leveling the skill, this at least is very nice, since pala gained two new skill with level 10 each, making it even a even bigger skill point hungry class.

edit: nevermind; forget this answer my forum is very buged right now, and had not show the new post’s like leozimfel post’s and so on, so i did not have seen that someone already gave a answer

Thats makes a lot of sense, but sorry for this, i doubt they think this way. What makes me think like that? Matador. They released a new class, and they have to do rebalance after 2 weeks…

Nvm, i was a believer once(in this company), after a lot of disappointment, i am not anymore…

Well the thing is in my opinion that they make some mistakes or not fully thought out decisions sometimes. Matador this time for example could be due to running out of time to having to release the update.

They failed to fulfill their own plans within the schedule and it resulted in what was released.

Sure there’s cases like oracle which I mentioned where they simply have no clue what to do unfortunately…

I guess partly these classes have issues too as the games current state doesnt offer meaningful content to use these classes in a way they would shine. Perhaps theres some content they are developing and they have done these changes in advance to that, or they have no clue…

Dunno we don’t know everything. :thinking:

I absolutely understand that its difficult to have faith when it often seems like they dont know what they’re doing.

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Someone asked about economy: not difficult for steam server, kr tos economy will happen to future steam economy. Examples: card album, you can get big profit later during black album release. Also marnox card, price will rise due to marnox buff. Challenge mode reward and raid stone price drop after challenge stage 7 release. Consider blessed shard and new golden socket item. After armaos card, nuale & zaura card price drop. Biteregina card nerf, think about it. By now, most players have realized materials for 350 practo items are not worth too much. Recipe is key. Think about gem merchant and monster gem value. Opal & Mithril, linker + falcon nerfs and centaurus card price, (…)

@anarth popular classes get more players, get more feedback.

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Yes, i was always think about that…well, we just have to wait, and see whats happen…
I just wonder why they do not ask some ideia pool for us, players…

@greyhiem this popular classes are true, but a class will never be popular if its under about others e.e just saying

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It’s sad but they just balance more classes that are discussed more, and doesn’t realize if they make class good it will be played more (as in bokor and sadhu revamps) druid on the other hand was much more left aside not only by being bad but also not allocating very well in any kind of possible build.

Now if I may ask, why Falconer is almost always paired up with Quarrel? Do they synergize well with something? Falcon attack more? Or just for circling atttribute of missile ricochet? Also in the video you shown of a QSFalcBM, in that case and build, investiment would have to go into both weapons too? (like cannoners) to amplify falcon damage?

All I want is some love for my forgotten class. Just a little bit. Just a bump. C’mon IMC.

I mean, all my classes are forgotten. My first character was a Templar after all :joy: and after that a Scout 3 :rofl::rofl::rofl: but I still play my beloved Corsair because being a pirate is the only reason to still play this game at all. But the fact that the class built around pillaging and looting gets absolutely no bonus to farming with the new looting chance/unidentified items system is just sad. Plus, it’s been a long time since being able to use a Manamana was worth going C3 for.

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Yeah, Scout definitely needs a rework. I don’t even know why it’s a green circle class, since it doesn’t provide any useful form of support or utility. And before someone does it, Perspective Distortion is an awful skill that literally no one uses.

I actually think Hunter skills are fine the way they are. Hunter needs many bugfixes and IMO the pet stamina system should be removed from the game. A Coursing buff would be neat too. Make it work against bosses, even with reduced effects.

Well, Squire… Besides fixing the Base Camp issue, I don’t really see it being reworked. In fact, R9 patch made Squires a lot more important. It’s a lot easier to do challenge mode with Squire food and base camp.

Corsair needs to be updated. DWA could be a stance (it’s too clunky the way it is now). Unlock Chest should be turned into an attribute. Other skills could use some buffs, like lower CDs and higher mods.

Monk was reworked recently, but only Golden Bell Shield was changed. What would you like to be changed for Monks? I think they’re fine.

Diev is a great class too. It’s often picked even as a filler circle. I don’t think it needs to be reworked, since they even made Owls work like summons. I’d only clarify Carve Owl tooltip, because it’s very misleading. Only the first attack is calculated the way the tooltip says. After that, Owls’ damage works like all minions/summons’ damage.

I just hope they go back to the Archer tree after reworking Wizard classes. Besides Scout and Hunter, Wugushi, Ranger and Rogue need their attention too. Burrow needs to be replaced with an actual useful skill. Ranger has Barrage and Steady Aim. The other skills are just filler skills that are ignored most of the time. Zhendu could be Wugushi’s version of Enchant Fire (additional poison damage line). Detoxify could be a lvl 1 skill with two attributes (one at circle 2 and another at circle 3) that enhance its effects. Bewitch could be a small nuke that works like Flare/Ice Blast. I’d also include Fletcher and Mergen in an Archer rework. Fletcher could have an attribute to use its skills under Kneeling Shot stance, for example. Many classes have forced synergy between one and another, so I’d do the same between Fletcher and Mergen. Give Mergen attributes to use Fletcher special arrows to enhance Mergen skills. That would be very interesting and fair, since Mergen2 is by far the worst R9 circle.