Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Let’s say: If IMC releases this costume with fly effect on TP shop for around 300TP, I will 100% buy it :laughing:

it a boss from Jonael Commemorative Orb quest at the end you got to fight her.

She will rekt your if you not prepare :wink:

damn, i really need to know how the changes affect sorc and necro.

i’m still sitting with a 24x rank 1 wizard and i’ve been wanting to make a pet wizard for a long, long time but they kept getting nerfed or had weird stuff happening like being able to lose your monster card in higher lvl maps etc.

anyways with the recent compensation items i can level him up pretty quickly but the resets/multiply tokens only last 14 days and don’t really know when we’ll get some proper info for me to put together a decent class build.

sorc changes from the video posted above looks good though but what about necro?

the current class ranking lists cryo3sorc1necro3 as one of the most popular wiz builds… really wonder how much that’ll change when the patch comes.

Need WB version.

New pract accessories:

Rineu Key set:

Necklace: mdef + 219, matk + 49, int + 25
Bracelet: mdef + 109, matk + 37, SP + 100, SP Regen + 10

2 pc = matk + 120
3 pc = Every Spell/Magical attack that you do(wizard autos count), increases matk by 2, stacking up to a total of 250 matk.

Moore Kite Set:

Necklace: mdef + 219, DEX + 25, SPR + 29, HP + 1250
Bracelet: mdef + 109, SPR + 17, matk + 17, Additional Earth Prop dmg + 41

2 pc = stamina + 25
3 pc = ALL Elemental resistances + 300.

Landscape Furnace set:

Necklace: mdef + 219, STR + 25, DEX + 15, CON + 25
Bracelet: mdef + 109, aoe atk ratio + 1, STR + 15, CON + 10

2 pc = aoe atk ratio + 1, Crit dmg + 231
3 pc = Chance of increasing damage by 2000-3000 depending on the number of enemies around. the chance is increased by a max of 20% if there are alot of enemies around

Fascinate Set:

Necklace: mdef + 219, PHY dmg + 112, EVA + 33, Block Pent + 60
Bracelet: mdef + 109, STR + 15, DEX + 12, Crit Rate + 25

2 pc = HP + 1023, DEX + 10
3 pc = Upon getting hit by damage, your physical defence and magical defence will increase by 10, this effect stacks up to a total of +500 physdef and +500 mdef, the effect lasts for 10 seconds if you stop taking damage


do u think we will get another rank reset soon

Landscape Furnace set:

Necklace: mdef + 219, STR + 25, DEX + 15, CON + 25
Bracelet: mdef + 109, Greater(?) Crit Rate + 1, STR + 15, CON + 10

2 pc = Greater(?) Crit rate + 1, Crit dmg + 231
3 pc = Chance of increasing damage by 2000-3000 depending on the number of enemies around. the chance is increased by a max of 20% if there are alot of enemies around

It gives aoe attack instead of crit rate.

fixed thanks
, thought the greater crit was weird XD

Wait wut? Pracessories? Did I understand that correctly? @__@

iirc this set name is Fascinate haha. Where do you get this ciudad par name?

pract accesories, because it need practonium to craft this

which is main ingredient to all 315 accesories


Google translate is showing me this cancer basically, i’ll update it

you will need at least 2 practo to have complete set.
1 necklace (need 3 sinister soul) and 2 bracelet (each need 1 sinister soul) meanwhile 1 practo only produce 3 sinister soul.
no wonder they give 2 mystical cube recipe, one with paper, the other with ore

do u think there will be another rank reset

If there is another rank reset, my guess is it would happen around Rank 9 release. It will probably be a lot more limited than the event we just had though.

There will be more rank resets but I don’t think there will be a massive reset event again like previous weeks unless they make big changes in game content again. I expect next year, 2018, we will have 1 more class reset/team again. :slight_smile:

So to craft this bracelet

player need this bracelet

which is a craft item from this recipe
which is an item from some field boss cube (post rework) + material

it also need this bracelet
which is an item drop from some field boss cube (post rework)

so basically player have to hunt down ton of field boss to collect material and item…


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Agreed. Imo unless there are really big, fundamental changes that affects everyone, there wouldn’t be any more major rank reset events where every character gets to reset. Ultimately IMC’s concept for the game is still want players to make multiple alts if they want to try out other classes (even within the same tree). This generates more sales to their Exp Tomes, gachas and such.

However a 21/30day event every year where the event end item is 1x reset voucher wouldn’t hurt too. This helps to keep players keep coming back to play just to reset 1 of their characters.

It is only when something is scarce, people will cherish it

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this sets look really strong actually… they have a stupid grind behind them tho but even then they look really strong, only weird one is moore kite set but that looks like its an auto attack set?

The way I see it:

Rineu - caster set (pure INT type)

Moore - Best case seems to be Chaplain-Monk hybrid type, though the stamina would help DWA Corsair too, and depending on how that 300 resistance come into play it might also be useful for tanking too (best case scenario would be if resistance reduce damage after defense reduction similar to how element property is added after skill factor/defense is calculated)

Landscape - AoE grinding set

Fascinate - single target DPS set, likely pure STR focused (the block pen help offset the low Dex)