Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

if there is, i doubt it would be better than venier since they would not add another rapier with + skill level so soon for fencer because + skil items are very rare, so the best one would still be the lola rapier, that not only have +2 rapier, but a huge atk and extra bonus to large, so even more i doubt it would be one better than that.
but yeah, this is just a patch, there was one before as well with new items, i remember seeing a rapier on it, but i’m not sure need to check.

dude, we just got new information in the thread about a new sword that is not ET with 900 base damage plus +500 dark damage.
you need to read the thread again,because the answer the guy have give you is outdated already.

offense power 488-906 Greater Attack Rate 2 power 15 health -72 Critical occurs 20 Critical Damage 430 HP recovery -150 Dark Property Damage 530 Dark-resistant properties 180 Potential 13 Durability 45 Sockets 0/3 Amulet Sockets 0/3

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*sniff *sniff I can smell the salt in the air. :imp: All those LP weapons replaced so soon. I shall ready the popcorn. And a punch bowl to collect the tears.

Damage is nice but -72 CON is so steep

i will edit : never mind is -72 con, once i changed the google translation off, it showed the -72 on the con box.

My Bruiser Doppel looks upward in delight into the light

How come no one else noticed Redel’s attribute got buffed from +100% to 180%?

Transendence tho, all the matters :slight_smile:

I checked it out and yeah it got increased by 180% :open_mouth:

My sincerest apologies. Didn’t notice the new items. Must have gotten added recently.

Here is a Pastebin with all the new non-Solmiki items, translated in English, varying from 270 to 330. Some items may not be complete yet, such as the Emen Guard Dagger.

Click here.


wtb> monsters that aren’t just hp sponges.

For those who missed, the following are the new costumes added on todays kToS patch:

Ancient Guard Knight (Swordsman, male):

RangerC3 (male)

RangerC3 (female)

School Sailor (Swordsman, female):

School Sailor (Archer, female):

######(both School Sailor costumes have a little kitten stamp on their pantsus…)

Two new hairstyles, “Mergen” and “Puppeteer” (these are not their actual names, but how theyre named in the files).

Orange coloured lenses:


Cool any other news? @Gunnr

Violet hairdye colour, enchant hair scrolls and (apparently) a clear dungeon parcel (from what I understood, you use the parcel and all monsters inside a dungeon instance are instantly killed; theres 4 types of parcels, each pertaning to dungeon tiers, measured by stars).

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Any ranger3 costume custom effect news? :smiley: i m more interested with that lel

so… they want game ded?

Clear dungeon parcel lol???


Wow that sounds really dumb.

WTF is that sh*t? If they sell that no reason to play this game anymore

Clear dungeon parcels? Surely… a gest… Or Nexon exclusive at least… That would inspire murder suicides, raging gorilla attacks, plagues of toads raining from the sky, fire and brimstone, cats and dogs living together–real end of the world stuff.

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