Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

[quote=“lonesader, post:7904, topic:321901, full:true”]
How are the skill enhance attributes calculated? Does they become an additional percentage of the skill damage?[/quote]
I’m still looking for a proper answer/information.

Transmit Prana no longer decreases the Sadhu’s stats and some other crap.

C3 Sadhu boys


bye bye pears of anguish…

now 5 pears fixed. flying damage is +50% and not +200%
per level increase is 24.7%

This removes the need to level it past lvl 1. now we know what build we are forced to go into.

If it’s just buffs to bad classes it should be fine.

In light of the recent re-balancing and whatnot that has been going on, what classes do you think are still in need of the most improvements ?

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Epee Garde got nerfed though. And crit is already suffering from the rebalance :<

Paladin, Squire, Templar?

I don’t understand the new transmit and ABE enough.

Their other skills got buffed though, right? It seems like they’re trying to move away from crit focused builds in general so I don’t really know how to feel about this. Rogue for example seems unsatisfying without maximum crits with minimum investment, but at the same time Sneak Hit’s relative strength is probably greater than it was compared to other crit sources even if you won’t be getting 100% chance with it.

I really don’t know. I still think some classes just need redesigns rather than buffs.

If gg translate is not wrong
Carnivory buff!!! and it’s too strong LOL
I’m dr3 player and I think just 4 mobs per tick is very very good already

Only nerf was for rodelero :cry:
And inquisitor

Epee garde is the only thing good left in fencer and is now giving 50% ■■■■ crit atk when you can hardly crit. Bye fencers you won’t be missed.

You get psychokinetic property added to your attacks, but also take 50% more damage when hit by the psychic property attacks.

It looks like they are trying to leave a persistant aoe after exploding the spirit, from the description that has been listed.

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The annoying part is i’d be okay with moving away from crit focus but them leaving, say, 50% crit rate to be reasonably obtainable given proper investment, without making your attack power suffer too much from doing so.

What they’re doing isn’t just moving away from crit, it’s invalidating the stat entirely, making your stats suffer going anywhere past like 30%, in turn making things like Highlander’s 2H attribute and Epee Garde essentially worthless.

EDIT: Adding on to the above, Balestra Fente’s Crit Resist- effect may as well not exsit anymore either. If it’s still % base, it’s not going to do anything ; if it’s flat, it’s going to have to remove more than 150, else you can just buy Zalciai Scrolls which do it better. And mobs only have a max of 165 anyway, which barely gives you like 1% more crit chance if you’re already above 1k crit somehow. It’s just very poor design.

But anyway, yes, Fencer got buffed everywhere else. Maybe we can max Composee now without losing all our SP in 5 seconds LOL, combined with it getting a cooldown and stuff.

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I’m not SlyGoat, but how about Scout? I do not mean improving Split Shot, overhaul this class and define its support character is more important. The theme “scouting” creates quite neat possibilities for a support character.

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Yeah this is what I’m talking about with classes needing redesigns rather than buffs. Scout has so many skills that do basically nothing - Flu Flu, Scan, Perspective Distortion (arguably can be useful with the attribute, but the base skill is pointless). Then you have Camo which is a max 5 point skill and Cloaking which is pointless to level beyond 5.

TBH Flu Flu was one of the skills that made me interested in Scout originally because I thought “Oh, boy, this looks like it would be a good CC/aggro skill to use in dungeons” and then of course I actually used it and realized it did ■■■■-all.

Eh they’re not invalidating it. It’s still useful, but it’s far from a catch-all thing to pursue.

Outside of Solo farming Scouts team value if anything is higher given the change to skill factors means Perspective distortions attribute can give a lot to parties.


38.31%-34.1% Damage increase in the given example.
Give that to the right physical damage dealers and it’ll be significant.

Class could probably be better but eh. There’s definitely something to work with?
Dex Scout + Thauma Linker + Cleric. Then two big phys DPS. Swell left/right up, and nuke things either with perspective or JP.

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That is a very valid point, especially considering it’s a green class icon but it doesn’t feel as though that is what it excels at so much.

In another note, i do love how huge Possession’s hitbox has become now. :smiley:


When you can reach the same damage output by just going for raw damage with much less resources than you’d need for a decent crit rate, I’d say that’s invalidating it as a stat.

I mean at the very least they did do one thing right. STR and DEX are both useful in different ways and classes that benefit from more attack speed would get X amount of DEX and balance it out with STR afterwards. Rather than just going full DEX for crit damage or full STR for non-crit damage.

It’s just sad pursueing Critical Rate will hurt your gold more than it will your enemies :neutral_face:


And I’d disagree.

E.G. you grab 10% Crit chance, fairly low commitment.
But this increases your damage output 5% overall excluding Crit attack.

Steady aim lvl 15 increases damage output 8% Overall mind you excluding the armor ignoring damage part.

Given the Diminishing returns of investing in Crit Chance.
don’t break the bank for it in the first place. You grab some damage here and there, sprinkle in some crit when it’s an easy grab.

Just 50 crit rate over their Crit Def and you have a 10% Crit chance. This is just a leather armor switch. You find some misc gear that has crit on it, not going particularly out of your way and get up to 100 for 15% Crit chance. Okay now you’ve basically got the same overall boost as Steady aim.
You don’t push hard on Crit rate because Diminishing returns means about 10-20% crit chance is alright.

A Stat being low commitment doesn’t mean it is invalidated, but perhaps this is getting pedantic.

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