Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

I noticed your 30m silver, is that from the current rank 11-100? :slight_smile:

7x Companion Exchange Ticket
30m Silver
3x Exp Tome
3x Dungeon Multiply
1x Attribute Points (1000)

WoE Time


Guaranteed that growth and expedition scores doesn’t initialize per month. With regards to Growth Section, you could gain another rank reset once per month per team?
(Sounds interesting)

I think those are 5m and 3m … 50m sounds waaaay too high. But im still amazed by these rewards.

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It’s really 50m and 30m. Actually, it’s not high basing to the effort needed, also 5m and 3m for rewards aren’t appealing it can be farmed in a day.

other websites say 500k

and its all the same symbols for 1-10 11-100 101-200 201-300

Yeah, I also think it’s too much silver, maybe I should add that I do not speak Korean and these information are from the korean patch notes together with google translate.

From google translate:
Original says: 50만

Korean to English -> 50 만 to 50 million
English to Korean -> 50 million to 5 천만

Korean to English -> 5 천만 to 50 million
English to Korean -> 500 thousand to 50 만

Better just wait for someone who actually knows this stuff or someone who can try in game…

But manual translation says 500K.

10,000 = 만
silver = 실버

50 만 실버

50x10,000 silver

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google: 0
microsoft: 1


Man/ban is in Japanese,Korean and Chinese always 10.000.

The system behind this is that there is one Kanji for every number squared, e.g.
there is a Kanji for 10 「十,juu or sip」, and the next Kanji is 10x10(10²) = 100「百, hyaku or baek」; the one after that is that for 100x100(100²) = 10.000「万, man」, and the one after that one is 10.000x10.000(10.000²) = 100.000.000「億, oku (no idea about the Korean reading)」 (100 millions).

An exceptional case is the number 1000「千, sen or cheon」, no idea why (since I’m not studying the languages but only learning Japanese in my free time I have no answer to this problem/question xD)…

Since the Koreans get rid of the Hancha/Hanja (i.e. the Korean reading of Kanji「漢字」 = “Chinese character” in English) more and more but still count the original Chinese way based on the Kanji, they count in tens,hundreds,thousands,ten thousands and 100 millons similarly to Chinese and Japanese people even today, which might be confusing for people not proficient in an East Asian language.



500,000 silver.
300,000 silver.
200,000 silver
100,000 silver.

Respectively. If it was 50M, it would be 5천만.

Did a small video showing the random bosses spawning on Crystal Mine.

This was … fun. So many new skill patterns! =Q

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To be honest, these amounts of silver doesn’t feel rewarding and doesn’t make you feel competitive, unless “Companion Exchange Ticket” will be some sort of resource to gain exclusive companions that grants stats.

Otherwise, this ranking system.will be merely for ‘bragging rights’ rather than for rewards.

Anyway, it’s good to see these huge changes it make players feel that game is being worked on really hard. They need to be given a credit; good job IMC! :clap:

The guild emblems while a minor feature, is exactly the kind of unique, fun idea, that polishes a game and sets it apart from other titles.

I need an artist that can make a Kepa ASAP

wow, i must be dreaming. emblems? GvG castles?
i’m on the verge of quitting, but fck me.
sorry, my bad, i ain’t going nowhere.
these kind of contents are what i’ve been longing for.
thank you IMC.

yes its nice but when we will get it ._. 4 month later xD? QQ

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But the fps…? Is it further improved this round?

Can someone confirm what it says here about Battle Orders?
Doesn’t seem to raise STR now, but instead gives movespeed to allies and decreases enemy movespeed, right?