Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Bluey can’t handle himself and Chill is having a “Even I’m getting way too fed up with this guy” situation, it’ll drag on for a little longer…

you know hes talking about the swordsman right? not me or chili. also, why does everyon seem to hate me? i said nothing to anger you, but ur angry at me,

It’s clear he’s refering to thaile, which I myself have said that just won’t shut up on the matter of swordsman, it happened in the first KToS thread and is happening again here.
And you can’t see it’s pointless to argue with him.

well it is pretty pointless im just bored atm

Up until now I only see stuff like “you are fine because you have …” from people who don’t play swordman. I wouldn’t call that an argument.


Even I know Swordsmen can’t directly carry in an ET environment due to the usually lengthy cooldowns, the lack of AOE ratio and the amount of set-up required. It’d be pointless to reply because if it’s not his definition of carrying, it’s false. They can contribute, which is what you’re supposed to do in a party, but they can’t carry which is obvious.

@Jariu If I notice that a convo is bound to just repeat itself, I’ll bail out because I ain’t got time for that. And all I wanted is to see some Pyroshenanigans with Sage and some Daoshi/Taoist action because I’m tempted to make a Discerning Evil Krivis build.

Discerning Evil Krivis->PArdoner->Taoist is somethign I’ve been thinkiring around with for a while.
Lv15 Daino scrolls aren’t particularly comon alsttime I checked, specially comapred to the abundance of Lv5 ones and as buffs stack up I’m sure a number of people (notable Archers and Wizards) should’ve noticed that even just +5 buffs can’t quite make the job, I’m not saying it’d be a huge money maker but I would think it can cover the talismans as far a you play smart.

Discerning in general is an extremely underrated skill in all hoensty, in no small part due to 90% of Pardoners being made as buff slaves in cities with PriestC3, the nerf in Zalciai was a bit descouraging at first, but then I catched the fact that it makes puting more than three levels into it for the atributes less of an issue which was nice, which leaves me wondering aout the rest of the skills.

What is your current plan on the Krivis part of the build?
Heavy SPR would still be usable thanks to Increase MDEF using your PR as part of it’s number so we can’t forget about that.

ClericC2KrivisC2 is also a thing I guess, but I want Melstis I’ve always liked it a fair bit.

You nailed it. No need to say more.

pardoners can extend the dragoon debhff by 30 seconds.


Yeah, I had some discussions with friends both in and out of game. It’d be easier to show you a template.

  • I don’t know if it’s particularly worth it, but for all intents and purposes I’ll leave Simony at 10 so I can mainly sell Aukuras Lv10s, Daino Lv9s, and perhaps Zalciai scrolls.
  • Apparently they patched using a Mana pot ontop of Melstis, so going beyond 2/5 feels like a waste when your mana will drain out anyway.
  • The main reason for Indulgentia is more for the Lv2 Curing effects rather than the damage. Hence being at Level2 so it can hopefully heal your party and half-ass your way to act like an Oracle, lol

Point allocation wise, I was thinking either 1:2:2 or 2:1:2 Con:Int:SPR. The first one makes you more potent but fragile as a result, but in thought you should still be plenty beefy since Clerics have a decent HP pool. The second sort of mashes what damage you actually contribute, but Zalciai/IMD will be healthy and so will your mana and HP pools.

Does that mean you can’t fully channel 35 seconds on melstis?

Just to put it out there.
lv1 [aukuras] is -8 regen cd and costs 700s to make while lv10 [aukuras] is -10 regen cd (yes that only reduces regen cd by another 2 sec) and costs 7000s to make.

[zalciai]scales VERY POORLY with skill lv.

I need more confirmation since I’ve only heard side talk from people, but if true it would mean investing higher into Melstis would be tricky to utilize without say, a Kabbalist willing to drop an Ein Sof on your head.

@c2gaming I know, but it does become valuable in that Level 10 also has roundabout -50% accuracy debuff which in confined areas is pretty handy like the clusterfuck that is ET in Physical mob rounds. Valuable enough to chop off 7k per scroll is the question as if people would want it aside niche Squire HP buffs + Aukuras to imitate constant healing.

As for Zalciai, yeah. It either seems like a 1 or 3 pointer now than before, atleast before it was a point dump if you didn’t want to get Divine Stigma for whatever reason.

Looks quite nice, in my own experience Aukuras Lv5 does quite a nice work so 10 should be great as far as your party is smart enough to stay on the area (which is quite large, larger than what it looks).

Deprotected Zone I’m very mixed, personally while I was soloing with a physical build it was decent, but in party I’d rather take one of the various Swordsman that can reduce defence via debuffs as I’d be able to make it 100% uptime, which is my resons behind wanting PardonerC3.

Daino9 looks like it should do the job, but I fear just how much will the buff list keep raising, but this would not be an issue with +9 either way right now.

Divine Stigma… I’m always divisive on it, it’s good but at the same time it does suffer from no-scaling syndrome which is always a fear.

Ah Krivis, hwo I like you but boy as much as I played you I still can’t quite put my finger on it, as per ClericC2 I’ll be making an Inquisitor that involves that so I’ll reserve my comments on that until I try it.

We had basically teh same ideaon Taoist, for that matter.

[quote=“Jariu, post:1293, topic:321901”]
Well, while admitedly I don’t know the specific details of how it worked MM in general is suposed to be able to dish out just so many bounces
[/quote]I am not a master of MM mechanics, but for what i understood, besides the normal 3 bullets, MM has another “bullet ratio” for the extra bounces, which increases with skill level and might work like Firewall (being influenced by AoE def ratio, so not an exact number of additional bullets).

^ I really haven’t played my Wiz3 character much to be sure of that, but anyway…

Problem was HK reducing AoE defense of mobs to 0 (possibly even negative values, but that wouldn’t make a difference in this case) so the AoE atk ratio of additional bullets would never be “spent”, making each MM bullet bounce to all mobs and damage being further multiplied by JP.

Now, AoE def ratio can never go below 1, so the number of additional bullets is controlled. But the combo is still pretty good, specially considering it is a pre Rank 6 combo of skills. (A shit ton better than Fireball + JP…)

Whew, is that for Hangman Knot only or general? That will kill Circling + Multishot interaction >.> Well, at least if I go cannoneer I won’t regret that much for not picking falconer.

You probably can with Diev Zemyna statues, aurukas and paladin restoration aura. Problem is who gonna build that diev 3 paladin

If you are willing to go extreme, Aurukas 10 + Zemyna + squire food buff will give 0s mana regen tick. Plus the paladin aura you will probably never run out of mana.

Luckily you don’t need a squire in party to do that.

Party play

JP HK + x aoe skill is very powerful.

By the way
what is this one


second video that you have ask about what is:
it is the new attribute from circling that at max level have a 75% to make any hit do double damage and spread in the circling area (aiming rank3 skill)
but in the video it seems to be that he have use Scatter Caltrops from qs and it have active the attribute from circling+aiming, allowing it do spread in the circling area and because of that we see so many hits.
you can see the debuff icon from aiming+ scatter in the mobs once he uses it.

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good to know Falcon C3 skill + attribute can be used like that.

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