Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Hm… guess the two-weeks per patch for meatier ones is working fine, I’d expect Rapiers for next one. They are probably discussing internally if they really want to have another class with Quarrel Shooter syndrome.
The answer is yes, you are already here just do it you bastards (Hgh base damage with great bonuses like the other new wepons would be fine too but we don’t lose anything by pushing this).

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They aren’t quite as stuck with Fencer as they are with QS, since only Fencers use rapiers anyway; they could just make a really strong Rapier without bonus skill levels. If they made a really strong crossbow without bonus Running Shot, every archer would use it obviously. And you’d need a ridiculously high damage weapon to ever make up for the loss of Running Shot bonus levels.

The other option is to just wean them off of it with a +1 skill levels rapier that is still strong enough to justify the upgrade, then in the future they can have more variety with +0/1/2 skill level rapiers of varying strength to add some actual choice.

I like the idea of weapons/sets that buff skills but I think it’s better to do it more like Karacha where you have to decide whether you want to use a specific set to buff one skill significantly vs. stronger equipment that can benefit your full build.



Hunter doesnt need more damage, it needs more reliability >_> Why did you have to buff the class in such lousy way, IMC?

2688,24 base damage at lv15 for Rush Dog sounds sweet, though.

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I know I know, heck if it wasnt for the Venire fix we would rock Spadas thansk to it actually having damage.
But extra skill elvels are always good and all that, which on top of rapier’s ass durability they could as well go ham with them so it feels that it’s a thing to be sorta balanced rather than a plain pain in the ass.

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OMG, Finally. Well, it went from garbage to average, but at least it works.

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It sure does, however I’m more intrigued by the attack speed buff from praise.
What is it for?
Also snatching getting a boost aswell, that’s going to be pretty to look at.

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I think it only increases the pet standard attacking’s frame speed. It won’t increase Snatching/Coursing/Retrieve DOT ticks speed, still garbage imo.

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That’s the most likely scenario so the question remains, WHY?!

They could of made the skill into something more useful, if it indeed increases the attack speed from retrieve coursing and snatching it will be useful, but given how those skill work, increasing the attack speed from the pet would mean absolutely nothing.

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Because IMC doesn’t understand how irrelevant Pets are in terms of DPSing…they can’t solo things 50 levels behind them past lv150.

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[details=Cool Gif][/details]


Satisfying* Gifs (except the 2nd one, total clusterfuck) :stuck_out_tongue:

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What I find the most sad is that they didn’t touch growling.

Praise sure is useless few people take it, I took it, regret it? nah.
Growling on the other hand is useful in a handful of scenarios, can we control it without mounting a bird? nah.

Where are they priorities?
Do these date back from the beta?
What are they doing?

If atleast praise made the pet auto rush dog…

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Growling’s concept is fine but what Hunter needs is a legit way of canceling it.

There are very few players that pick Hunter, and very few that even goes past C2…buffing/changing the class is at the very bottom of their priority list.

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nice EB damage she got going on there… I wonder what gears


An easy fix would have a third buff row, this row would be the companion’s row and you’d be able to right click to cancel stuff.

Sounds easy, right? Let’s wait a few months and see if they do anything about it though.

Wish they had more staff or something that would speed things up.

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The misleading aspect is a true concern, and I would definitely agree to just change it to one hit. Likewise, they can just list the multiplier of the fake multi so that people realize those extra hits are just for show.

They can also just follow what they did for shield lob. It’s like a hybrid of fake/true multi hits (if im reading this correctly)

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They should make Hounding, Growling and Pointing toggled skills, like Murmillo helmet.


Any traduction about new acessories?

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Oh so it doesn’t require exorcise to cast magnus now? What about the attribute damage since there’s one each for both spells. I was thinking it works like aspersion where the damage of ME takes after exorcise

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it does, you still have the same setup, excorsize just desnt dissapear.

the translation says that it wont dissapear unless x number of enemeis walk on it (i thimk, google translate is bad) depending on skill level, so level 5 is 5 enemeis (?)
need a trsanslator

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