Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

pvp / tbl costume?


I am absolutely amazed at how BORING that fight looked. The boss basically did one practically-undodgeable thing (dark lightning blasts) over and over and over again and… nothing else O_o While taking friggin’ forever to die. Holy hell, what a boring boss.

…and then the channels crash right before it could die. That was just hilarious.

…good thing the world boss accessories are ass for a summoner and thus not something I as a necro main need to bother worrying about.


That just perfectly described the problems with TOS endgame. I was hoping they will work on boss mechanics.

The friggin’ Saalus Mission bosses, the level 290 dungeon bosses, and the Siauli Woods daily mission bosses have more attack and gameplay variety than that demon lord does. Oo


sounds pretty good considering the boxes are still going to be RNG

This new Korean Leticia box is such a crap D:

And this was the second skill. Really overpowered I would say.


Kabbalist c3 costume :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

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never lucky :cry:


■■■■ whenever I come back and check this thread my hope for the future of the game goes down.


its most likely not kabbalist c3 costume c3 kabbalist isnt gonna be out for A long time

i think he was sarcastic because kabbalist owns TBL c:


hmmm, this sounds interesting

Need a proper translation instead of “TOS healing service” auto translate is telling me

Looks like an update to what the support staff can do…as in if you accidentally mess up some way, the staff can revert your mistakes or something. Or maybe it’s a new service that is in game that does that.

Yes, KToS has a “Healing System Service”. Focused on the recovery of items in case of user mistakes (ex: sold to npc by mistake, drop an item out of inventory, etc)

This system is linked to your korean citizen id and you have a limited amount of recoveries per year.

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Healing (Recovery) service

Newest one (with red text)

Blessed gem extraction condition.

  1. if player mistaken extract blessed gem from their equipment (destroy their equipment)
    they will recovery it back to previous state.
  2. if player mistaken remove blessed gem from their equipment
    they will recovery it back to previous state.

trade 1 : 1 condition
if item lose it trade ability after trade 1 : 1
they will move this item to another character within team this case will only perform once per item.

SR artwork

how do you do that accidentally…? don’t you need special items.

I should translate it to “mistaken” instead…