Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

A small village needs only a Mayor, not a princess

dude, the world was destroyed and most cities with it ,4 years before the starting of the game >>at the start klaipeda have become a refuge town and later on the oracle had a vision about the savior who would save the world and so everyone went to klaipeda(at that time there was only klaipeda as starting town) , done.
this is the prologue history of the game and this is why there is royalties in klaipeda, not only the capital was destroyed, the oracle said that the savior would appear in klaipeda, so everyone went there and make it more or less the new capital.


now that we are back to the topic.

Can you help me decide what paths are good for world bossing? For all 4 classes please?

IMO World Boss cubes should have a drop chance that increases based on your damage rank, with the top damage contributors being guaranteed a cube as they are currently but everyone that contributed having at least a chance of it dropping.

Hmmm so will 3 corsairs grinding (literally grinding) a world boss have a chance to pillage their own cubes (total of 3 + their party as well)? I wonder how it works XD

A bit more powerful than Helgasercle.

Field boss after patch

All summon with average gear


well…I don’t need to save money for Helgasercle anymore :blush:

I had planned to use either nether bovine or throne weaver because they actually look like mounts you can sit properly on (bovine gave me a little bit of motion sickness though). I tried out nether bovine as a questing summon and the “permo stun” on it is pretty good if you don’t ride.

This boss has some epic skill animations but act like a dumb mob someties :frowning2: They could really put this boss at the center of the room and introduce skills that can’t be avoided by Safety Zone, like the broom like skill from the final boss of Crystal Mine (and adding a stun or a bump, so if stunned in Safety Zone you can’t attack or if bumped you will take damages and you will need to jump over the skill). I hope they gonna add some really big bosses using great mechanics in the future. But it’s only possible if we have stable servers.


I actually enjoyed my time playing BnS. :slight_smile:


for future field boss vid

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Poata is Plesioth of the Sony console MH era…

I agree Mineloader made level 140 back when it was level 130 dun so much more exciting to slog through when you are of the proper level and blessings weren’t as effective.

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with all these one-hit K.O.s, party wipe mechanics, boss doing something when hp gets reduced to certain percentage talks… i, too, am surprised that no one brought up Dragon Nest

did imc announce exchange lolo set just for fun? why wait so long havent patch? or it just troll?

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Ah it’s Mirtis, didn’t know it was here too. Broom lik skill is really annoying if it’s casted so many times, a little bit broken.

In a way it’s a good thing we will fight bosses we already fighted in the main quest, because they had not enough HP to be challenging. But now it seems some of them are really easy, some are ok and some like Mirtis are really too OP.

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You actually already can pillage WB cubes, at a very very low rate.

Not to mention channels crash periodically (apparently even more so when no characters are in the maps), so boss timers get messed up all the time, making it quite hard to “grind” world bosses.

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My thoughts exactly. :grin:

What’s going on with aggro here?

Is there no limit to the number of mobs that the sorc can aggro while riding? I’m not familiar with the sorceror class. Is that normal? Just aggroing 40mobs while riding their boss summon with no other summons present?

some monsters aggro the sorc, others the summons, each individual summon has its own aggro count like it was a character, same happens with pets