Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

I literally went how the balances to Fencer and Dragoon are either a non-issue or easily fixed a few psots ago, geez.

It hurts how cancer all this swordsman talk is. :unamused:

ik, sone of them dont complaining, you dont see monks complaining like this, monk are more useless than swordsmen

Monk just became viable because of Inquisitor.

that doesnt make monk viable, for inquisitor you still have a bunch of more builds. i guess that means rodelero became viable bcause of murmillo. monk is a good class imo, but everyone else seems to think otherwise. swordsman is a good class imo, everyone else (mainly swordsmen atm) seem to think otherwise

Rodelero was already viable.

Pretty sure that’s wrong.

Hop 3 doppel dragoon 2 WAS the best WB DPS, but now its DPS nerfed by 50%.

Fencer 3 is the next in line for WB DPS, nerfed too

Fletcher is the next in line (wasn’t changed for a year), wasn’t nerfed

We don’t know the current ranking, but most likely it would be fencer competing with fletcher

At least no swordmen would tell you rogue/paladin/sadhu are fine, like how wizard and cleric keep telling swordmen is fine <— that’s the real source of complaints

And people (or maybe just me) won’t stop until swordman get a stable spot in PvP and ET. Even with R8 buffs those are still issues to swordman.

If you can prove otherwise, then I’m all ear


If anything, Shinobi allowing Rodel techniques and Shield techniques to be used is pretty nuts in itself. Looking at it, Strikenobis are pretty bloody strong if they can nail weak targets.

Like, Swordsmen aren’t as trash as people go on but they aren’t gods either which apparently piss people off. I’d like them to be better too, but when you go into specifics the train derails as everyone has different meanings of “better” and it turns into a mess.

Holy ■■■■, weaknesses? Who would have thought? Even full CON Wizards with Animus will fall off because their base damage will eventually become ticklish aside the CC and support they contribute.

Plus, both of those modes aren’t about the individual, it’s about the bloody team composition. Low and behold, if the SR2 who completed ET with that lynchpin Ausrine+ tried to solo it, they’d get destroyed. They do good because with other powers combined (Diev/Krivis is one hell of a drug) theirs can come out better and in much stronger splendor.

That and I sorta find it weird someone wants to solo the entire game and then complain there’s no community.

Anyway, aside the salt, anyone got any PyroChronoSage videos or Necromancer armies?

in et swordies can tank, which is unique roll

swordies - tank, this is the only can lure or tank

cleric - heal, wizards can heal also, so clerics are no longer neede forheals, only invincibility

wizard - ds and heal, support (imo better cleric)

archer - dps

Ok, fine, show me a team composition with swordman that pass floor 10-20 please

Lure: true, tank: not. The only one that can tank in ET is cryo 3 chrono 3.

And even the lure is not important because mobs rush at you in ET.

Most (if not all) of team in ET tank with barrier scrolls like this

You get close to the mobs, you die. So yeah


yet another reason paladin is more useless than swordies

petition to rename this thread to swordie complaint department


just bcuz u guys arent gods anymore doesnt mean youre useless.

wizard used to be gods now thrye not, and no wizard has complained. when you guys were nerfed to not be gkds anymore complains rush in

Feels like serpentine was nerfed from 100% to 50% damage increase, but only the duration changed ÂŹÂŹ You can still double dethrone while the debuff is on, that is the skill that was doing that much dmg. :X Stop crying

It’ll die down eventually, it always does.
Funny enough these things get cut down quite fast if they happen at all in the specific Swordsman discusion topics, class specific topics in general are quite nice.

The JP>HK>MM thing? The Featherfoot thread catched it right away and knew it was a bug and knew it was going to get shut down sooner or later, yet we still had a bunch of people complaining like idiots.

So this is how it’s going to go, and this will be my last post on this matter because it spirals with nobody actually doing something about it. If I show you something from Nico or Naver:

“Oh that’s because this guy is overgeared”
“Oh this is because he’s a Doppel/Pelt”
“Swordies still can’t blah blah”

If I don’t show you:

“Yeah swordies are trash we can’t do anything”
“Duh swordies can’t do 15F without heavy Linker support or die easy”

Because if Murmillo had more chance to block magic projectiles, Magic types would be crying because all of a sudden, Murms become the meta Swordsmen in PvP and they can’t do anything against them, hopefully CCIng them before they get mangled. It all comes full circle. I’m not saying they’re strong. I’m saying they aren’t as terrible as people make it out because apparently everyone wants to be the same. Currently Physical damage is already starting to peak out of Magic’s damage in terms of burst and even sustained damage: Swordsmen just lack grand-all AOE attacks to spread their damage around, which gives classes that greater enable AOE to assist them such as Falconeer and Linker.

TBH I always thought it was meant to do that, as a sort of linker/Wiz3 interaction. But I thought the same for negative crit values, which was killed. SPR Krivis isn’t dead, but it’s certainly made heavy SPR builds feel pretty bad about themselves.

Well, while admitedly I don’t know the specific details of how it worked MM in general is suposed to be able to dish out just so many bounces, number which I assure you should never deal as many hits as that thing did.
It’s still a respectable combo, it’s just that it isn’t stupid anymore.

And yet again, no swordies will tell you paladin is fine.

Make a comic about it please :stuck_out_tongue:

This is drifting pretty far from my points. But swordmen complains about the same thing ever since the beginning, not because of nerfs. We want to be viable in PvE, PvP and ET. We complained about WB before, now WB seems fine, but what about the others?

Just show me anyway, and please don’t show me something where swordman get carried. Unlike others, I don’t use words like “trash” or “idiot”.

Sage blocks more than murmillo. And murmillo can’t block subzero shield or raise anyway. But that’s beside the points right?

It was never meant to do that, it was bugged when iTOS merged with kTOS. It was never like that before, even in kTOS


The guy is helpless, can’t we just stop feeding this?

you guys are viable in pve. if u want a pvp buildu got fencer, lancer, and cataphract.