Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v3.0 LOL

I read something about Hangman’s knot nerf and they even giving out rank resets for linkers and reworkd AoE atk ratio because of it. Can someone kindly explain what has changed? I tried to search it a lot but never found an actual explanation more than the changes itself.

What exactly will happen? Linker will turn into a bad class? Skills will not hit all targets at the same time anymore? (the thingy when like a 20k skill that has AoE hits all 5 mobs at the same time and instead of giving out a 20k damage to all of them, as they were linked and all received the skill they get hit by the 20k 5 times)

You can find most info by checking the developer’s blog on news.

Hangman Knot reduces linked enemies’ AoE def ratio to 0 (maxed Splash Damage attribute), so you can hit all linked enemies at once with skills ruled by AoE ratio mechanism. New HK Splash Damage attribute reduces linked enemies’ AoE def ratio to 1, but will further increase the damage they receive. In other words, you’ll probably need AoE atk ratio items if you’re ThaumLinkerFeatherfoot, while ThaumLinkerShadowmancer will be stronger (they don’t care about AoE atk ratio and the +25% bonus damage from the new Splash Defense attribute makes it even easier to kill linked enemies).

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Renewed add-on to filter market identified/appraised items by stats. Items with the selected stats will be highlighted, other items will be darkened. I do not know if English version is available yet.



There is a English version of that in the AddonManager3.0 , in the ITOS area

Its “Market Show Level v1.2.3” by torahamu

love it :satisfaction:


^ I just downloaded the one from JToS tab and it’s in English also by default in iToS.

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That’s where I get a little confused about it. Supposing Kundela hits for 20k, on hangman knot mob nowadays it will hit 20k 8 times, right? (all get hit and spread too) after the nerf it will be just it hitting 6 mobs and then 6 times? (if not getting extra AoE ratio) and that’s all? Or the other 2 mobs will not even receive damage now? Cuz they are making it such a big fuss, saying it’s a big nerf and giving out resets that I got afraid for my beloved linkers lol

All 8 mobs will take 6 hits worth of damage. Basically its a 25% damage decrease (if you’ve got 8 mobs linked). Then the new HK attribute gives you a 25% damage boost meaning…actually your damage doesn’t change.

Unless you have either a) less then 8 mobs or b) more than 6 AoE attack ratio. In which case the change is actually a buff. Huh.

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What is Guild Quest Reward? is it some kind of cube? any tos.neet link for it?

Actually, what are these >.<

- Guild Quest Reward: Boss Raid
- Guild Quest Reward: Mission
- Guild Quest Reward Coin: Bronze
- Guild Quest Reward Coin: Silver
- Guild Quest Reward Coin: Gold

Edit: Nvm, found it. they are boxes containing minerals or seeds
and coins give guild exp

the nerf is real.
If you hit all of them with the same skill of 20k damage you deal 20x64 damage actually.
Considering kundela hit twice and can do double damage with cursed enemies (and +50% of poison) actually you can do with a base damage of 20k about 50kx128.(6,4Millions damage each enemy.
I know you said 20k damage as example, but kundela normally deals about a minimum of five times your damage example.

with new system you will exactly hit for your attack ratio. so 20K X times. With 3 Aoe attack will hit on 8 enemiee 3 times, so 60k damage.
Old (live) is Damage hit X enemies X^2 times

so with your given example 6,4M vs 60K damage .

It’s not that big of a nerf

dmg * 8

Post-rebalance with 0 aar bonus
dmg * 6 * 1.25 or dmg*7.5 (7% less damage)

Post-rebalance with 1 aar bonus
dmg * 7 * 1.25 or dmg*8.75 (9% more damage)

Post-rebalance with 2 or more aar bonus
dmg * 8 * 1.25 or dmg*10 (25% more damage)

All scenarios may have kundela hit twice and +50% poison dmg attribute, so we can rule it out
getting 2 aar is a piece of cake, squire food itself provide 3 aar for 90 mins

No, you do not deal 6.4m on each mob.
20kx64 with kundela hit twice and +50% poison is 30kx128 (3.8m)
and it is over 8 mobs, which is 480k on each mob

And perhaps you aren’t aware wizard has 3 base aar and post-rebalance kundela provide +3 aar

OMG so many edits on this

Consider this speculation at this point, but it looks to me from my snooping around the changelogs that the Black Card Album has the following spawn list:

…or in other words, it only spawns actual Field Bosses. If correct, and assuming its not weighted in any way, that’s a 7/19 chance of getting a demon lord per Album. Not as good as I hoped, but a LOT better than I feared.

Also, Black Card Album recipes are not tradeable in any way (not even team storage). The completed Album can be put in team storage, but otherwise cannot be traded.

[kTEST - 09/01/2018]



Thanks! So… no Wiz rework yet, huh…

Those restrictions for Turn Undead and Musket attribute inside ET are kinda stupid, but at least Turn Undead is going to be even better.

Good to know they’re addressing the bugs that make it not possible to advance in guild missions/raids. My guild stopped doing them since we always get stuck in one of the last stages.


Let the chain begin.

Featherfoot gets base AAR increased on all his skills along with the linker changes. I think the changes are done with centaurus cards in mind. I edited out the rest cause i had 50 changes of mind.


When did the ‘wizard revamp’ rumors start? I have asked the GMs during the meet-up if they were true and they said they knew nothing of it.

Either they feigned ignorance or the revamp isnt a thing yet. D:

For some reason, I thought the revamp was actually the Linker changes.

Its not rumor, they have mentioned.

That’s it for today’s updates! You’ll be hearing more about the skill changes discussed in here in future patch notes, so keep an eye on the News page for more details. And make sure not to miss out follow-up blog post, where we’ll be revealing some intense balancing plans for the Wizard class tree.

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