Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

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JR 15 iron hook 15 open chest 15 shieldsair let’s do it fam

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Now you’re thinking like a pro.
Keel Haul instead of the chest. Omgerd perfect build. You’ll have a hook, a rope and a flag. Some serious S&M play.

Why do you think spending 8 ranks for 50% melee attack increase OP? Why do you think there’s no swordman in ET or world boss or TBL?

I’m not asking to nerf QC without reason. I’m just wondering why QC isn’t nerf when serpentine is.

Um, I don’t really want to talk about this here. But yeah, basically there’s nothing else in the game that give the same amount of boost like QC. If you think that’s not the power of QC that wizard running rampant, then IMC will need to give every other trees something similar.

I think you should start worrying about the 500k HP sponge in ET. You gonna need very very specific team composition for that. And there will be more pidgeonhole

Is that all you can read?


technically, isn’t linker providing more personal and team dps than quick cast? i’m still low lvl, but everything melts when a linker is around.

Linkers dps contribution presumes two things

  1. You’re dealing with multiple enemies
  2. Your attacks don’t already hit all of the enemies in range.

It’s a good support class mind you (despite its bugs), but has its shortcomings particularly given Joint Penalty is not always on, unlike Quick Cast.

Even still IMC has to make up their mind on whether or not classes are going to fall off or not.
When you have buffs like Quick cest, and sure effects like Joint Penalty, your class choice is very relevant 5 ranks later.
Which a lot of classes can’t say because they don’t have that sort of permenance, and creating that permanence for them is difficult without being redundant or repetitive.

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Wizard’s aren’t the highest single target DPS right now. It’s not even what they’re OP at. And they will continue to fall off without more multipliers from later ranks. That QC buff isn’t what is carrying their damage. Especially with the way other classes are being handed multipliers.

hey swordmen, stfu.

how dare u question ur wizard master?

did the wiz said u can stop picking the cottons?

damn illegal immigrant these days.


Quick Cast is simply a buff that “makes all magic damage crit”.

Stacking damage debuffs can easily get out of control,even more with Pardoner in play.

The QC buff certainly disrupts in class balance for wizards, where they’re obligated to take Wiz C3 for most of their heavy duty damage builds or possibly Linker if they’re trying to be self-sufficient. Which are odd picks given
Pyromancer and Psychokino are also Damage oriented picks at that rank. Yet Psychokino’s worth as a damage dealer outside of being a CC beast for Cryomancer and Pyromancers damage offerings outside of Linker are both shoddy. These are classes that end up not standing very well on their own two feet, relative to well less damage focused classes all because of an attribute. Hence comes the very few wiz C3, Pyro C3’s and Wiz C3, Psychokino C3’s trying to take advantage of Quick cast to be damage relevant. It’s asinine, and rather contrary to their “classes fall off” statement. You’re taking rank 1 Circle 3 classes in order to make Rank 2/3 classes relevant at rank 6/7. Very backwards.

Although there is potentially effort for them to try and make amends for that with things like Psychic Pressure affecting Dirty Pole.

We see all kinds of this back and forth with things like Syncho Thrusting now being affected by Murmillo Helmet, encouraging build diversity, yet at the same time plenty of classes are locked down in sub-par states.

You’ill probably be disappointed by dirty pole… It’s about 3k per hit from what I’ve seen and it’s not all that many.

But back on topic.

We all know Wiz C3 is best choice going forward for builds that want to deal damage with later ranks. But instead of nuking QC they’d be better off giving a multiplier to Pyro that functions differently and fits the theme of the class.

Things like stacking buff on yourself for standing in your own fire spells. Or something like heat armor that allows spells to deal bonus based on armor of the target a bonus that will keep scaling with the game.

For Kino… It maybe more tricky since sages have been introduced. But more pressure combos with existing spells would be the route I’d take if they weren’t strong enough.

As for linker. They need to have joint penalty reworked. Since 100% dmg increase to AoEs per target hit is too strong. But at the same point… iToS’s old version of 0% no damage multiplication only spread is too useless.

Why IMC nerf serpentine so fast??

  1. Because people always think, a melee dps should not be OP.
  2. Because people always think, a melee dps should be underdog (swordman??).
  3. Because people always think, a underdog should always be underdog.
  4. Because people always think, The OP thinkgs should always belong to wizard or archer??
  5. Because people always think, a melee class deserve, always have a hard time to play.
  6. Because people always think, a melee class even have a hard time to play you still should be a underdog.

This is the reality. And i understand your feel, Sometime i also feel a little unfair and sad for people always think or treat swordman should be a underdog.

But lets calm down and thinking a positive way. IMC always do they best too (R8 swordman is a good example)

I love my swordman character, i have 5 swordman, 1 wizard, 1 archer character.


lets stop whining about sword misery life [which is indeed true for currentl ITOS]

lets the discussion back to KTOS

  • Anyone know how Zwerchhau and Sturtzhau multiplier of damage

  • Is Dethrone 1 hit skill or 2 hit? [skill show case hit once but pvp clip its hit twice really confusing]

  • Any clip shown how DOV pass lv 10 work?

  • Falconer C3 seem really weak damage, can this class solo in high lv map


She shows Zwerchhau and Sturtzhau. See for yourself.


1: do not know
2: 1 hit, there is plenty of movies out there showing one hit, but they use the two overheat so fast, sometimes that it seems to be 2.
3: DOV pass lvl 10 was going negative defense, but this already have been fix, and now level 15 only decrease the defense to 100%, or in other words 0.
4: falconeer seems to be more a boost class, because his attribute not only make the damage split in the circling zone, but also double the damage at a 75% with max level, so at least i think is fair nice class, once rank 9 and 10 release, since you will be able to use their damage skill with double damage at 75% change, but until them he is really weak if we compare with other archers builds.
to be true with you, once rank 9 comes, falconer will be the first archer to be nerfed, since 75% at double damage plus infinite AOE, since he uses the circling so fast and almost 100% uptime, will without doubt be something OP.

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from this clip Dethrone alway do double hit which cause me to confuse

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well, to be true with you, that video is the first one where i see it doing two hits like that, maybe there is something i do not know yet, but i see the other videos again to check and i will edit this with a reply.
edit: the dude already have answer above, but it seems that he is fact right, after a little research it seems to be a fake multhit skill


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Sure wizard is not the best single target DPS, because they are already the best AoE DPS.

QC doesn’t fall off, the main issue with wizard tree is that QC is too prominent that giving R8 wizards anymore multiplier would just flat out kill any other DPS.

No QC isn’t OP at R8, QC is polarizing DPS wizard builds, that is all. At this moment I cannot picture any DPS wizard build without wizard c3.

It looks like dethrone is 1 hit divided into 2 numbers, but it seems there is a hidden multiplier as well. The number seems higher than expected.

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